Flag: United States
Registered: July 24, 2023
Last post: August 17, 2024 at 10:53 PM
Posts: 34

but fnc's haven is better than sen's

posted 6 months ago

oh fuck

posted 6 months ago

how she made leftover players/tier 2 talent with one superstar look better than NRG who is filled with the best of the best last year

posted 7 months ago

LOUD (coaching/system changed), NRG (roster/system changed), and NAVI (coaching changed) have gone through so many changes its hard to compare their results to last year/previous events lol, systems, meta, coaching, agents, map pools/changes, everything is very different that so many other teams have footage of these ex-top teams (specifically loud and NRG/optic core) basically everything is already anti-stratted/improved. and for NAVI idk i dont rlly watch emea that much but they def are in the same situation as NRG in which they arent fundamentally as strong, no matter how hard they try to stay in the meta they cant achieve good results because they just arent that strong anymore. One of the reasons why fnatic was and still is good is because they are fundamentally strong (individually and as a team) and are just one of the teams that adapt better to the meta (loud usually try to change the meta to adjust to their playstyles but the meta is so overwhelming/powerful that its hard for them and when they try the meta they dont find much success) + for fnatic to be "back" they gotta be in their best form to even be a contender for champs because thats legit every team's goal (to make it far into champs lol)

posted 7 months ago

but who were their games against? they almost lost to BBL, a win over vitality, and a washed karmine corp (their last match is against to a dying team liquid) + only having a few good maps isnt gonna win anything, teams to even be considered a winner need to have a vast map pool (if they dont they gotta still be decent enough on a lot of maps/are worldclass in at least 3 maps) and even so seeing how they play on these maps against teams in their own region is different story compared to how teams from other regions play their map. never said fnatic are horrible its just the truth about how teams can be different in LANs and how fnatic's maps most likely wont show the same results internationally compared to the results they get regionally

posted 7 months ago

lev actually look good w the coach changes and they actually look like a team that plays together rather than individual firepower driving the team

posted 7 months ago

boo(?), johnqt, and munchkin clear boaster tho no? (theres probably other igls too) although FNC beat TH regional results dont compare to international results, teams change and improve. The only regional winner who had a good finish at shanghai was 100T but they lost horribly to TH and are doing horrible rn

posted 7 months ago

legit saadhak would be more impactful if he was just igl theres a reason why no good IGL plays as a primary duelist

posted 7 months ago

i mean if other players from loud leave they could potentially join MIBR bc their old coach is there and clearly its something w the coaching/system loud is running but i dont think MIBR has the money for loud players' stocks

posted 7 months ago

i think already they beat them due to champs points but yeah that could happen but i doubt it idk if sen wanna win split 2/place due to prize fund or save strats and be content with fourth place might be a little mix of both

posted 7 months ago

I mean 100T can still make champs bc of points but they need at least a win even so they need to work hella hard before champs to be w the competition

posted 7 months ago

considering that TH was 2-1 in the finals miniboo probably wouldve made all the difference

posted 7 months ago

this he didnt stand out during last year at ALL maybe like matches loud easily won and the NRG match but that was legit it this year even when loud win or lose he performs pretty well and is more consistent and impactful in his role compared to last year especially he does well in matches that loud need to win like the SEN and G2 games at the end of stage 1

posted 7 months ago

even at one point tuyz called out the loud fans that were giving the shit to qck for every time he "underperformed"

posted 7 months ago

i feel like nrg fans have given up since they lost to LEV terribly it j went downhill from there and nrg fans couldnt deny that their entire team is washed like there isnt any criticism if nrg hasnt achieved anything great its just bad losses after bad losses

posted 7 months ago

all players on C9 not just oxy have to be on point to even beat SEN and SEN themselves need to have a bad day to lose to C9

posted 7 months ago

thiss without them stepping up the most they wouldnt have made such a deep run in shanghai not only them but def the team as a whole looked great in shanghai compared from kickoff/stage 1

posted 7 months ago

isnt that j a switch of playstyle tho instead of improvement as a player

posted 7 months ago

tuyz did really good in the nrg match in lockin, stats wise i dont see anything else (for matches that were harder for loud). His consistency this year is way better compared to last years for sure. even in games that LOUD doesnt win he doesnt do bad and games that they do win he does pretty good (especially in the ones that matter). I think the slump LOUD had in stage 1 lowk fucked him and other players but hes more consistent now compared to last year

posted 7 months ago

100% they make playoffs atp they look very very good the true test is playoffs but thats where they usually shine most tho no?

posted 7 months ago

frr but the sen vs eg matches were fucking hilarious

posted 8 months ago

Despite geng even having the easier route they still won shanghai lmao and thats not easy. saying sens path was not easy when they legit almost qualified to playoffs and didnt make it by 3-4 rounds even g2 played bad against loud (sens decider match) if sen just got more rounds against loud/even got a map or just didnt lose a 10-2 lead to eg they wouldve been in playoffs. Although having the harder path they didnt make playoffs because of that they simply choked and if they did get demolished by loud in the season just losing against eg was rlly bad for them.

posted 8 months ago

this they were pretty aware of the challenge of staying at the top and once the lost against lev it was pretty hard for them after that and even in the game against loud it was pretty obvious that they got hella lazy

posted 8 months ago

this is so real people think that other americas teams wouldnt need to changes/improve when the winning team is in their region, other teams wanna win/qualify to lans too its j common sense. It's legit stupid to think that the most competitive region is gonna let sen win split 1 that easily lmaoo

posted 8 months ago

even sen said it themselves the hardest thing isnt getting to the top its maintaining how they are going to stay on top and go against teams who now know how they fully play. their fans j cant admit that other teams got better while sen couldnt keep their world class form

posted 8 months ago


posted 10 months ago

bts twice gidle

posted 10 months ago

okay buddy ‼️‼️

posted 11 months ago

this team couldnt even win in ascension 🔥

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

loud won 2022 dominantly but okay

posted about a year ago

lowkey kinda try nrg are known for slow starts idk why ppl are surprised a lot

posted about a year ago

yeah fr thats my prediction

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago