Flag: United States
Registered: August 17, 2022
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 5:26 AM
Posts: 187
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noooooo he's so good :( sad to see him go

posted 1 month ago

Rb is a top 3 flex player in the world stuck on an average chinese team. Be realistic, this guy's flexibility was a key part to DRX's success, and his mechanics are still crazy good. It's like how Leo was stuck with Guild for the longest time until finally getting a solid support system (and then won two internationals). I know Leo isn't a crazy good flex, but you get the point, Rb is stuck on a team that can't utilize him to his maximum potential.

posted 1 month ago

fair enough but he isn't FNS. He gets a pass tho it could be a really shit game and he could secretly be the goat.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

wait why do we even entertain this guy he has an 8% hs

posted 1 month ago

I own every phantom skin with a finisher (except Sovereign), here are the best skins that also stood the test of time.

  1. RES. This skin is way worth the extremely expensive price tag, every variant brings something unique to the table, complete with different sounds, kill sounds, banners, and finishers. And each variant BANGS.
  2. Recon - Laser + grip goes hard, and the default sfx fits this gun's theme (unlike a certain overpriced limited skin -_-).
  3. Ruination - the heavy feel of this gun makes the phantom not feel like it shoots nerf bullets (not the BlastX kind).
  4. Champs 2022 - the sound omg i cream
  5. Primordium - actually, this skin is better than I thought.

Honorable mentions: Glitchpop, Magepunk, Protocol, and probably Sovereign, from the little i've seen of it. Oh, and prism.
Dishonorable mentions: Oni. this skin does NOT stand the test of time, but this could also be because it's my first skin. But it gets really boring.

posted 1 month ago

they're also (almost) 2x cheaper than the champs vandal. I could buy a knife skin with the amount of money it takes to buy that skin. It's good, it's not 30 dollars good. It's 17 dollars good though. It's extremely overpriced for what it offers is what i'm tryna say. It's pretty mid regardless tho tbh.

posted 1 month ago

This is coming form the motherfucker that owns Sakura and Sarmad vandals. I like the default stuff, but 30 dollars? I'm okay.

posted 1 month ago

it's inspiring how he was deemed the most toxic teammate that ethan has ever had

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Unpopular opinion but Champs 2021 is not that good, its model is the same as default, and the sound almost exactly the same as default for 27 US dollars. I pass on those every day of the week, which sucks cause the finisher and kill sound is pretty cool.

For my top 5 vandals:

  1. Prelude
  2. Forsaken
  3. Imperium
  4. Araxys
  5. Chronovoid

Honorable mentions: Glitchpop and RGX

posted 1 month ago

allat without punctuation? no thanks.

posted 1 month ago

the 5 best free agents gotta be brim, jett, phoenix, sage, sova (in alphabetical order).

posted 1 month ago

counter-question: is OP willing to take femboys?

posted 2 months ago

idk man... A lot of talent stays under the radar or gets misused (see: 2023 Global Esports) because of outside factors that the player can't control. And we already know Leo is an incredible initiator (2 world champion titles), so missing one tournament doesn't mean he's ass now and that he's not in the conversation anymore. He's probably still goated imo. We'll just have to wait and see cause this format is ass :)

posted 2 months ago

I agree, but about the "best initiator in the world" thing. What about Leo?

posted 2 months ago I was on PRX hopium, u right, being sort of a fraud right now

posted 2 months ago

Was I (and mimi) the only people who actually believed that Gen.G were top 3 itw? I noticed this team was crazy good when they beat DRX and PRX back to back days with ease. Why did so many people doubt this team? What did we see in this team that we thought would put them in hot water, or what did we see in other teams that pushed Gen.G so far down?

posted 2 months ago

Sunset and Bind. Gen.G will pick Breeze and Gen.G has a clearly better Ascent than SEN. it's joever for SEN unless they can win Lotus, Icebox, and Split. OR Gen.G ban Split over Bind in the case they play SEN and SEN just loses.

posted 2 months ago

Gen.G has 5 really good maps, why don't you think they just ban Sunset and Bind and then play their 5 best maps, starting with Breeze? They go a map up, and only play maps they're good at, while all the other teams in playoffs have an okay Icebox and will get thrown around by Gen.G on Breeze AND Split? This is the freest tournament for Gen.G of all time

posted 2 months ago

Sunset and Bind, every other team in the playoffs has a better sunset than them.

posted 2 months ago

no? I want every analyst to realize that Gen.G, a team that JUST got formed, took down 2 previous APAC powerhouses with ease? It's not that hard to understand. Team takes down two teams expected to make deep runs in this event = team good. Writing them off is exactly what NOT to do, especially now, when KC and TH, two teams who were written off, made it to the event and looked incredible. It's literally the exact same story. I have a hard time understanding why we're still doubting them.

posted 2 months ago

Please go watch the games i'm talking about before posting. You'll see what I mean when I say that. And even if we want to play this game, PRX just beat KC, one of the favorites to win the tourney? DRX don't look great, sure, but Gen.G HUMILIATED them. The scoreline does no justice as to how good Gen.G actually looked during the DRX game. And even then, I predicted the Gen.G win on both EDG and LOUD? I saw this coming, people are just in denial about Gen.G actually being a solid team.

posted 2 months ago

? It was really obvious Gen.G had a real shot since they beat DRX and PRX, saying Gen.G vs. LOUD is a 10/90 just makes the same mistake that balla made, which is being pointed out in this post. You read about exactly what to avoid when making a reply and you still made that mistake?

Besides, hot take, Gen.G look better than LOUD atm and have been looking better since they started playing.

posted 2 months ago

and then boom, he gets one-tapped every fight since stuns do nothing :)

posted 2 months ago

too young bro

posted 2 months ago

nah, the team is fine. Better to have a roster that gels with each other than a team full of a bunch of names. Just look at SEN 2023 vs. SEN 2024, or C9 2023.

posted 2 months ago

Bind is also ass from them tbh. I never looked at their Bind like "wow, that was impressive" for any of their rounds. It's a very easy map for some teams, and those teams will ABUSE Bind if they get the chance. It looks weak and easily anti-stratted, I think they give up Yoru or opt for a surprise comp including Yoru.

posted 2 months ago

punctuation PLEASE

posted 2 months ago

t3xture Meteor Rb and marteen deserve spots here

posted 2 months ago

someone tell my bro about The Guard man is lost 😭

posted 2 months ago

Nah. LEV goes broke, and yay isn't a big enough upgrade to be worth the money. Also they already have Aspas, why put another star duelist on a sentinel role when you could just get a sentinel player?

posted 2 months ago

Alfa was nuts but for some reason Derke MUST be the duelist player

posted 2 months ago

F: none :D everyone is good enough to not be here

posted 3 months ago

idk about BuZz, he's not on derke's level imho, and where the fuck is MiniBoo?

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

for real. Monyet is just a scapegoat because he's a rookie in a new environment and different roles, but it's not like Jinggg hasn't done this exact thing either. And that's coming from a PRX fan inhaling copium. It's crazy to me that everyone (everyone as in everyone delulu enough) expected Monyet to be Jinggg good, even though Jinggg is arguably a top 3 player and the best raze player. Of course there will be some issues, that's a given from losing the best player in that role. But in reality, all of PRX were getting uncharacteristically out-aimed by Gen.G. Bren rant describes what I mean perfectly. PRX played fairly well, but they got shot in the face and lost the rounds/game.

posted 3 months ago

Is it really that free though? We don't know much about EG. I think it'll be way closer than we think, this team has serious upset potential.

posted 3 months ago

Teams early in the season don't look as good as when they do later in the season??!?!?!?!?!? HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! dumbass.

posted 3 months ago

So many people in this thread can't accept EMEA is the most boring region to watch. I agree, but I want to know; If EMEA isn't the most boring region to watch, which region is? I've watched games of all regions and EMEA's are by far the most bedge. What makes y'all think otherwise? Genuinely asking.

posted 3 months ago

didn't read the rest, read "he's hot" and upfragged.

posted 3 months ago

reply to the actual post next time fucking idiot. How did I manage to find a way to post that using the reply button and not reply to the original post.

posted 3 months ago

"I already knew TS will not go far with this roster..." why's 4/5ths of the roster the same players then?

posted 3 months ago

???????????? LOL

posted 3 months ago

all this time I was finding myself, and I... didn't know I was looooost.

posted 3 months ago

there are two tech pauses that drastically alter the players' performance in JUST MAP ONE. 4+ HOURS AND WE'RE NOT DONE. THIS IS FUCKED.

posted 3 months ago

with T1 vs. BLEED they surpass this by a mile.

posted 3 months ago
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