I THINK this was the best CHAMPS final ever
Flag: | Singapore |
Registered: | June 12, 2023 |
Last post: | March 6, 2025 at 10:33 AM |
Posts: | 1001 |
my sova cant hit a shot to save hsi life and shock darts me: "focus on urself bro" im 2nd frag btw
no one breaks drone or dart: "ask?"
asks for someone to break: no reply, no one breaks
misses op shot bcos someone dinged me bcos they scanned me with drone: why u miss\
this is all while half of my team is double negative, clove and viper both dont know how to smoke and kj doesnt know hwo to set up for shit
i say fns clears and i watch tmv if theres no fns, and watch tarik if theres no tmv
sg definitely has one of the least corrupted governments, just bcos u can buy ur way out of army in other countries doesnt mean u can here
i hate how people say that jingg got out of ns bcos his family is rich cz he paid off the government. like we get ur governments are corrupt, u dont needa assume every government is corrupt?
hes surprisingly good, hes so much better than the start of the season, im actually glad g2 gave him a chance
YEAH and i wld still put him above miniboo and derke and icy and kai/fengf either way
not gonna lie last year prx, eg and fnc with that map pool this year would dominate
id say miniboo5, derke 6, buzz 2, zekken 4
cant believe ur a fan of a team that doesnt exist anymore
id take out sunset and put back ascent with insane reworks to asite
i am not even trolling, but i think sen is on the biggest fluke run ive ever seen. DONT GET ME WRONG, i think the players deserve it and are definitely playing well, but i really think that a large portion of this was due to confidence. after beating fpx, they pstded geng basically into losing(they were playing bad), and sen were playing good. then they broke the mental of drx(cz theyre young less exp) and now almost definitely have a free path to upper finals. im not saying sen dont deserve it, theyve gotten better by the day, but i think it was kinda fluky no? what are ur thoughts
id say not chicago but maybe smwhere that has lower crime rates
i think it was flukey and sen'll bomb but in my pickems i have them making top4 to play vs fnc
yeahh, i hate the fake prx fans asking to drop people, like id rather have an almost guranteed international team than a team that could absolutely suck ass
is boo not an example of an old dog learning new tricks? or benjy from fortnite
yeah bcos they cldnt retake against the util
i think autumnwld be easily picked up by global or rrq even
id put forsaken neon, jinggg flex maybe like kayo on those maps
nah i wldnt get another duelist id rlly get nephh cz he can init and senti, letting d4v41 go back on comfy init and forsaken just flex less stuff. but id rather hv jinggg learn shit himself and just make mindfreak call and d4v41 midround
prx: either get alecks a performance coach, and another extra analyst(anti stratting), or cut someone for nephh (pls no id rather keep the team now)
sen: dont drop sacy unless yall go out top8 and hes clearly a weakness, otherwise theyre doing fine
geng: drop nobody bruh are u high
fpx: another coach or analyst for anti strats
drx: also nothing unless they bomb out
t1: akame, stax, izu, carpe(make him learn smt else) xccurate(unless they going full korean)
rrq: pick up xccurate if t1 drops him
i call out their issues, but dont hate players and will support them even if they lose
yes exactly I hate the fake fans, I believe in prx
it'll be either 3 emea or 3 America's, and either 2 Chinese or 2 pacific
I think it'll be 3 America's 2 emea 2 pacific 1 Chinese, trace will place top 6, prx place top 4, drx 1st/2nd, th 2nd/3rd, fnc place top 6, Lev place top 8, sen place top 8, g2 place 1st/6th
this is kinda braindead imo
i only agree with 1 and 3, bcos reload time on odin is obnoxiously long already, and first shot inaccuracy just makes the game feel worse
where does woot and karon place?
skuba verno dapr reduxx and mitch. whr do they go?