Flag: Luxembourg
Registered: April 13, 2023
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 9:42 AM
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rly depends where you live. certain areas have a huge shortage of tradesmen rn which is rly where you'd get paid well with good security. Other areas dont have those same needs. The CS market is unique in that you can do it remote in a lot of circumstances which means that it is a uniquely global market. Tech in general is not small but CS jobs specifically have seen a decrease as the boom of the 2021 era has calmed down.

posted 1 month ago

that was my point? can you read?

posted 1 month ago

... I hate on mibr but I don't hate on brazilians. I hate on DFM but i dont hate on japanese people. saying "there were fanboys" as a reason to justify bigotry is dumb

posted 1 month ago

i will receive death threats 50 downvotes for this tweet


posted 1 month ago

its funny how desperately you want to feel like the rebel who's being pursued by the big bad woke culture despite the fact you receive massive amounts of support and upvotes from the ppl on this forum... Stop LARPing.

posted 1 month ago

brother why take the bait? this is so undercooked...

posted 1 month ago

if you're on vlr debating who "won" or "lost" then you're the one who actually lost

posted 1 month ago

No its not (under very specific circumstances). If you're just comming your teammates util because you wanna backseat then yes its a bad com. If in a clutch their ult comes up mid round because of a plant or kill and they aren't in the middle of taking a fight then its perfectly acceptable. In a clutch people probably aren't focusing on abilities coming online so it can be acceptable.

posted 1 month ago

8th best player (in terms of stats) in playoffs madrid 2nd best on geng (again in terms of stats) in playoffs.

posted 1 month ago

because scrims are completely different from matches and scrimbux dont mean shit...

posted 1 month ago

they gave rossi a chance... he proved the haters right

posted 1 month ago

if 200k views is running the scene then we've got an issue it appears there are about 50 different people running the valorant scene

posted 1 month ago

First you say: "recycling washed up players"
Then when I say: "Also Sayf and Trexx are not bad players, so idk what ur on about"

Good job lying :). that quote was in response to a different comment entirely talking about EMEA as a whole not TH KCP or VIT in particular. The fact you have to say such a bold face lie to try and get a point across shows how you just want to be mad and will mald at the drop of a hat.

Come back with another lie to try and make your point more valid. You intentionally took a generalized point on a DIFFERENT COMMENT and misinterpreted it to be specifically about two players who I never mentioned and were irrelevant to the point of that comment its truly impressive you think lying so blatantly will make you look better.

posted 1 month ago

2023 is not new talent... In the same way no one considers Demon1 on NRG jakeee on c9 (rip) or runi on c9 new talent anymore no one considers Cender Sh1n or Boo new talent anymore... again you exaggerate to make your point look better... was tenZ new talent in 2022? no. was alfa new talent last year? no. you just want your point to look better...

benjy is far more reasonable to consider new talent as he was only brought in for LCQ

Also Sayf and Trexx are not bad players, so idk what ur on about

i never said they were bad? weird hallucination to have... I'm simply pointing out that you exaggerate what a "new player" is to make it look like these teams are some revolutionary new roster when they simply aren't.

APAC is the worst region out of AMERICAS/EMEA/APAC and you cannot argue them being > EMEA at all (but you can believe what you want)

nothing i said is in any way related to any of this idk what you are smoking to hallucinate this maybe youre just an AI.

posted 1 month ago

brother that is literally the point of this post why are you so angry? this is literally old man yells at clouds istg

posted 1 month ago

less than half your team being "all new" is not "basically" all new... that just needless exaggeration to make your point look better.

posted 1 month ago

emea has historically always been a very top heavy region franchising did not create this... Even in 2022 and 2021 before franchising EMEA was top heavy. mostly this is the result of a combination of idiotic nationalistic org branding like FUT and early KCP restricting the talent that orgs would even consider for a roster, and poor T2 formatting/scouting. T2 in EMEA has always been fractured into waaaaay too many different leagues (similarly to APAC) which makes scouting much harder and requires either a larger infrastructure devoted to scouting new talent or goated coaches who can instantly recognize good T2 talent to recruit like mini. It is comparatively much easier to scout in NA BR LATAM or even APAC (for reference there are 9 EMEA T2 leagues compared to 7 APAC or 3 americas) and this was even worse pre-franchising. This led to a ton more recycling of washed up talent compared to other regions which has started to fade (the top 2 teams being TH and KCP has proven that).

posted 1 month ago

basically all new squads

that's a slight exaggeration lets be real. they aren't "all new" but yes have started finally incorporating new talent.

posted 1 month ago

the fuck you mean "eVeN Apac"

apac has historically been the weakest region for 4 years now this isn't some huge revelation no need to get your knickers in a twist

posted 1 month ago

bleed do look bad but this is perhaps the single dumbest argument for why they're bad ive ever seen... you do realize PRX is in the same region as BLD right?

posted 1 month ago

when will u fuckers learn no team with rossi on it will ever succeed

posted 1 month ago

you're talking to a wall of prepubescent teens they dont care about anything you have to say dude

posted 1 month ago

thank you so much cpt. obvious

posted 1 month ago

0/8 this is like a 2 month old topic by now get a new bait

posted 1 month ago

shape is king any mouse that isnt absolute dogshit and has a shape you find comfortable will be suitable. mouse makes such a minimal difference in tac FPS that it just doesn't matter. even if you were only playing aim trainers all day it wouldnt rly matter until you hit the top of the top which (judging based on this question) im guessing you arent.

posted 1 month ago

thanks for proving my point :)

posted 1 month ago

you're dumb asf zombs dapr and shaz were all insufferable. sick and tenz were OK... you know what why am i even commenting this anyone who liked the 2021 sen roster has brainrot and isnt worth it.

posted 1 month ago

having close maps in an easy group does not mean the group was magically more difficult it just means the team is ass...

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

every so often he has one of those games in which he genuinely looks impossible to kill

yeah like once every 10 months that doesnt mean shit...

Sure, he has his bad maps

nonononononononono he doesn't "have bad maps" he giga throws ints and turbo bot frags like 90% of maps that not just any old "bad map"

posted 1 month ago

i did it was not enough to sway my opinion of angel... dude had one map

posted 1 month ago

washed? yes
worst player in emea? not even close

posted 1 month ago

i mean hes not the worst emea player (we still have angel) but he hasnt exactly been good since 2021

posted 1 month ago


come back when he stops being mid ill see you then

posted 1 month ago

nats hasnt been good for 3 years now you'd think people would learn

posted 1 month ago

holy shit both of you need to go outside

posted 1 month ago

hunter x hunter?

🤷‍♂️its a shounen. its a very good shounen but if you dont like shounen then you may not enjoy it. Shounen tends to be the most popular genre and its one of the best in the genre so there are a lot of fans.

posted 1 month ago

For underrated anime (I'm mostly considering underrated as in less hype/buzz than they deserve rather than actual ratings)

Cross Game
Psycho-Pass (ignore the later seasons)
Fruits Basket Remake
Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit

posted 1 month ago

kingdom clears easily

posted 1 month ago

load up star craft 2 it sounds like tac FPS isnt the genre of game for you...

posted 1 month ago

well the majority of the posts that got me to this point are in now-deleted threads but mostly by not being transphobic. also by shitting on sentinels, FNS, EMEA, 99% of americas, etc.

posted 2 months ago

you were home-schooled werent you 💀

posted 2 months ago

tomorrow i have my final exam/test or whatever that is called, i’m stressing really badly, and suggestions/tips what to keep an eye for?

i've got no clue how this goes in korea, but if its anything like what i went through and you've been practicing driving you can literally just do it with your eyes closed.

posted 2 months ago

there are groups of christian with notoriously thin skin in the US

posted 2 months ago

Probably good to end it there then considering I have constantly mentioned points which go in one ear and out the other.

Im actually done here but its fun to see it end the same as it started... with you lying :)

posted 2 months ago

Outside of using popularity and win rate stats the opinionated points surrounding Iso's kit can be easily deemed as subjective.

saying shit like this is how i know you're a dumbass. I guess we buff the shit outta harbor kayo astra fade etc. then because their pick rates and winrates are below average. lets not ignore the fact that there will always be agents with lower pick rates or win rate because its statistically impossible for there not to be. lets ignore the fact that these statistics have no actual link with how powerful an agent actually is (harbor kayo etc.) no instead lets place 100% of our stock on these statistics. I cant wait until kayo ult is 6 cost and he has 3 flashes.

All his Q/"Undercut" provides is the fragile effect.
Fade's seize provides a decay, restricts movement and deafens the enemy. Whilst also providing a slight indicator to whether an enemy was hit or not. That's not even mentioning the other util Fade provides.

yes and the vulnerable lasts longer, hits more, moves faster, is harder to dodge, combos with more util, is easier to play off as an individual, is effective for longer (decay fades faster), and is able to be fired while behind a wall...

Iso's one charge thin wall is not better than Harbor's two charges which has the option to stopped.

this is another fun intentional misinterpretation by you :). I was comparing it to a single harbor wall not 2. but ok. Regardless the harbor wall is not as strong for taking space an ISO wall. the slowing effect is practically useless in reality. the stopping point is MAYBE the only thing that harbor actually has over ISO.

you are forgetting the flexibility of use cases that the devour/dismiss combo allows for

... this is gibberish spouted by an idiot who wants to appear intelligent. there is only one use case for reyna e/q and iso e and that is you get a kill. reyna either lets you get out or heal. iso only lets you have a barrier in exchange for only taking up one ability slot and lasting for a longer period.

Reyna's kit works well for individual expression which it was made for

again this is gibberish made by someone who wants to seem smart. there is no individual expression through reyna's kit. in fact she has one of the least expressive kits in the entire game. your idea of individual expression seems to be "duuuuur i push" or "duuuuur i didnt push." there is no way to express your individuality through reyna's kit as her abilities will always result in the exact same outcome no matter who uses them or how they are used. Any "expression" you gain access to from reyna is "expression" you have equal access to on ANY OTHER AGENT IN THE GAME...

Iso has individuality in some of his abilities but in unison the kit does not function as smoothly or as usefully as Reyna.

you never actually made a single point about the "unison of abilities" in reyna's kit. you love doing this thing where you make an argument that essentially amounts to "ISO is bad at this thing that other agents are good at. No im not going to explain why or how or give any actual reasoning. That is why ISO is bad :)" Just because you say words does not make them reality... im done here you continue to talk in circles and make "arguments" devoid of any actual reasoning.

posted 2 months ago

and equate his performances to a similar agent like reyna despite the fact he his massively underperforming her in every metric it seems ridiculous

i never said his solo q performance was the same as reyna that is simply your hallucination. I compared the two to explain why they don't get picked in pro play that is all. id appreciate if you stop lying you literally quoted the comment i wrote so why tf did you decide to go out and lie about it?

I don't think Kay/o needs a buff because he's utility translates over to a structured pro play scenario very well, which is shown in his pick rates in a pro play.

thats cool but we're talking about solo q not pro play dumbass.

You are making the argument that an agent that has no popularity in pro play and no popularity on the ladder is in a "ok state" which is laughable.

again you seem to think pro play pick rate has any impact on solo q which is insanely deluded. regardless we dont buff or nerf agents because of popularity in solo q. unless an agent's popularity is so extreme it results in others in that category being ignored (kj before cypher buffs) we do not make balance changes. its weird you cant get that through your head. I'm making an argument that the state of ISO's kit is OK. You point to statistics that have nothing to do with his kit as a counter point. I compared him to other agents with similar statistics and you go "oh no but my pro play 😱😱😱" you dont have any actual argument as to ISO's merits or demerits based on his util alone. again why dont we buff Harbor? he has insanely similar stats to ISO in terms of solo q? so why not buff him? Oh let me guess you're gonna argue that pro play should affect solo q again aren't you?

His kit is indeed on the selfish end of things however his kit is still far weaker than other agents that fall in this category.
He's not in an "ok state" his current kit is very underwhelming and does not provide any space creation or any advantage over another agent in the roster.

1 space creation is not a prerequisite factor to being a duelist. Pheonix and Reyna literally have existed for years this narrative is idiotic. 2 "far weaker" is BS. His E is weaker than reyna heal yes. but his ult, q, and c are all better than reyna's other util. His util does indeed provide advantages over other duelists. His q acts as a fade seize that lasts longer and is on a duelist. His C (which ironically is a tool for taking space contradicting your earlier point) is a better harbor wall for taking space. and his ult is a guaranteed pick assuming youre not a dumbass while using it. just because you say hes weak does not mean it is true.

posted 2 months ago

youre another individual who desperately needs to go outside

posted 2 months ago

Registered: March 20, 2024
Last post: March 31, 2024 at 4:16 AM
Posts: 180

this is your sign to go outside no one should post that much in under 2 weeks

posted 2 months ago
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