Flag: Australia
Registered: August 6, 2023
Last post: June 8, 2024 at 5:47 AM
Posts: 208
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I feel like its definately possible, especially the zeta ge game, all the players waiting to play must be exhausted. would be unfair to make them play

posted 3 months ago

from what i remember, its even harder to get a work visa there

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

Genuine question, what game is happening first, GE vs Zeta or Loud vs Sentinels

posted 3 months ago

tbh i feel bad for the players in the upcoming games, they are probs gonna actually fall asleep in the practice room

posted 3 months ago

why is there a game in my tech pause

posted 3 months ago

ah ok lol im stupid

posted 3 months ago

obviously but thats like comparing dog shit to cat shit

posted 3 months ago

im very interested to see if with the recent buffs we see yay chamber again (the recent buffs are in the game right?)

posted 3 months ago

I can see NRG and SEN putting up a decent fight against FNC, still favour FNC but will be good matches to watch none the less. I still have my reservations about LEV mostly just due to their issues with the initiator role and some inside drama regarding swapping out nozwer for c0m last minute.

posted 3 months ago


Found this band on my spotify discover weekly a while ago and haven't been able to stop listening to them since. Seriously underrated

posted 3 months ago

I feel like this has to be something internal based. Thief is now a free-agent, so its not a trade deal/not going to another team (for now) and he is one of the teams best players so why would they drop him????

posted 4 months ago

Find a new team

posted 4 months ago

Tenz does lack in modern valorant game sense in some ways. However it is undeniable that he is still one of the most mechanically gifted players in the game. But you also have to think of it from an org/business standpoint kinda. Tenz brings sentinels a SHIT ton of fans and revenue. If he isn't necessarily throwing or losing games in spectacular fashion, why would you get rid of him? Plus there are alot of signs atm of him improving. I forgot where I heard this (most likely Sideshow or someone else on Plat Chat), but Tenz being on a flex role, learning new agents, gives him the ability to adapt to and learn alot more game sense that he lacks compared to others.

posted 4 months ago

It's unfortunately just how this aspect of esport teams work, especially in games with lots of strategy like valorant. There is no doubt in my mind that Pancada is still a world class player, however it just so happens that Zellsis is popping the fuck off atm, so why as a coach would you not play him. I look at this the same way that EG started playing Demon1. Everyone complains because they were taking off a really good player in BCJ for a substitute. Now granted, not many people knew who Demon1 was at the time, but people were so quick to make judgements before they saw the potential of the change. BCJ, although now playing in tier 2, is still considered a very good player, not much has changed. Imagine Potter listened to the fan feedback and took Demon1 off and put him back on the bench after 2 games. I doubt they would have made Tokyo and I doubt they would've become world champions.

Although I'm not sure any of this matters, because from what I've heard in rumours, Pancada is still going to be starting during the regular season. Everyone needs to remember that Zellsis said HIMSELF when he was signed that he joined Sentinels as a 6th man so that he could still occasionally fulfil his competitive urge, but he would be able to have a focus on streaming/content creation. Most likely, they are using this off-season to give him the playtime he needs/wants.

posted 4 months ago

I don't think this is the case at all. There are way more transfer success stories than transfer fail stories. But everyone just likes to focus on the fail stories cause "y0y funny haha"

posted 4 months ago

best staged content ever

posted 5 months ago

Probability I give that these events will happen:

Yay will make a major comeback (6/10) - Who knows, just depends on how well he gels with his team, his aggressive playstyle should do well in pacific however.
DRX will no longer be the second best team in APAC (7/10) - Definitely probable to happen, but they still have most of their core and both foxy9 and flashback are decent players in their own right. I don't think its necessarily them not going to be the 2nd best team, but there is a lot more competition in the top of the ladder now in pacific, which could push DRX down to 3rd, maybe 4th.
PRX/FNC will dominate their regions (8/10) - Both teams have shown dominance in pre season tourneys, but both teams have also shown flaws and mishaps as well in those same tourneys.
NAVI will be above the rest of emea but cant challenge FNC (4/10) - NAVI will be good, but to say they will be the 2nd best in EMEA confirmed is wild, especially when you have teams like FUT, Vitality and even possibly Liquid. Remeber, NAVI only changed ONE player, and yes they did rebuild the masters winning FPX roster, but I am seeing alot of copium from navi fans as of late.
TL/Loud will place mid-bottom (5/10) - Both teams I can definately see near the middle of the table, but middle-bottom i think is a bit too far. Team Liquid have some upset potential in their roster and could still be very competitive. Loud, although looking weaker compared to last year, I've learnt to trust Saadhak's igl'ing.
Sen will keep form untill half way through the year (3/10) - Form is always hard to predict, you can never predict the mental of anyone. However Sentinels, with massively positive and fun players like Zellsis and Zekken, I see it hard for this team to lose motivation at least.
Lev will win Shanghai (2/10) - Could see it happening, too far out to tell though, need to see more LEV.
EDG wins champs (1/10) - Also too far out to tell, but if they keep burning themselves out and never give themselves a break, this can see very slim.

posted 5 months ago

If you really need one now and have the money, go for the 14 instead of 15. save around 400ish bucks when the two arent that different imo

posted 5 months ago

Sentinels vs NRG - NA Heroes vs NA Villains
T1 vs PRX - Susanto Brother Rivalry
Vitality vs KC - French Derby

Any other cool/fun matchups that we are gonna see next year?

posted 5 months ago

These skins are made to help fund the VCT and all the teams. I forgot the revenue split, but i know its at least 50/50

posted 5 months ago

Red Bull Home Ground in Tokyo didn't even have a prizepool, and what did 100T place in that?

posted 5 months ago


Look at that damn wink. He knew he wasn't gonna settle for being a sub

posted 5 months ago

Not even that much of a sentinels fan, but seeing this team lift a trophy, especially Tenz after so long, has put a smile on my face

posted 5 months ago

If i was SEN, I'd pick rather zellsis or pancada to sell to another team (most likely pancada at this rate) and replace him with a promising t2 player who they can train up. They'd get bank from selling a player like pancada, and they will then have the 6th player as a promising prospect which they can profit off in the future rather by selling or playing. Meanwhile Pancada can be the star player of another team and Sentinels don't have to fear overcooking with their roster by constantly swapping out a 6th man for someone else on the team.

posted 5 months ago

well i mean, they really shouldn't be playing him at all. they should be practicing with the roster they will play with in 2024. as much as i love jinggg and the fact he is really good, he shouldnt be playing. they need to play davai, something, forsaken, mindfreak and monyet, afterall jingg wont be playing next year

posted 5 months ago

SEN wins > Zekken or Sacy
PRX wins > D4v41 or s0mething

posted 5 months ago

If PRX lose: "Monyet sucks, why did they pick him up he sucks so much"
If SEN lose: "Why tf did they put Zellsis in for Pancada, dude is washed, Pancada better"

I don't believe in either of these, but one will start here after the game ends, regardless of the result

posted 5 months ago

I dont blame them though honestly. I think after the past two years in esports where teams have been going bankrupt left right and centre, riot is probably aiming for teams that are sustainable economically. Wolves might not be as well known in the esports scene, but they definitely have the money

Edit: ok apparently they are big in china, im stupid

posted 5 months ago

If I was EDG, i would pull out of any remaining off season tournaments and just let the team rest. If they dont stop playing before VCT China starts, the burnout is going to REALLY effect their performance. Being burnt out and tired during the OFF SEASON, especially as we are getting closer to the start of the 2024 season, is really concerning.

posted 5 months ago

NA T2 defiantely has the most talent out of any T2 scene in valorant. But you have to consider they are probably the most overfunded region in valorant lol. Some NA T2 teams get payed more than VCT EMEA and Pacific teams

posted 5 months ago

1st place in AVL is almost equivalent to two 1st places in the Chinese Evolution Series, prize money wise

posted 5 months ago

There is definite clear burn out., however there is also the downside of just other teams having ALOT of recent vods and information to go off of. Making the grand finals of all 3 chinese acts has given other teams an insane amount of information to go off of, meanwhile most of the other teams there haven't done much since champs. The only exception is Sentinels but its generally hard to prepare against a team with a 7 man roster lul.

posted 5 months ago

cool. anyways

posted 5 months ago

I will take this bullet gladly. Was mostly low on them because I just had no clue what they were doing with the roster. Would still like to see a bit more from them though before I completely admit I was wrong, but there is promise here

posted 5 months ago

Lemme fix this for you

  1. GE

  2. Team Secret







  1. DFM
posted 6 months ago

I hope Scarz can run it back in Challengers 2024 and earn ascension.

posted 6 months ago

You should never take pre-season results as gospel...

but damn they look fucking rough

posted 6 months ago

There is a magical word I like to use called...


posted 6 months ago

Explain to me how it was a fluke without just talking about the 3 - 11 comeback

posted 6 months ago

I hate how people discredit masters trophies so much compared to champions. Sure Champions is till more important, but at least in 2023, the teams in both Masters Tokyo and Champs LA were almost identical, the only teams I can think of being different were the Chinese teams.

posted 6 months ago

I think the Chinese VCT will be quite similar to the EMEA VCT. A very dominant force in EDG (Just like Fnatic) that tends to define the region, but a bunch of other teams like RA, Trace, FPX (FUT, Liquid, Navi) who have shown potential in pulling off major upsets and put themselves up for contention with the region's powerhouse. However winning a championship? I can only really say that confidently for EDG purely based of experience and time they had compared to other teams. I say we will still probably be waiting at least a year or two before we see any other Chinese teams contend for Champions or Masters winners.

posted 6 months ago

How many rounds did you win at Champs?

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

1st. 2023 Fnatic
2nd. 2023 Evil Geniuses
3rd. 2021 Gambit
4th. 2022 LOUD
5th. 2022 Optic
5th. 2021 Sentinels
6th. 2022 FPX
7th. 2021 Acend

posted 6 months ago

T1 beating liquid and edg???????? delusional

posted 6 months ago

I really hope that next year when VCT China starts, people learn there is more to China than EDG and BLG

posted 6 months ago

Yeah more thinking about it and I do see it as unlikely. But IMO all it takes is one team to try it and other teams will follow, there just needs to be an icebreaker.

posted 6 months ago

I do think for the time being they are going to keep the two rosters separate, GC players playing GC, and Challenger players playing Challengers. However I would not be surprised if they use this as an opportunity to maybe slot some GC players in their Challengers roster, more likely than not though it will be later in the season. I would LOVE to see players like flor in Challengers and/or VCT.

posted 6 months ago
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