Flag: | South Korea |
Registered: | May 3, 2024 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 11:34 AM |
Posts: | 35 |
Only countries with 5 or more players in 4 VCT leagues. Which country do you think will win after choosing a lineup of players by country
UNITED STATES:zekken,trent,leaf,valyn,Ethan sub:Cryocells,N4RRATE
BRAZIL:aspas,cauanzin,Less,pANcada,v1nny sub:dgzin,Khalil
CANADA:mada,eeiu,JonahP,zander,FiNESSE sub:koalanoob
CHILE:keznit,Mazino,kiNgg,Shyy,Melser sub:adverso
TURKEY:xeus,RieNs,Alfajer,Wo0t,MrFaliN sub: yetujey,Ruxic
POLAND:kaajak,kamyk,PROFEK,paTiTek,westside sub:kamo,grubinho
RUSSIA:Demon1,Cloud,Chronicle,nAts,SUYGETSU sub:Shao,something
KOREA:BuZz,stax,Meteor,Karon,izu sub:free1ng,MaKo
JAPAN:Meiy,Art,CLZ,SyouTa,SugarZ3ro sub:Dep,gyen
INDONESIA:Monyet,f0rsakeN,BerserX,mindfreak,Kushy sub:Famouz,xffero
PHILIPPINES:Jremy,JessieVash,Papi,invy,kellyS sub:2GE,Wild0reoo
CHINA:ZmjjKK,nobody,CHICHOO,Smoggy,AAAAY sub:Life,Kai
amer G2,100T.LEV
emea VIT,TH,KC
tenz johnqt doenmo LFG
He said it wasn't T1, it was TE
Suygetsu is missing from Sentinel and the Meteor has to go in. Suygetsu got worse after winning at Copenhagen, while the Metor has Masters Shanghai win, 2024 Pacific Kickoff win, 2024 Pacific Stage 2 win. And in Controller, I think tenz is better than sugarzero/vayln
Why don't people talk about izu when they talk about T1? I think izu might be the best player in T1
So which team should take part? Originally, the Masters and Championships have fewer favorites to win
Will there be a team that wins the Champions twice? If so, how long will it take and which team will win twice?
What are the odds of TL,MIBR,TLN competing in Masters Bangkok?
Saya is most likely not to go to na. He probably had offers from many na 2tier teams before this season, but he chose Japan
I think carpe, who is a sixman, talks more than autumn....
To be honest mibr seems to be watching TLN in Lock in or ZETA from 2022 Masters Reykjavík. They are likely to collapse in Stage 1
To be honest, I didn't refer to the Chinese league stat when I made the list
I've reflected your opinion to a certain extent
This list is my personal opinion, so please share your list
JETT: something or aspas or demon1 or Derke or zekken
RAZE: jawgemo or Jinggg or aspas or Derke or zekken
NEON: ZmjjKK or Dambi or Zekken
REYNA: something
YORU: Derke
ISO: Alfajer
SOVA: c0m or RieNs or trent or Leo
BREACH: Ethan or Chronicle or S1Mon
SKYE: d4v41 or stax
KAY/O: Ethan
FADE: RieNs or eeiu
GEKKO: RieNs or something
TEJO: free1ng or johnqt
SAGE: d4v41
CYPHER: Meteor or benjyfishy or Less or leff
KILLJOY: Meteor or benjyfishy or Less or Boostio
VYSE: Meteor
OMEN: MaKo or Karon or TenZ
BRIMSTONE: demon1 or MaKo or Karon\
VIPER: Munchkin or less or leff
ASTRA: s0m or Boo or MaKo or bang
HARBOR: s0m or f0rsakeN
CLOVE: primmie
Continuing to modify
udotan,estrella is good but Either the team was trash or the opponent was Korean
The top six teams all have Koreans
t1: stax,buzz,izu,sylvan,meteor
Gen: foxy9,karon,yoman,munchkin,t3xture
drx: mako,Flashback,free1ng,HYUNMIN,BeYN
no korean teams all out : bme,prx,zeta,ts
FUCK C9 What if we don't recruit him from the beginning or just give him a chance to LFT now? Most teams have actually completed the roster and haven't announced it yet, but really... c9 is probably the worst organization
my goat paTiTek I hope paTiTek can get good results
sorry I am not good at English, so I used a translator
I don't understand why Jinggg peek in the last round
Everyone please don't curse t1... it's a rollback by bouncing off the game before Stex started fighting
It's not an audio issue, it bounced in the game before Stex started fighting
That team is probably made by a newspaper company called the Seoul Ilbo