Flag: United States
Registered: July 8, 2021
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 9:33 PM
Posts: 275
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A baguette is salty that NA team won THE international trophy? Not surprised.

posted 9 months ago

W final as I'm a neutral who enjoys both these squads and think they both deserve it...May the best team win 🤝. I'm slightly biased, I just think if Something is in form and Demon1 can't put up similar numbers as todayy....

3-2 PRX...

posted 9 months ago

Just so impressed with EG to beat this very very tough LOUD iteration to make a second straight finals appearance. They can talk all the shit they want.

posted 9 months ago

you need to question yourself and seek god. Also 0/10 bait post.

posted 9 months ago

Ya LA and Cali in particulars Valorant community is largely Asian it seems who woulda thought. lol /s

posted 9 months ago

I mean it makes sense Esports been struggling and the players are trying to spice things up and draw more viewership, it seems like a collective effort. Not sure why some people are so triggered over it, just a different era I guess. The BM from everyone I've seen so far is just so tame...I mean, are we not sport fans? Y'all never watched hockey where they actually like beat on each other and stuff? lol For me it's just slightly entertaining enough, though the canned banter kinda breaks immersion for me.

posted 9 months ago

So I've been having a hard time balancing work, going to the gym, and playing valorant/csgo for a while now. I go to the gym to lift weights at least 3 times a week and it only leaves me like 3 to 4 hours to play before going to bed. I work at like 9/10 am until 5/6/7 p.m. Any suggestions on how to still pull girls while being a valorant/cs gamer? TIA.

posted 9 months ago

40 fucking minutes!! I never root against NRG but I do not find that in anyway fair. LOL 40 minutes is a long time in comp val. Would advise them to be snappier so these things get sorted much quicker. That is WAYY too long...Besides severe injuries and inclement weather in sporting events, what other type of event warrants such a delayed response from management? I've heard the explanation b4 but I would think it needs to be much much faster.

posted 9 months ago

I noticed in my 2 years of following VCT that tech pauses happen very often. It's been many years since I followed CS closely, but I still watch the occasional major...That being said.I dont recall CS majors having this many tech pauses?

Is this healthy for the game?? Zeta were leading 6-3 on bind and after a 30-40 mins tech pause it looks like NRG came back and won out the series convincingly...It's too much for me not to raise my eyebrows a bit and wonder just what the hell is going on??

posted 9 months ago

tell em slime 🐍 🧪⚗️☣️🤢☠️

posted 9 months ago

as a viper main, yes

posted 9 months ago

im about to play ball with some friends. Touching grass good. I haven't played Valorant regularly in months and only watch the VCTs! Mental go Brrrrrr.

posted 9 months ago

I just finished Elden Ring...It was such a beautiful ending and experience I shed a tear. Would actually say it's my favorite game of all time. Probably gonna NG+ soon.

God damn beautiful game even though it had its flaws I totally see why it was hyped.

Also pretty happy with all the Sekiro answers, one of the best most epic games of my life, will never forget the pure adrenaline I felt beating owl father in hirata, sword saint isshin for the first time...Fromsoft are fucking legends and I'm so happy we get DLC for Elden soon and Armored Core next month!

posted 10 months ago

Anyone who thinks their team winning is a sure thing.

posted 10 months ago

Was talking with this guy in chat who was SOOOO sure C9 were gonna beat LEV then go on to beat KRU cause they have VODS on them. LMFAOOoooo you jynxed them buddy. Next time focus on rooting for your team in the moment? Worry about c9 not choking like usual maybe?? I don't even know what else to say lol

posted 10 months ago

Curry was smurfing on my team in my lobby once, we won a 4v5 on ascent lol my goat.

posted 10 months ago

Hard to discourage smurfing when a large chunk of the community glorifies it. At what point do you say “maybe I should just play another game” instead of doing some stupid made up fake challenge for the upteenth time… idk. I love valorant but I don’t understand people who do stuff like this. Like what if I’m trying in my game and don’t wanna play with someone shottys only?

posted 10 months ago

oh kind of right.¯\ (ツ)

posted 10 months ago

ask your mom

posted 10 months ago

Who even complains about casters? Some low hanging fruit for shallow people. You are the type to think people should keep their opinion to themselves and remain as partial as possible? Well too bad, they are not robots, they're humans.

Also she is from UK so if anyone has a right to be biased it's her and again, who gives a shit? LOL good lord

posted 11 months ago

NA fan who wished for Liquid victory :) Feelsgood bing chilling

posted 11 months ago

maybe he is tree, close stairs or tucked in site but the second he heard the crowd like that he probably knew he missed the chance to hard clear.

posted 11 months ago

That moment was crazy yo, you could hear the crowd, just a matter of nerves at that point and i'm sorry but Soulcas is far more seasoned in comparison.

posted 11 months ago

it's been difficult, these are my prime gaming hours you know!? I been playing a lot of D4 with my buddies, I try to have the games playing on the other screen, because I watch every Masters.

It's been fun watching Kang Kang destroy everyone on no sound and without any context. But yeah, usually if game times are earlier or a bit later like the other events have been, I'll be able to devote more attention to it.

Also I'm watching most of these playoff games, sound and all... Some juicy match ups.

posted 11 months ago

need for speed vlr edition

posted 11 months ago

bro wait til they actually do something at a Lan...Feel like this team always crumbles when the pressure is on, would love to be proven wrong but I feel they are the most blue balls team in that they always get close but never finish.

posted 11 months ago

Compares himself to Yay, a player that won masters, who was top 3 player all of 2022. He himself is barely a fringe t2 player. Um, yeah they're going to react more favorably to a guy like YAY, who are you?...My guy is delusional af. Hate to see it. Actually should take some time away from the game, like Skye says. "A few days working the farm, would do this fella good".

posted 11 months ago

They can still come back, Clear just has to summon his inner Victor/ aka Food Wong, Exalt just has to summon his inner FNS, Gengsta will be the second coming of Crashies and Nerve has to be Optic Marved for a match. Yay finally must call forth the strength of Keith. It's not joever yet...

posted 11 months ago

If DSG get relegated...It's happening, and they will win masters as a result.

posted 11 months ago

Taking applications.

posted 11 months ago

Chile verde like well made authentic type shit. Either with sauce and on a bed of Mexican rice or in a broth ( soup) with Maisé blanco.

posted 11 months ago

He wipes his tears with money, and then laughs knowing 99.9% of his haters make 0 from their Valorant gameplay and have low income.

posted 11 months ago

hahaa nice gas light attempt, the fuck? Actual gonk. Who the fuck said FNS doesn't have pro mechanics? Stupid mf, stop trying to put words in my mouth or other peoples mouths. You are delusional buddy.

LMK what meds u are on currently I might forgive you.

edit: i realize I might be arguing with a 14 year old, I apologize for any trauma caused and release your minor to any damages that may have been caused by keeping it real.

posted about a year ago

dgzin split ace play be like me in ranked... but no trades.

posted about a year ago

aight bet, if thats the case lets put FNS on the OP w/ Jett...Since usually FNS doesn't OP shouldn't he be able to catch the opponent off guard w/ tactics on a JETT op heavy style?? He doesn't do it for a reason.

This isn't a good analogy at all. His own skill vs a pros has nothing to do with it we are talking about mechanical differences AMONGST pros... LOL Then you are assuming what this persons skill level, whom you do not know is at relative to a pro? Hello? LOL, edited because you're hilarious with your thought process and nice downvotes lil bro.

Say they all had stats like in FIFA

Aspas aim would be in the 90's and FNS somewhere in the 70s, they aren't that close to each other.

posted about a year ago

He don't know you lil bro.

posted about a year ago

nerf shorty!

posted about a year ago

we could all do better to try to understand more.

When something breaks down its usually not just one thing but a combination of things.

yeah sure losing a girl you like a lot can drive you to kill yourself, but it's usually a number of things and the loss of a close one was just the tipping point. In a family with a history of mentall illnesss, in a fast faced unstable environment such as E SPORTS, with the pressure and stress, with the hundreds upon thousands of hours spent on a chair playing a tac FPS game in a dark room... I'll let you figure out the rest.

posted about a year ago

It's been a while since I've seen someone piss away their career the way this man is doing it. At this point, he has almost 0 prospects in the pro community and we should all just let him be. Reminds me of what happened with Aaron Hernandez. Of course, Aaron murdered someone and suffered from CTE. Sick might also have something under the hood that we just can't see, we just don't know. We only see the surface, and surface level is pretty ugly right now...NGL. Out of morbid curiousity I clicked on his twitch stream yesterday and I could tell that he's completely different person to who he was a year and a half ago (in the worst way possible), it was hard to watch. Have empathy for him but honestly, the less attention he gets from the val community rn, the better.

posted about a year ago

pretty fucked up, maybe take a look at yourself in the mirror soon.

posted about a year ago

Sentinels do look way better without him.

posted about a year ago

American Kkona

posted about a year ago

#ARdiisnation he clears you bums.

posted about a year ago

Two 9-3's...Besides curses, lets acknowledge the real elephant in the room. Map balance is pure 100% A$$. Non biased fan of the game.

Bozos at Riot want to axe Icebox one of the most balanced maps instead of Ascent. With the same stale comps and stale meta. A map that's been in rotation longer is getting favored simply because it's the one it's community prefers.

Really doing a good job trying to make your game as uninteresting to watch as possible. You have 21 agents in the game and only 5 are considered viable in pro play of your most popular map.


posted about a year ago

She is, but I don't like bind, I'm not a fan of the teleports, we'll see how it is with the new changes.

posted about a year ago

NGL i'm a bit salty they're taking out Icebox and nerfing Viper. IMO Ascent is just stale. Just look at pro comps on that map, says it all. No innovation, just cookie cutter comps. They really coming for my favorite agent again...So crazy how they nerfed, then buffed, and now nerfing her even more I am presuming? Doesn't make sense...

Got really good at ICEBOX too, but also they're putting in bind which is worse. Might just take a break if icebox isn't back by end of act 3.

posted about a year ago

Nah my guy this ain’t it. Did you look at his tracker?

He plays 15-17 games of ranked in a day pretty regularly. He’s played 150 ish ranked games just this act alone. Thats entirely too much time spent to not improve or stay hard stuck in silver. It’s clear he has hit a plateau of some sort.

Just mindlessly queuing more at this rate will not aid him. He would actually benefit from playing less ranked in this case and studying vods, doing coaching (you need someone with experience to identify and help you eliminate or reduce your bad habits). Playing DMs, learning agents in customs, spending time in the range, etc. just my 2 cents. It’s a public forum after all, wouldn’t discourage advice here…

Going back it looks like Val is his first FPS, so your "play the game and you'll get better" statement still holds somewhat. I would just make sure he understands that just playing comp more isn’t gonna help as much as intentional practice in the game ALONG with ranked.

Maybe OP sets a healthy limit. No more than 7 ranked games a day. Other time should be devoted to just having fun, practicing skills and game knowledge and not worrying about ranked or your stats in ranked.

posted about a year ago

KAST is C...get your KAST to A or S and you will climb by default, doesn't even matter if the rest of your other stats are shit really IMO KAST is the biggest factor for climbing ranked...Which means, try not to die first every round and try to play with your team/ get trades.

You probably still have a good winrate cause you have average KAST and your teammates carry you, find ways to improve or just be happy playing in silver :) I wish my games were silver sometimes...Everyone in my ELO is a try hard. Ain't nothing wrong with being silver, don't listen to twitch chat LOL.

posted about a year ago

Do what is best for you, only you know when you've had enough or when you are truly finished. If you're not sure, then don't worry about it. In time it will be clear. Me personally I've played off and on since beta and recently have played the most games of valorant since I was silver a year and a half ago, trying to climb to immortal...Sometimes i just play unrated all episode long, there are many ways to play the game. One is only finished if they no longer enjoy themselves, and don't play for the fun of it or to improve...Also, if you're trying to go pro, then yes, give up. LOL

posted about a year ago

Every team I root for crumbles before my eyes… it’s better for me to appreciate and love from a distance. 💔

posted about a year ago
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