Flag: Luxembourg
Registered: April 13, 2023
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 9:42 AM
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no amount of coms can make you shoot straight

posted 1 month ago

That's not remotely my point but if you need to lie to yourself to make yourself feel less embarrassed go right ahead.

posted 1 month ago

ah yes GE set up their duelist properly. monyet their duelist. oh wait 😅.

Sentinels totally set up zekken correctly last year youre so right thats why tenz (their other duelist) also did well last year because they were just so good a setting up duelists. oh wait 😅.

guild set up their duelist leo so well. leo their duelist. oh wait 😅.

SQN was setting up their duelist Demon1 so well. their duelist. oh wait 😅.

brother you have no clue what you're even talking about you just desperately want to be right and are talking out of your ass.

posted 1 month ago



good job ignoring my point :)


yes? when they put him on duelist absofuckinlutely. did you watch GE last year? im guessing not. Its almost like he was playing agents he didnt know how to play at the beginning of the year. sound familiar?

watchs the games first then talk shit


notice how you have to deflect from every player i mentioned because it completely disproves your entire argument.

you think as if pro play is ranked and duelists can just go do whtv they want and go kill

thats a strawman? I never said that but ok 🤪

then its not a team

you're gonna call me braindamaged and then say shit like this? how does a player performing well on a shit team make it "not a team"? you sound like you were dropped on your head as a child.

posted 1 month ago

clove aint gettin picked. shes fine for solo q but lacks the util needed for pro. Shes basically reyna for smokes. To get her unique bonuses you need to plan on having her die. Thats a bad plan for pro. For solo q its ok since your team probably isnt gonna trade you perfectly and you will have games where you need to entry as smokes.

She wont replace omen/(occasionally)astra and for pro theres no scenario where double smokes would result in anyone other than harbor or viper.

posted 1 month ago

1 they literally just added clove my guy.
2 you sound like you don't play smokes.

viper is team dependent. But she always has been even before this change. Omen is not remotely team dependent unless you're shit at him. Hes got more solo play-making potential than every sentinel and half the initiators.

If anything I'd say harbor needs a buff. The issue with that is him in combination with viper sucks.

posted 1 month ago

Viper is too much of a mainstay on many maps

the issue is the reason she's a mainstay on half the maps she gets played on (breeze icebox bind lotus) is because of the map geometry heavily favoring the wall. The nerfs aren't going to affect her pick rate on maps like that. It will lower her pick rate on maps like split and ascent but she isn't exactly a mainstay on those. The changes are ok but they'll just lead to less dynamic viper play on the maps where she is a mainstay.

posted 1 month ago

I will not stand for gaslighting

posted 1 month ago

cry is free

posted 1 month ago

yes and? if anything that makes him look worse? he does a monkey sound realizes its fked up immediately tries to cover... The meme sounds 0% like a monkey hes not even doing the right rhythm... There's only one way to interpret the noises he was making lol

posted 1 month ago

Tell me how that sounds even remotely like this

Not saying hes racist but saying that thats the meme he was intimating is such obvious cope.

posted 1 month ago

its t2... wait till they get to ascension time will tell

posted 1 month ago

wtf is this bad raze bs narrative

Its not BS? they clearly lack the ability to play the agent... Whether or not you think it is entirely their fault is a separate issue. Regardless we've seen time and time again if a player is truly a world class player they will shine regardless of if their team is shit. Look at KK. Look at monyet last year. Look at fkin yay from andbox. Look at alfa before FNC. Look at demon1 before EG. Look at Leo before FNC. Look at zekken ALLLLLLLL last year.

im tired of the fkin y0y fans who want to blame everyone else but him because their precious little pro player can do no wrong.

posted 1 month ago

the cam change only has an effect if you're a dumbass who never looks at your mini-map. This is a slight nerf to gimmicky cams at worst at best its a QOL change that hardly affects anything like the smoke change.

posted 1 month ago

he finally allowed them to have fun 💀

posted 1 month ago

if bringing back prime optic means dealing with the bs that was chamber meta then they're better left in the graveyard

posted 1 month ago

gambit so boring. sit in spawn stare at wall for 1 minute. 99% of teams contact into the most passive default imaginable because this is 2021 and no one know wtf they're doing.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

essentially it means "shit bait"

posted 1 month ago

fuckers will pretend they don't have a gambling addiction then be spending their last dollar on stake shits crazy

posted 1 month ago

oh it get it you're sooooooo not mad totally 🤭

posted 1 month ago

oh so you're just looking at the post match results not the gameplay. noted :)

posted 1 month ago

It would've been GF? unless hes also saying to make GF a bo3 then it would've been a bo5....

posted 1 month ago

u went to crying and making a personal attack. classic angry child response

posted 1 month ago

in a bo3 not a bo5 maybe read the thread first...

posted 1 month ago

ooooooh looks like i pissed em off :)

posted 1 month ago

you brain? very think?

posted 1 month ago

if you're talking about madrid the Bo3 would've been a Bo5 meaning the series isnt decided???

posted 1 month ago

wouldn't sen fans be for it since sen won in a playoffs without a lower bracket????

posted 1 month ago

he was doing well in c9 too

MF HE PLAYED 2 GAMES IN A COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT. Thats not enough to draw any concrete conclusion from. Players will get clowned on for playing like ass. He's lucky the shit that people talk about him only has to do with his gameplay. That's better than a whoooooooooole lotta pros out there.

posted 1 month ago

"blah blah blah DSG was 0% yays fault because I'm unable to accept that his quality of play has dropped. Instead I'll blame everyone around him and construe a scenario where its not his fault because I can't handle yay not being good being his own fault."

I'm tired of this dumbass narrative. You wanna know who else was in NA T2 last year? Who also had to deal with shit teammates and no team cohesion? N4RRATE and governor. They're both playing at a t1 level just fine right now. The issue is clearly yay. If hes mentally boomed from DSG that's HIS FAULT.

posted 1 month ago

zekken aspas jawgemo jinggg t3xture derke buzz. After this year i expect one of the newer EMEA duelists will be on this list too.

I get ur point, but liquid made internationals last year, more than the vast majority of teams globally could do, so they certainly weren’t tier 2

dumb argument. T1 were not t1. ASE were not t1. BLG were not t1. FPX were not t1. FUT were not t1. making internationals by farming a weak region then bombing out just means your region is weak not that you're good. If a team makes an international and everyone knows they aren't getting out of groups they arent t1. There's a reason TL from last year would never get mentioned in the same breath as LOUD EG PRX DRX FNC or even EDG.

posted 1 month ago

he didnt play raze against drx.
liquid barely won a single series internationally last year. If that is your barometer for being a good international raze then sure hes a good international raze. I would argue that beating a t2 level team which clearly showed a complete lack of coordination and cohesion last year is expected and proves absolutely nothing and is an awful point that makes you look desperate for good examples.

posted 1 month ago

vlr children base their opinions off of more than one map challenge: impossible

posted 1 month ago

lev got the texan and cum man and was fueled by the tear of all the salty vlr kids

posted 1 month ago

His raze looked mid at best internationally. He consistently fails to show up against important teams. He's like an, albeit more tame, american version of skRossi. Shows up when they stomp others and is unable to be the carry when they struggle. At his worst internationally he couldn't out duel zeta and blg...

posted 1 month ago

His raze is decent for a mid tier americas team. It isnt enough to get them anywhere internationally. Hes not even a top 3 raze in americas internationally hes lucky if hes top 8.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

cry is free

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

how so? anyone with half a brain had no expectations of sen doing shit in LCQ. which they proceed to validate.

posted 1 month ago

no its 100% out of their hands now. They have to pray other teams lose in order for them to qual

posted 1 month ago

he would need to win something first

posted 1 month ago

You should be happy his car is fine. Otherwise he might've turned into a whole ass thing.

posted 1 month ago

wait till the end of the week then start panicking

posted 1 month ago

rinse and repeat

so no more sen until 2027?

posted 1 month ago

the only remotely surprising part of that sentence is kru qualing

posted 1 month ago

by being overzealous about the topic, the SR fans could've spurred otherwise non-transphobic people to be more vocal in a way that ultimately turned out to be transphobic

thats my fkin point dude. If fans being overzealous is what causes you to be transphobic then you were always transphobic to begin with. It is not the fans fault for the transphobic backlash. Yes SR fans being whiny asf is dumb. But blaming that whinyness for bigotry just excuses the actual bigotry. Again going back to my example if a Kendrick fan is super annoying and calls anyone who criticizes him racist is it the fan's fault if more people start saying the n word? No ofc it isn't that would be a really stupid thing to suggest.

posted 1 month ago

no I most definitely did read your comment. Either you dont understand how words work or something is wrong here...

I feel like it got worse bc of some people defending SR at all costs

is explicitly implying that the transphobia got worse because of SR fans being zealots. There is no other way to interpret that sentence. If you didn't intend that you should've written another sentence idk what to tell you.

some the people that were criticizing SR were just criticizing some parts of their gameplay, nothing related to flor being trans or the gender of the team.

Yes this did happen. However, implying that the CAUSE OF TRANSPHOBIA is SR fans freaking out when someone criticizes their team is just dumb... You are excusing the actual bigotry and blaming the SR fans for being easily offended... That makes no sense. How did transphobia "get worse" because the SR fans were offended. That's like criticizing a black rapper, the fans getting offended and claiming you are racist, and then blaming them for all of the racism that is directed towards that artist. You're just an idiot dude.

Your comment is the perfect example of what I was referring to "If they criticizing SR in any way, shape, or form it must be bigotry!" Like it's so dumb fr, ur part of the problem

again since you like to talk in ambiguities because it disguises your point and makes you seem like you arent completely deranged (you are) lets clarify what you are saying here. You are saying that SR fans who are being dumb zealots claiming criticism is transphobia is CAUSING PEOPLE TO BE TRANSPHOBIC... You realize that's an idiotic thing to say right?

posted 1 month ago
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