Flag: United States
Registered: March 22, 2021
Last post: March 20, 2025 at 5:04 AM
Posts: 252
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Just wait till 2G win champs

posted 3 weeks ago

bros hating and for what?

posted 3 weeks ago

inazuma eleven ass joke

posted 3 weeks ago

interesting he didnt say no tho...

posted 3 weeks ago

ya i was joking

posted 3 weeks ago

aimers could still beat edg tho

posted 3 weeks ago

You don't have to draw it, I'll make it happen

posted 3 weeks ago

i mean ye.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

People also just like stirring shit up here tbh

posted 3 weeks ago

Who tf is donk?

posted 3 weeks ago

i mean, it's pretty common for fans to bash on players on pretty much any medium. Twitch, twitter, etc. You just won't see a lot of the mainstream popular content creators doing it because if they're too harsh the players themselves get mad and drama is started and bla bla bla.

posted 3 weeks ago

Should simmer down soon tbh. I give it 1 or 2 days before complaints are every 6 posts instead of every 2. The game soon should reset the slate.

posted 3 weeks ago

Damn, you got suckered in. This is what understanding does to a mf...

posted 3 weeks ago

You are weird tho. Your using these nonexistent controversies to push a narrative about "cancel culture" that doesn't exist. Calling out 0.001% of fans and calling it a culture issue with the export is dumb.

posted 3 weeks ago

You are weird tho. Your using these nonexistent controversies to push a narrative about "cancel culture" that doesn't exist. Calling out 0.001% of fans and calling it a culture issue with the export is dumb.

posted 3 weeks ago

Get off Twitter. That's literally it dude. Your just ragebaiting yourself.

posted 3 weeks ago

I'm not talking to zeek I'm talking to ur dumb ass.

posted 3 weeks ago

Idgaf a fuck about the fan art and neither do most people. The same people calling people "soft" are also getting unnaturally heated at a single drawing from some weirdo online. Who cares.

posted 3 weeks ago

Stop whining bro shut up

posted 3 weeks ago

Cause they needed another person, probably.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

It's not really anything tbh. Some people have some valid complaints about fans obsessing over certain pros in a way reminiscent of kpop fans, which can lead to some toxic results. Others are just using it to rag on the val community for being soft and shit. Just your typical complaints about the community repackaged.

posted 3 weeks ago

We don't, but some of us are comfortable having the conversation at least. It's really a pretty rare topic, but some people just can't seem to stand it and shut down when it does go that deep.

It seems like your definition of "all the time" is more like "literally ever."

posted 3 weeks ago

Because clearly that's who a lot of people are targeting with this when they complain about fangirls online and in the audience who only care about specific players and what not.

posted 3 weeks ago

I think there is some validity to criticizing super obsessive fans. My issue is more with people calling it "The worst thing to ever happen to valorant" or those talking about it like it's some wider cultural issue for the scene. At this point, some people are just using it as a less cringe substitute for "woke."

posted 3 weeks ago

I mean that half the complaints I'm reading our just about generic fangirls and how soft some of these "kpop fans" are. Some of it is genuinely complaints about idol culture, but a lot could just be swapped out for women 1 to 1.

posted 3 weeks ago

Bruh. I mean, you're just wrong. Don't really know what else to say. Sounds like you may have a bubble of your own you need to get out of.

posted 3 weeks ago

Obviously not, but you seem to think everything is a "society/women" problem. I've just long since grown past the incel phase.

posted 3 weeks ago

Wtf are you talking about? It's not as bad as some other games, but some form of weirdness happens just about every other time a women mics up in my games.

posted 3 weeks ago

But why do you care? Being cringe or lightly into the scene isn't a crime and doesn't really effect anyone. This just sounds like gatekeeping.

posted 3 weeks ago

I mean they were. The rank community is notoriously toxic to women, and that's part of the whole initial "Valorant is an e-daters game!" reputation.

posted 3 weeks ago

Wtf are we talking about? Is this just a dogwhistle for "I hate female fans?" People are acting like this is the worst thing to ever happen to val and yet you literally never have to deal with it if you don't want to. The only place you could possibly encounter this shit is twitter, and why are you fuckers all on there anyway if you hate it so much anyway?

posted 3 weeks ago

Not as shitty as you tho

posted 3 weeks ago

Damn it's even worse than I thought. I don't understand how these people exist. I get how casual transphobia can form to an extent, but this amount of hate to a group of people who've never done a single thing to you is crazy.

posted 3 weeks ago

Bro is such a loser that he made an alt account with the sole purpose of being transphobic. Be normal bro.

posted 3 weeks ago

at this point, you may have just become the crybaby here. he's not being cancelled bro, shut up.

posted 3 weeks ago

It was pretty obnoxious, sure, but he's also not even being cancelled. Can we stop calling 30 random people saying they don't like something a cancellation? Because it's not. If some people who weren't even his fans get a bad taste in their mouth because of this, that's valid, but it's still not a cancellation.

posted 3 weeks ago

So is any team not number 1 in their region awful now? They made an international brother, show a little bit of respect.

posted 3 weeks ago

Nah people liked EG. Their rise from bottom-feeders to champ winners was insanely hype as it happened over the course of the year. Some people didn't like Demon1, but most people either didn't care or thought it was mildly amusing.

I still wouldn't call them most beloved though. PRX during that time with Jingg supposedly having to leave for military service was probably even more beloved at the time.

posted 3 weeks ago

yall forgot about babyj

posted 3 weeks ago

bro its vlr. never expect anything but the worse

posted 4 weeks ago

ye thats still what he's saying. they're not strategically to the level of a top 3-5 team in the world, but firepower carries them there and without it they'd be more mid-table

posted 4 weeks ago

he's saying vitality is strategically bad but has good players. reading comprehension bruh.

posted 4 weeks ago

I never really got the derke hype until I've started seeing him in vit. maybe im just a peabrain tho

posted 4 weeks ago

its 1 for me too and im doing it, so you should too.

posted 4 weeks ago

As long as I don't know they'll always finish fourth and can still have some suspense in my life, I pick number uno

posted 4 weeks ago

I didn't think the apac fans had it in them to stoop to our level and flame other regions... but here we are.

posted 4 weeks ago

for NA viewers it'll definitely feel like that because of the start times. prob hype af in apac regions rn tho

posted 4 weeks ago

dude. its been two games, both of which have been china/apac best team vs the second seed of emea/americas. They've been caught up for a while and I've heard some iteration of this take about them rapidly improving and leaving us in the dust every year. we'll probably get to a more equal playing field, but i really don't see any evidence for emea/americas not being able to keep up.

posted 4 weeks ago
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