Pacific Power Rankings

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Saw a ton of Americas Power Rankings, but not many Pacific ones.

Here's my list! Please take it with a grain of salt.

  1. PRX (hasn't played, but should be 1)
    • small tier gap -
  2. DRX (flashback proved himself)
  3. T1 (a bit more until they go head-to-head with DRX, I like the iZu Rossy and xccurate pickups)
  4. GEN (unexpected t3xture pop-off, but might go down if Lakia and Karon underperform in future matches, which I 90% expect)
  5. TLN (Gov and ban r*ped TS WTF)
    • very small tier gap -
  6. BLD (I'm sorry, I never believed that this team would be top 3. Please let yay prove me wrong.)
  7. ZETA (shaky against GE, which looks awful.)
  8. RRQ (might have rated this team too low if GEN deserves 4th. Was not convinced with Jemkin; Estrella was an ok pick but will he be consistent?)
  9. DFM (NOT LAST. looked decent against DRX with raid boss flashback)
    • large tier gap -
  10. TS (wtf. wtf. wtf. nepotism at its finest. tbh might rate under GE.)
  11. GE (This team relies on blazeking to do good. he did not do good. BUT still has the potential to climb up to 7-8)

This is based on first games, minus PRX! Again, please take this with a grain of salt and I'm open to any dissent.


I like this based on what we saw till now


Really excited to see PRX tn!!


I agree with this rankings, the only argument I could maybe change this would be swapping bleed and ZETA (very minimal I know), bleed hasn't proved themselves in these pools of teams YET, and ZETA has won LCQ. Based on GE vs ZETA game, Yuran has been great pick up and he can frag.


I agree, that's valid. Although I agree with your placements, I disagree, since I think it's for a different reason. LCQ ZETA is not equal to 2024 ZETA. The current ZETA is much more aggressive, and THANK GOD for them trying to increase individual play, and not be confined in the mindset of "teamplay is best play."


I think I have to follow up, now that a lot of my assumptions came true, except a few surprises.

This list will be hella controversial now LOL

  1. PRX (the gap between PRX and 2-6th place is getting so marginal. PRX kind of did way worse than I thought, and perhaps we could see PRX fall off from 1. Before I anger the majority of SEA, I'm going to brief over the KR teams at 2-4)
  2. DRX (no comment, see below.)
  3. T1 (Am I biased for still rating T1 lower? Personally, I think DRX STILL has an edge, and influencers like PlatChat, TMV, and all VCTP casters (minus achilios) underrate DRX for what they are actually worth)
  5. TLN (I'm hyped for what the team can do against DRX, and I'm known to glaze DRX just a bit!)
  6. ZETA (Not bad of a showing against T1, but it was a mid-performance.)
  7. RRQ (I rated them too low last time, but only moved them once because I don't see them beating ZETA at their current form.)
  8. DFM (DFM just keeps winning. Because BLD threw so hard, I'm bumping DFM up lol)
  9. BLD (Although GE did beat BLD, LEGIJA is clearly throwing for assuming that yay can flex, nonetheless flex with a roster with little chemistry. If yay settled in and actually played for his strengths, BLD would normally be beating GE. However, I do think GE will get better over time and BLD might fall to the 10 spot.)
  10. GE (See above.)
  11. TS (nothing to say)

edit: might switch TLN and ZETA

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