Flag: United States
Registered: August 17, 2022
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 5:40 PM
Posts: 208
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nah, the team is fine. Better to have a roster that gels with each other than a team full of a bunch of names. Just look at SEN 2023 vs. SEN 2024, or C9 2023.

posted 3 months ago

Bind is also ass from them tbh. I never looked at their Bind like "wow, that was impressive" for any of their rounds. It's a very easy map for some teams, and those teams will ABUSE Bind if they get the chance. It looks weak and easily anti-stratted, I think they give up Yoru or opt for a surprise comp including Yoru.

posted 3 months ago

punctuation PLEASE

posted 3 months ago

t3xture Meteor Rb and marteen deserve spots here

posted 3 months ago

someone tell my bro about The Guard man is lost 😭

posted 3 months ago

Nah. LEV goes broke, and yay isn't a big enough upgrade to be worth the money. Also they already have Aspas, why put another star duelist on a sentinel role when you could just get a sentinel player?

posted 3 months ago

Alfa was nuts but for some reason Derke MUST be the duelist player

posted 3 months ago

F: none :D everyone is good enough to not be here

posted 3 months ago

idk about BuZz, he's not on derke's level imho, and where the fuck is MiniBoo?

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

for real. Monyet is just a scapegoat because he's a rookie in a new environment and different roles, but it's not like Jinggg hasn't done this exact thing either. And that's coming from a PRX fan inhaling copium. It's crazy to me that everyone (everyone as in everyone delulu enough) expected Monyet to be Jinggg good, even though Jinggg is arguably a top 3 player and the best raze player. Of course there will be some issues, that's a given from losing the best player in that role. But in reality, all of PRX were getting uncharacteristically out-aimed by Gen.G. Bren rant describes what I mean perfectly. PRX played fairly well, but they got shot in the face and lost the rounds/game.

posted 3 months ago

Is it really that free though? We don't know much about EG. I think it'll be way closer than we think, this team has serious upset potential.

posted 3 months ago

Teams early in the season don't look as good as when they do later in the season??!?!?!?!?!? HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! dumbass.

posted 3 months ago

So many people in this thread can't accept EMEA is the most boring region to watch. I agree, but I want to know; If EMEA isn't the most boring region to watch, which region is? I've watched games of all regions and EMEA's are by far the most bedge. What makes y'all think otherwise? Genuinely asking.

posted 3 months ago

didn't read the rest, read "he's hot" and upfragged.

posted 3 months ago

reply to the actual post next time fucking idiot. How did I manage to find a way to post that using the reply button and not reply to the original post.

posted 3 months ago

"I already knew TS will not go far with this roster..." why's 4/5ths of the roster the same players then?

posted 3 months ago

???????????? LOL

posted 3 months ago

all this time I was finding myself, and I... didn't know I was looooost.

posted 3 months ago

there are two tech pauses that drastically alter the players' performance in JUST MAP ONE. 4+ HOURS AND WE'RE NOT DONE. THIS IS FUCKED.

posted 3 months ago

with T1 vs. BLEED they surpass this by a mile.

posted 3 months ago

dragon x

posted 3 months ago

-alexis +alexis

posted 3 months ago

it's all question marks in that group but SEN, so theoretically since we KNOW they're good we should pick them but since the other two teams have a huge question mark on their names it's not as clear as plat chat makes it look.

posted 3 months ago


posted 4 months ago

new KC are who now?

posted 5 months ago

Haiiiiiii :3

posted 5 months ago

milf lover* and no.

posted 5 months ago

you went 0/2 in making a good statement, better luck next time.

posted 5 months ago

add me bro, i'm delusional in some way shape or form.

posted 5 months ago

add me bro

posted 5 months ago

Americas - MIBR
EMEA - too early to say, so M8 for now
China - Wolves, because I love hating EG by association. I don't care if they're good.

posted 5 months ago

Black Ops 3 (COD), Ultrakill, VALORANT. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND ULTRAKILL, EXTREMELY GOOD GAME. Valorant is fun (to me) and the strategic side to it is what I really like about it, and the extra layer of complexity that abilities bring. Bo3 was the last good CoD in a while :\ Bo2 is also good, but the jetpacks made Bo3 a better game for me. Its desire to be bold and add specialists amongst other complete bullshit made me fall in love with it.

posted 5 months ago


posted 6 months ago

if I ever raise children and I see that they've actively contributed in a debate like this I might end it all.

posted 6 months ago

in other news, the grass is green.

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

yes but this team lacks flexibility with a purely smokes player. So, Sacy is there to be a sort of "2nd flex" kind of role, and his co-IGL skill will be put to use frequently. It's not about being the best at something individually, it's about how the team will function with the players they are given, and I think a trade-off for a slightly less experienced player for a better aimer is something you want to go for on a team like this. Not to say Marved is that much worse. I just like the all in on aim aspect, and Demon1 can learn smokes for SURE, and he can win rounds that Marved can without experience due to his incredible aim. It's just a trade-off for a better aimer, and saadhak would be able to show him how to Omen as well. I wanted a content aim team a little more than a fundamental team, because they're boring as shit.

posted 6 months ago

Demon1 can play smokes, no need for marved.

coach saadhak
kiNgg IGL Sacy co-IGL

posted 6 months ago

NaturE is a really good player imo, dont know about his IGL but he's clean w it

posted 6 months ago

are you my homework, cause I want to procrastinate about you and end up submitting at midnight sweating*
Fixed your line.

posted 6 months ago

he ended up +5 series overall, quit whining.

posted 6 months ago

Good for the hold avova

posted 6 months ago

Because, Xerxia's game was never int'l worthy, scraping by because of the lack of competition. To the world champion's eyes, and to many others, that's just a tier two team with no competition due to lack of good talent put together, but them. Not to say that they were undeserving of an international tourney, but they certainly didn't earn being there through hard work to become a better team. Every tourney they just showed up, won a game, and got knocked out. That happened consistently, and that makes them a tier two team for me.

posted 8 months ago

You're asking the wrong website about this, but he's 🌈 in some kind of way. Be it, Bi, Gay, Pan, etc. it's one of those.

posted 8 months ago Man, this team must suck cause they lost to some tier two APAC team.

Do you see how dumb this argument sounds now? "because this team lost to another team that's way below their skill level, they must suck" isn't valid cause upsets happen, and in a smaller scene like GC, teams will go unsigned for a while, get good, and beat other teams, without getting signed because GC isn't looked at as often as the male dominated tier 1 valorant.

posted 8 months ago

I have:
-Got some female and male friends and actually interact with them on a daily basis.

How I see it, gender has nothing to do with any kind of bond. I am just as good friends with girls as I have with guys, 5 stacks with only girls feels the same as a 5 stack with guys. I have no idea what you're yapping about on this one.

"Women aren't as try-hard as men" is wrong, women can and will be competitive, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEIR BANK ACCOUNT RELIES ON IT, but even when it doesn't, we still want that elo, and gender isn't a factor that will make people want it more/less.

"If you still dont believe gender plays a role in bonds, then ggs for you." ??? It literally does not. Your bond with a dude is just as strong as a bond with a girl. Yeah, maybe their views on life, perception on what gaming is to them, and much more is different, but guess what? That's cause they're different people. Crazy, I know.

"It is generally agreed upon that men's friendship is much stronger than female friendship, this translates to other stuff too." Says literally who? If you think guys have better friendships than girls, why? Girls have very good friendships, and I see this everyday, as me and my group of friends 5 stack very frequently, and I see their positivity and comfortability with each other every time we 5 stack.

"It is hard to explain until you've actually played as a 5 stack with women and just men." I have, and I kinda understand why you think that? You're (probably) thinking that because women are not as angry or unhappy about losing a round, bad whiffs, etc. And shrug it off (ex: "ohhh, nice try", or things like "don't worry about it, it happens to the best of us"). Men on the other hand are less like that when 5 stacking with friends, as men talk about things that women don't think about, have different boundaries, and much more that effect the way they answer to a bad play or whiff (ex: "bro... what did I just see?", or "please bleach my eyes"), because the boundaries set are different between genders. But, even if boundaries are different amongst genders or people, that doesn't stop your friendship status in any way.

Overall, dooooooooogshit take.

posted 8 months ago

how could I forget, Elevated/Valorant Ascended and Sovereign Guides/Airen

posted 9 months ago
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