Flag: United States
Registered: July 8, 2021
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 9:33 PM
Posts: 275
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It's called GAME, kiddo. "Rizz" just reminds me of the restaurant chain "Sizzler"

posted about a year ago

dies of cringe

posted about a year ago

haha Tarik n00b

posted about a year ago

Nvm. Don’t care.

posted about a year ago
  1. Ascendant 3 gamer, still young baby. Age ain’t nothing but a number.
posted about a year ago

I mean, when developers have spawns set so that you spawn right behind enemies in deathmatch STILL, its not surprise deathmatch isnt optimal, but there isnt a right or wrong way to do it IMO. As annoying as it can be to fight those people, usually its not a problem if youre just playing your game...practicing what you need to practice, but I agree the mode needs big changes.

MAYBE EVEN - HEAR ME OUT...Disable shiftwalking in DM??? You can still crouch and crouch walk. Fix up spawns, no kill limit, players can come and go. A lot more goes into it and I'm sure it's harder to balance than one would imagine

posted about a year ago

YES, but hes the only one who is "Angeleno" Iunno, just thought it was funny how most other agents hail from a country in their agent bios (Agent select screen) but he hails from a city. The only agent in the game. Just FYI

posted about a year ago

iunno bruh, the way y'all be acting in my games...I'll wait til i hear about how the first few events go before I attend any LOL

posted about a year ago

besides omen and kayo (phantom and machine) respectively

posted about a year ago

Every other agent in the game hails from a country but Gekko is the only agent who is "Angeleno"

I guess LA is it's own country.

posted about a year ago

Ass 2

posted about a year ago

They are certified demons in the server.

posted about a year ago

He balled out on Guild you just weren't there.

posted about a year ago

she called him a "wet blanket". LMAOOOooo

posted about a year ago

What a talent, that is all. They never have the comeback without Less popping off on Split and Lotus, he had so many fights I felt he had no business winning. Whole LOUD roster is very good but that dude is a Gamer. Someone posted a LESS thread saying he in top 3 best sentinel a couple weeks back, I kind of laughed at it but now I'm eating my words. I would say after this tourney he might be the best. Respects.

posted about a year ago

heart says FNC, brain says NAVI.

posted about a year ago

again, im just laughing at you kids and your hater boners for a bald man nicknamed "top G"

posted about a year ago

Out of all the top 4 teams they had the stats that were lowest in comparison. They were never going to beat LOUD in their home turf, to do as well as they did is testament to their pedigree.

posted about a year ago

The type of people that have a hate boner for Andrew Tate make me want to like him more just because they're the type of people that I already can't fucking stand anyway and it's hilarious to see them seethe over everything he says

posted about a year ago

me neither, I dgaf what happens to him, its funny you call me a tatetard, thats what hurt people like to do. Im just calling you out on your bullshit. Guess that makes me a tatetard ROFL!!

I'm just laughing at your hate boner for the guy but you do you. Done with your silliness.

posted about a year ago

hahahhaahhaa you're not real.

posted about a year ago

"tAtE mAdE mAi brOthEr hAtE mE fOr bEiNg gAy"

Um maybe your fam or bro were homophobic to begin with.

brain dead take.

posted about a year ago

Oh no, not you blaming someone else for your problems. "TATE made people in my life say mean words to me"
Do you not realize how ridiculous you sound to any sane person? Take some responsibility for yourself and have some pride. Tates rhetoric or ideals aren't even original its the same regurgitated manosphere bullshit from 10 years ago. Just recycled and reformatted. You are mad at a paid actor my friend.

Not that I believe you, but you should be thanking Tate for outing the fake people in your life if that's the case, that is all.

posted about a year ago

sorry for your loss bro

posted about a year ago

Whats crazy to me is its been what, 60 days now and they still have 0 charges on them?? Yet they are still being detained. I unno Romania doesn't look like they have shit. So whats really going on? Where are the charges?

posted about a year ago

If some parasocial relationship your relative had with bald internet celebrity dubbed "top G" was enough to ruin your bond with said family member, then I wager it was probably not a very strong bond to begin with. Sorry I dont make rules, just speak truth.

posted about a year ago

I discovered Tate 4 years ago before it was cool to know about him, I use to watch his old Youtube videos for a good laugh and some of his ideas were cool but other times I'd be like "ugh yeah this guy is off the goop" or "he must be trolling" either way. I was years ahead of people, once again.

Iunno why there is a vendetta against him but then again people are as soft as charmin ultra nowadays, its as simple as not clicking a link or muting / blocking someone, but you people always want to complain. I unsubscribed to his Youtube when he started becoming unfunny to me, very simple solution I suggest you all do. If you are not liking the channel, then fucking change it. What is wrong with taking the easy way out? Instead you want to cry about it on twitter or VLR don your pitchforks and waste your lives...LOL!!!

Here is a little secret, these type of threads actually make men like him more influential.

Some family member of yours was influenced by him in a negative way? Good, get use to it. It's going to happen again and again, there will be more Tates in this world. Toughen up.

posted about a year ago

Champions Phantom, probably the best looking skin IMO, and I just really like the sounds
Runner ups:

Red Ruination Phantom,
Glitchpop Phantom (Blue or Red/Gold)

Honorable Mention : Protocol white pink

posted about a year ago

Big bald man mean and scary.

posted about a year ago

tired of ascent, i'll take any other map rn.

posted about a year ago

lmao. Unlucky lil bro, go next.

posted about a year ago

LOUD got hands for sure, every time you thought they were done for in a round, Less or Saadhaak, or any player on their roster were pulling a double or triple. Gotta give credit where it's due. The mid round calling from them in particular was pushing them over the edge. I was particularly impressed with Saadhaak's composure. Most certainly. FNS was really good too. I hate that he peeked when it was 12-11 on fracture in 1v1, literally lost by a fine hair and would have prevented OT if he didn't get 1 tapped...but he was monstrous as has been the case on LAN the past year.

Great series, actually delivered for the fans of the game.

posted about a year ago

mid + you're a simp + ratio

posted about a year ago

Both but C9 is on another level, PRX was not ready.

posted about a year ago

I am 100% a Paper Rex enjoyer

posted about a year ago

Smoking that Portugal pack.

posted about a year ago

Hahahhahaha L

posted about a year ago

low IQ response, expected from bronzil.

posted about a year ago

We do not care.

posted about a year ago

I said in NA but I get it, reading comprehension isn't your thing. I am not comparing, just stating my opinion.

posted about a year ago

even tho I dont like him from last years display, SUYGETSU!! Also NAtS, they are the demon sentinel players...Hazed for me is underrated sentinel player, some best in slot sentinels in NA prob STEEL and DAPR still...

but until LOCK/INN i think it's all up in the air, way too many new rosters and lineups for us to see and make any accurate predictions.

posted about a year ago

Nah. They did get bodied especially at the first lan they did. Don’t try to dance around it. They were grouped no? Basically got a participation award.

posted about a year ago

This is your reminder to hit the gym and stop getting fat. It’s not worth your health. You are putting your body through too much. Diabeetus and cardiovascular disease is serious shit. Those things can rob you of your ability to live, monetarily, physically. People think they have time but really you’re all out of it. Go to the gym, walk your dog, lift some weights. TODAY. Right now!! Also drink more water, and touch some grass.

Then when you come back you play valorant with smile on the face, at least for a little bit til you get powned. Oh well. Always someone better. But your health is your health. It’s the only true wealth you may possess, and something even billionaires can’t buy when it’s too late.

posted about a year ago

let them mald man, what a game that was. Extremely promising looks from both teams.

posted about a year ago

haha Boaster and his dance moves live rent free in your brain. LMAO

posted about a year ago

well, hope you get to touch grass soon. Thanks for the lol's bozo.

posted about a year ago

Dang bro sounds like you have some real insider knowledge...For all your troubles, I really hope you are being paid. 25 posts a day, if you're not brainlessly posting that takes quite a chunk of your day. I think you're kind of weird if you're not getting a check from this, NGL better things to spend time on besides being a hater.

Anyway. It's also a little strange you mention EU being shit when they have taken home 3 major trophies vs our 2. We have yet to win champions. The only other major tourny win comes from a South American team. Think you need to think out your posts a little more.

posted about a year ago

How many times did you post on VLR today my guy? I'm for real, and how much money do you make from this scene? LOL Hope those numbers add up for you.

imagine hating on Boaster the least problematic EU player who just tries to make the scene a better place while, gives free game / info from the insight of a pro IGL and who is actually competing each lan? Btw, no one agrees with you.

posted about a year ago

Loving the replies...seems like 1 monitor is the tried tested and true, and 2 is the sweet spot for a lot of people. Anything over is kind of rare / for serious business / gamer folks. Just extrapolating from incomplete data. Cheers!

posted about a year ago
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