Flag: United States
Registered: July 8, 2021
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 9:33 PM
Posts: 275
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Whenever I think of someone with more than two monitors for gaming I think of J.P. from Grandmas Boy lol tf you need 4 monitors for you some kind of gaming thanos? Pic related

posted about a year ago

Don’t hate on Boaster. You’re choosing the wrong person to hate on. Go look in a mirror.

posted about a year ago

I’m trying to see something. I have… one. Lol.

posted about a year ago

Steel is kind of a rat with an ego. Same with Shahz. No hate just facts.

posted about a year ago

I'm Ass 1 just snapped a 5 game losing streak. Feelsstrongman

posted about a year ago

enjoy your corn syrup

posted about a year ago

pure leaf / gold peak green tea >> toilet bowl water > arizona

posted about a year ago

Some of those fpx players learned a valuable lesson. If you talk shit you better back it up. DRX brought the pain. And rightfully so.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

L take.

posted about a year ago

L take.

posted about a year ago

The year is 2022,
Champions VCT is happening,
the best players from around the world
playing against each other, leaving nothing on the table
you've been working, missing games
You finally have a day off and you're watching BOOM vs Zeta Division
with absolutely zero distractions.
You grin from ear to ear, watching this immaculate display of skill and whimsy.
For the first time in you don't know how long,
you feel truly happy.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Don’t remind me bro.

posted about a year ago

Just look at the next couple days on the schedule. ^^^

posted about a year ago

5am games?? Looks like the PST audience got left out in the rain. I’m not getting up at 5am to watch a game. Lmao. I’m use to it being a world football fan somewhat. It just sucks… Welp enjoy champions live everyone else.

posted about a year ago

He is ready for franchising.

posted about a year ago

Stop sleeping on Werrek.

posted about a year ago

hey bro, it could be worse, you could be grinding unrated for fun

posted about a year ago

Regular g pro

posted about a year ago

I only saw second series...Very entertaining and scrappy. Looked a bit like LAN nerves on both sides with LEV having the better energy and edging it.

posted about a year ago

Iunno man, not too surprised...NA 1st seed curse is real.

but fr, it was one of the most entertaining series I ever seen.
Unlucky for Xset but LEV came to play. Two back to back OTs tho, and so many match points, it was in your hands!

Got to be brutal to lose like that.

posted about a year ago

Another region vs region smooth brain.

posted about a year ago

It should be like footy. You qualify for champions league through your domestic league...It doesn't matter how far up your domestic league you are, you are still put in the group stage and drawn with the other teams and EVERYONE plays it.

In fact, I think this creates better drama and entertainment when you don't get an automatic bye into the playoff stage of the tournament.

posted about a year ago

it's just banter man. I like to banter with rival clubs, it's funny... Same thing in soccer (football for everyone else) is going on in Valorant.

Not everyone takes it serious and the ones that do, well...God bless em. They are hilarious. KEKW

posted about a year ago

I respect all regions except Oceania. Where even is that?

Nah in all honesty, twitch chat is a cesspool full of trolling children. In fact, so are these boards.

The best thing to do is discern who is sane and who is not, and then banter with the ones who think you actually care. Free LOLS...Laughing is good and relieves stress. Thanks for reading my ted talk.

posted about a year ago

good luck bro

posted about a year ago



Sets up good upper semi finals and lower brackets at least right??? At least I'm hoping that is the case. I have not looked into the bracket too much...
Totally get what Ardiis is saying though. In champions league for example, domestic teams are not drawn against each other until the ladder stages of tournaments. It makes for better viewing as spectators be it fans or neutrals IMO.

posted about a year ago

TLDR; Happy for you, or sorry that happened.

posted about a year ago

Can't we all just get a bong?

posted about a year ago

so many good foods but favorite comfort food is probably Posole

posted about a year ago

Salute 4 the work. Maybe nap?

posted about a year ago

It had Panam though.

posted about a year ago


I didn't anticipate Cyberpunk like the other fanboys, I heard it was coming out and thought it sounded promising. Didn't care about the hype.
I had a great rig at the time, story was good, game wasn't perfect but it was fun! It ran well enough, and I didn't experience as many bugs as other people did, especially those on consoles.
Also just loved the world itself, the visuals and elements of story telling were top notch...I really eye people funny when they say they didn't like Cyberpunk, or hate on it without any backing. Like do you hate it cause everyone else does or cause you couldn't actually play it?

I do sympathize with detractors, much was promised. I loved what was there though.

Witcher 3 was not memorable in the least for me, in fact neither were the other Witcher games. Did not care for the combat or story.

Fan of cyberpunk...which is why I stan Valorant. CS meets cyberpunk world.

posted about a year ago

I tried that and got bored, I loved cyberpunk though.

posted about a year ago

Boomer take tbh.

posted about a year ago

yall slurpin his d posting this trash

posted about a year ago

Especially sweaty ranked or maybe you are playing competitively on a team or vying for a t2/t3. I want you to know taking breaks is healthy and you are making the right choice to slow down if you feel burned out. I feel this game is really competitive and playing too much can leave you mentally exhausted.

It’s okay to take breaks and prioritize your mental health.

I have been in the gym and playing v rising. I do miss competitive games. I was diamond before I stopped climbing. I might just break for the rest of act, and that’s okay. Even if I have a deep down urge to queue and lose ELO. I feel saving myself will reserve my energy for long term.

Also feels good to touch grass.

Thank you for reading my Ted talk.

posted about 2 years ago

mane was kind of bad today ngl but he was also against wide courtouis, absolute demon performance from him today.

posted about 2 years ago

Because they were exposed as onliners and have to prove themselves on LAN, that is in itself a huge mental hurdle to overcome against top tier competition.

iunno when I heard Trent played qualifiers/ stage 1 challengers with music being used by him as some cop out for why he didn't perform on lan (because music not allowed) I smelled fish.

posted about 2 years ago

I know you're salty, but I just want you to realize that you're not a fan, you're a glory hunter.

posted about 2 years ago

Valorant will never be balanced perfectly. It’s a pipe dream.

Nerf this. Nerf that. New OP meta emerges. Cry for riot to nerf that too. You realize how silly these threads are? I play against quadruple ops. U don’t hear me complaining about that. Just get good.

posted about 2 years ago

To answer your question op, it is possible to like both. I hope this helps.

posted about 2 years ago

You must have the attention span of a gold fish if that is your opinion. Footy is the best sport in the world, bar none. Nice try fake flagger.

posted about 2 years ago

yeah it just needs to be better, I'm not even kidding on how difficult it is to stay focused on what is going on when you get a switch from a non player cam to a picture. Most might say it's not a big deal, but it makes a difference.

posted about 2 years ago

Been fun to watch so far, enjoy the casting and such. Especially pansy and hypoc <3.

Why on earth are the player cams so weird in EMEA?!?! It's like you have some players on cams and others just a picture and it is kind of distracting from the actual gameplay and stream IMO. I was watching the Liquid vs BIG game and one sec you have a live feed of a player and the next Soulcas is giving his best school picture pose.

It's just not good...Why haven't they cleaned this up yet? It's been 2 and a half years...

posted about 2 years ago

I think your mom forgot to refill your meds ?

posted about 2 years ago

If you ask me their mental health getting more affected by playing the same game for 8 hours + everyday.

Most people who banter with the intention to be malicious are not really doing well for themselves, and the pros know this.

posted about 2 years ago

it's called banter and it's a part of all sports, does it suck and hurt the players sometimes? Sure!

Hopefully players are pulling from as many resources as they have available to them (sport psychologists, personal trainers, ETC)

If you are plying your trade in ANY game, be ready for the kids and the people living in their moms basement coming after you.
That's just how it works.

Football (soccer) fans are the worst when it comes to this, bar none.

posted about 2 years ago
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