Flag: Canada
Registered: September 12, 2021
Last post: September 16, 2021 at 12:06 AM
Posts: 10

nope true champions like s1mple and astralis don't think like that

if you truly believe you're #1 in the world it doesnt matter who you play, you should win every match

valorant is such a weird scene where teams try to overhype themselves because they're insecure

posted about 2 years ago

yes, SEN is prob 1/5 of NIP but was just making a point :)

posted about 2 years ago

not a surprise for any veteran CSGO viewers

remember NIP when they had the 87-0 run? they were good but it was mostly momentum

once everyone isn't a total noob they couldn't catch up with teams who actually had amazing teamplay and strats

current Valorant still too many teams make dumb mistakes like no-coordinated peeks

posted about 2 years ago

s1mple ofc

T1 EU cs pros > T2 EU cs > NA valorant > EU valorant

tenz was utter fail during his time at C9, you can't really just outaim people in CSGO (there are always better aimers than you)

and his game sense is terrible

posted about 2 years ago

nope, i played literally all games at a high rank and Riot's games are notoriously targetting casual audience (aka easier) than competitive games like starcarft, dota 2, csgo, etc

sooner you realize that the better player you become understanding how the game is intended to be played when they design it

posted about 2 years ago

valorant is a much easier game than CS

korea was really only good at starcraft, in dota they suck and lol is an easier version of dota

posted about 2 years ago

more like 1 year and a half at this point

and have you seen the latest fracture map? what a disaster

posted about 2 years ago

100t is the second seed in NA, the supposedly strongest region

the disparity is even worse when you consider how many spots JP, KR, BR, etc get lol

posted about 2 years ago

shroud doesnt care about the game itself, he's just chilling while spewing nonsense to casual (or 12 year old) viewers

he's really a businessman at the end of the day, in terms of skills he's actually worse than the average radiant/global elite nowadays

posted about 2 years ago

100t are getting absolutely outclassed by gambit

truth is the level of competition is really low in Valorant...

good teams play each other once in a blue moon for masters, mean while nooby teams like 100t keeps beating up NA teams so people actually think they're good

also half of the masters spots are JP, KR, BR teams that are free wins for good teams

tldr: too much filler games in valorant, avg lvl is too low (for a tournament like masters), more international tournaments

posted about 2 years ago