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Registered: December 7, 2021
Last post: September 16, 2024 at 8:25 PM
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This is cap. JonahP has always been super consistent at playing every role; and if rumors are true, if anything he underperforms compared to scrims. That’s an issue that will be overcome with experience, which he’s got a bunch of in challengers. Take a look at the woohoojin breakdown of his game on kayo for ex, where he’s not even trying and is still showing insane skill. This guy is absolutely a tier 1 player, maybe not as impressive in statistics as the best flex players worldwide like Zekken, Rb, Chronicle, but certainly no slouch.

posted 7 months ago

I said in that split, they obv choked in playoffs, and lost to a mid LG, then a really good C9 with Xeta who everyone expected to be the second NA team going to Iceland.

V1 was super good at chaining together util combos, they pioneered kayo on a bunch of maps along with C9, but Penny was kinda lackluster as a duelist and they didn’t adapt well to chamber so they fell off.

posted 7 months ago

You don’t remember this game? During the prime chamber Yay era too. V1 was genuinely really incredible at the time.

posted 7 months ago

Why is everyone forgetting how good zellsis is individually?

Sure we talk a lot about soft factors; comms, vibes, etc, and he’s definitely very strong in those areas, but he’s also been one of the best initiators in NA since near the beginning of Valorant.

Anyone remember him on V1? All throughout 2022 when they were nearly on Optic’s level? A large part of that was because of Zellsis’ influence. He’s always brought incredible individual performance, and I think it’s absurd that people are discrediting him for that.

And yes this is dickridinf and you don’t care bc you’re mad whatever whatever

posted 7 months ago

Haha that’s what I’m doing after undergrad. Got my license and I’m looking to sail across the pacific next.

posted 7 months ago

he's not coming back, we talk every once and a month

posted 7 months ago

Kru is good, but don’t underestimate G2

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

Why tf would they take that guy over theif???

posted 7 months ago

Yes and no. Certain flashes are more potent bc they provide sight line denial in addition to space creation. They also can be really effective at breaking crosshair placement. Breach flashes for ex, aren’t that impactful. Most pros are good enough to consistently turn them and maintain crosshair placement on all but perfect timing. But Skye flashes (bc of info), reyna flashes (bc of sightline denial), and kayo flashes (bc they can be unturnable) will have some level of significant impact.

posted 7 months ago

I don't mean as an anchor I mean as a lurker

posted 7 months ago

Yay has sentinel aim, but we can’t comment on his timings and such bc he haven’t seen him play it on a team

posted 7 months ago

Replay system is so vital I can’t believe we don’t have one yet

posted 7 months ago

I think he’s just good on nearly everything. Def a worldclass talent.

posted 7 months ago

Yeah no clue how that would work

posted 7 months ago

Let’s pretend language barrier doesn’t exist. Rn DRX is putting foxy9 on sentinel (lowkey moronic), so they need someone to play that role. They’ve also struggled with mid rounding and being adaptive FOREVER. Literally their biggest problem. So here’s the move. Keep Stax because he’s a crazy good individual player on the flash initiator role. Take out foxy9, put in FNS. FNS igls from sentinel. DRX wins everything.

posted 7 months ago

I think diamond/asc mostly. But eh I’m lower than that so I can’t speak.

posted 7 months ago

I’m not super well versed but based on the ppl currently playing next season, yeah he is near the top. Maybe JessieVash? But I don’t really consider him a top tier player even tho I love him.

posted 7 months ago

Notice how none of EG made it to the top spots (except Ethan bc he’s been consistently good for a longggg time), even if they showed up in honorable mentions.

posted 7 months ago

TMV isn’t a great example bc he’s gold or something. Sliggy was radiant, and obv his coaching exp makes a huge diff. I think most of plat chat peaked immortal something, so that’s still firmly in the upper percentile.

posted 7 months ago

Aspas, Less, Alfajer, Leo

posted 7 months ago

Idgaf, he’s gonna be crazy good individually.

posted 7 months ago

KOI 100%

posted 7 months ago

Nah but like fengf and stew were so fucking good recently. I just can’t evaluate them without more data imo.

posted 7 months ago

Oop good to know. Vlr says xffero igl I think.

posted 7 months ago

Of course. I’d say fns top 2 igl, S0m is an HM controller, jingg would be competing for top duelist apac.

posted 7 months ago

That’s insane recency bias, that team just didn’t gel in the second half of the year. He’s been incredibly consistent for so long beforehand, and I have no doubt he will be equally as good this year.

posted 7 months ago

Mostly because the top few teams in EMEA have controller igls, like Angel, boaster, etc, so they’re not crazy impressive individually.

posted 7 months ago

Only ppl playing on starting rosters next year. Johnqt is for igl. Enzo is NOT as good as Trent in his role. Zyppan I don’t consider good enough either. Sugarzero I almost added ngl, I was on the fence.

posted 7 months ago

I did, only ppl on rosters rn. Otherwise Pancada, k1ng, and RB would probably make an appearance.

posted 7 months ago

He plays 3 agents that aren't duelists bro. Chamber (duelist adjacent), Brim (on one map), and Astra (very very rarely). Compare to f0rsaken, Zekken, Chronicle, etc who've played nearly every role and agent in the game, and you'll easily see the difference.

posted 7 months ago

Duelist: Aspas
HM: Demon1, jawgemo, leaf, keznit, OXY, mwzera, zekken

Recon initiator: crashies
HM: cauanzin, C0m, trent

Flash initiator: Ethan
HM: cauanzin

Controller: Marved
HM: Demon1 (on certain maps)

Sentinel: Less
HM: nobody comes close

Flex: Zekken
HM: leaf

IGL: Saadhak
HM: Boostio, johnqt

Duelist: Sayf
HM: Derke, Jamppi, runneR, Trexx

Recon Initiator: Leo
HM: Shao, Cloud

Flash Initiator: Jamppi
HM: no other standouts

Controller: No standouts

Sentinel: Alfajer
HM: SUYGETSU, yetujey, ceNder, nAts

Flex: Chronicle
HM: Trexx

IGL: Boaster
HM: MrFaliN

Apologies to other good players I just haven't seen in a hot minute or those I don't know well (cough cough logaN)

Duelist: something
HM: BuZz (when he plays them), Dep, Jemkin, Surf, yay

Recon Initiator: xffero
HM: idk others know more

Flash Initiator: invy
HM: stax

Controller: MaKo
HM: sScary, Monyet (on GE)

Sentinel: Laz
HM: yay (chamber moment), d4v41 ig?

Flex: f0rsaken
HM: d4v41

IGL: stax
HM: Laz, xffero

Somebody who knows do china pls

posted 7 months ago

I miss when you first came to this site and weren’t baiting all the time

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

Guy on giants, top 3 initiator EMEA along w Shao and Leo

posted 7 months ago

I literally did that last year copycat

posted 7 months ago

G2, ppl keep underrating this guard core AND they have the second best Americas duelist from last year. They’re gonna cook.

posted 7 months ago

Yeah and the double controller meta came from Frod. This change will be harder to recover from, but they will still be top 5 in Americas no doubt.

posted 7 months ago

You're right. Tenz's Omen has improved drastically, but Pancada is still a more natural controller player. Besides that, there's no role Tenz has played recently that Zellsis cannot play at an equal or higher level except maybe Yoru (I'm not talking just mechanics here).

That being said, I don't think it's a good idea to switch them at this stage. Based on vibes, demonstrated form, and cohesion, the current lineup is by far and away the best, and frankly that matters MORE than individual skill on agent roles. What should happen is Sen should give Pancada the option to join another team (such as MIBR where his old coach Bzka is), and then we get the best of both worlds: Sen playing well, and Pancada not on the bench for another season.

posted 7 months ago

I agree with all except MIBR. Frankly I don’t think any coaching staff can turn frz, jzz, and mazin into an elite level team. I wish they gave a shot to more upcoming Brazilian talent and developed a new igl.

posted 7 months ago

Bro tf you calling me random for, we've been talking for years

posted 7 months ago

nutab1e we've talked about this for literally 2 years, move on baby

posted 7 months ago

EG always had flashes of brilliance stretching wayyy back, they could just never put it all together. I think demon, Ethan, boostio will do incredible, and I think c0m will be good, not the best on lev tho

posted 8 months ago

Imma be honest I think they’ll be worse than before

posted 8 months ago
  1. PRX will win an event (surely)
  2. G2 will get 3rd in Americas and make it to at least 1 international
  3. Vitality will beat Fnatic at least once (but no one else in EMEA will)
posted 8 months ago

He's not 'more' capable yet but perhaps in time

posted 8 months ago

I mean the current best initiator worldwide

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago
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