Flag: United States
Registered: March 5, 2021
Last post: May 24, 2024 at 3:13 PM
Posts: 2520
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the ranking system is an elo system that heavily favors good T2 teams, I think there should be a poll system where vlr writers make a top 10 or something and then we just compile their rankings and that's our ranking

edit: OXG would still be top 3 NA tho

posted 1 week ago

1550 depends on ur def of a good college, if you mean top 20 then yes you will probably need at least a 1500 but to get in ur local state flagship? depending on location (ie. not a state where the state flagship is a t20 like Michigan or California), you can get away with a much lower score and still get a very good quality education

posted 2 weeks ago

idk ppl can get burnt out pretty quickly if they do too much of anything, I'd rather my players play the game less if it means they are more focused during practice or on game days vs having them be tired and unmotivated to play the game because they spent 5 junk hours playing solo queue every day. Still a bit concerning tho that they really rarely play ranked there's probably a balance to be found there between playing absolutely no ranked and only playing during specific practice times and playing too much where they get burnt out and unmotivated to play they game

posted 3 weeks ago

scale changed, minimum is 400, 1130 is still really bad lol

posted 1 month ago

it's good for if you want a general understanding of what's going on in in valorant for people that don't watch every game but they never really go super in depth about anything other than general surface level analysis in their show. It is a very funny show tho

posted 2 months ago

cned is one of the players in VCT EMEA for sure

posted 2 months ago

a team making a roster change in the middle of masters is insanely stupid you just wasted months of practice and developing chemistry for what a slightly better player?

posted 2 months ago

me when I don't understand immigration

posted 2 months ago

95% KAST Jesucristo

posted 2 months ago

as long as its in a decent timezone people in NA and EMEA will probably watch but from what I've seen Japanese fans are wayyyy more willing to watch in unfavorable time zones than Korean fans

posted 3 months ago

everyone knows skyline gtr clears both

posted 3 months ago

egos would go insane I think

posted 3 months ago

that's kind of the problem with being an isolated region like South Asia is, some type of thing happens to OCE players, they are virtually blackballed from T1 scrims because nobody would want to play 100+ ping scrims against T2 teams when there's equal or better comp closer by with better ping. It's one of the massive problems that people had with the International Leagues, where teams from locations faraway from the IL centers would be fucked over for scrim partners. It hasn't really happened yet for South America because they have a very strong esports/fps culture but for countries like India that have a much weaker presence in the fps scene, this lack of competition and development is very bad for them

posted 3 months ago

Indonesia has a lot of talented players and no disrespect to India but they aren't the most talent-rich region in the world

posted 3 months ago

I need TenZ balls deep in me fr

posted 3 months ago

his one redeeming quality was that he used to have a top tier raze in NA but now its just mediocre at best

posted 3 months ago

Saying this as a former Asuna believer, we need to have an honest discussion about Asuna atp. He's just not the star that he was in the First Strike/VCT 2021 days and it was probably his time to be off the team in the offseason, but he's too clouted in the valorant community and he's just barely good enough to justify a place in the team. If he had 1/10th of the twitter followers he has rn he would be a T2 grinder rn.

posted 3 months ago

D0rke glazing in big 2024 I thought we were past this already

posted 3 months ago

rawr nyaaaaa ~~

posted 4 months ago

maybe with time it'll get better, it was a recent addition so there's possibly some chemistry issues that need to be ironed out

posted 4 months ago

one of my favorites is Blue Period, there's an anime to it but I heard it was shit and the manga is way better

there's a romance manga called Blue Box, it's getting adapted into an anime soon

another one of my favorites is We Shall Now Begin Ethics, no anime adaptation yet as far as I know

posted 4 months ago

it better be better than last year we picked up boostio didn't we

posted 4 months ago

I haven't touched the pro scene since the end of champions, can someone explain how the new 100t roster stacks up in Americas

posted 4 months ago

me pls

posted 6 months ago

westjett's whole thing is just making edgy unfunny jokes and then claiming that it was ok because it was "ironic"

posted 6 months ago

eg core needs to be on a different org, fuck EG

posted 6 months ago

Okobotro 🗿

posted 7 months ago

100T without boostio still top 3?

posted 7 months ago

he made like 4 20-40 minute long videos about KC at the beginning of the season

posted 7 months ago

It just makes sense that a person from some city like vladivostok should be in the pacific region, they are infinitely closer to servers in APAC than they are to servers in EMEA, and probably play more with APAC players. Having Eastern Russians fill an import slot just because they were born in a location that's a bit weird geographically for valorant punishes teams for trying to pick up talented players from the area for no real reason

posted 7 months ago

Germans stop bringing up a single world cup match when they haven't done shit internationally in 10 years challenge (impossible)

posted 7 months ago

Pacific is equally as bad as Americas is in terms of location, and the only reason EMEA isn't worse is bc they have a central location in Berlin and don't have any players from MENA or Subsaharan Africa playing

posted 7 months ago

football is an incredibly boring ass sport to watch guys, especially for casual fans.

posted 7 months ago

fold, and I'm currently gold nova

posted 7 months ago

people can act feminine without being gay

posted 7 months ago

the gulf is too big right now because they don't have the EXPERIENCE nor the PRACTICE that men's teams have. There's no natural talent gap between men and women that exists to stop women from competing. The reason why women's team are shit is because barely any women play the game at a competitive level so the talent pool is obviously smaller, and they don't have the same experience or infrastructure in place to help them to get to those same spots. Esports in its short history is a wildly sexist and misogynistic place, if you can't realize that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. It's logical to reason that women would have been turned off in the past because it's not fun to be surrounded by all this negativity because of something you can't control. Valorant and other esports are narrowing the gap by giving women and other marginalized people to give them the opportunity to get the experience they were denied in the past. You just have shit reading comprehension and can't understand text that's longer than 2 sentences long you dumbfuck.

posted 7 months ago

DRX KeznitdeuS


posted 7 months ago

I think the highest placing teams that aren't already accepted into the VCT circuit are put into ascension

posted 7 months ago

The first thing that has to change is the coach, they are far too predictable and think they can still get away with running their 2021 ass strats when the game has evolved past the reliance on set plays and more on a flexible play style that doesn't need the precise timing windows and exact utility combos DRX uses. I'm not really too deep in the Korean T2 scene to say anybody that could be picked up to help this team but something has to change

posted 7 months ago

women and non-binary people have historically not had a space in the wider gaming sphere in the past, game changers is that new niche that they can have to hone their skills against others that haven't had the same opportunity. If we just threw GC teams into the main circuit they'd get ripped apart and tbh they'd learn very little. It's been widely studied that the best way to learn is to be with people who are slightly better than you so you can have an attainable goal to constantly strive towards. It's known by basically everyone that the gulf between GC teams and the main circuit teams, even the T2 teams, is massive, so the GC circuit is the best way to get these people the experience and resources they lacked in the past. It's really not hard to figure out dude just use ur brain a lil.

posted 7 months ago

vlr mfs love misrepresenting a group of people with a strawman argument it's hilarious

posted 8 months ago

I disagree VERY heavily with your second point. The reason C9 and EG are running budget rosters is because their financial situation is pretty shit, what they're doing is pretty bad but it's being done in the name of sustainability. Rewarding teams for investing stupid amounts of money just makes rich teams who have the money to throw around that much richer, and those orgs that don't have the clout of teams like Karmine Corp or Sentinels can't compete

posted 8 months ago

Okobotro 🗿

posted 8 months ago

Moist for this team

posted 8 months ago

Dude went crazy for NUTURN and then does fuck all for the rest of his career

posted 8 months ago

The first tournament I ever watched was the NA FaZe Clan Invitational Grand Finals

posted 8 months ago

He definitely raises their floor, going from one of the worst duelist players in the world to possibly the best in Americas is gonna be massive for this team. I expect them to be competing for deeper tourney runs

posted 8 months ago

Hot take, but Leviatan will be a team in VCT Americas next year

posted 8 months ago
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