Flag: Mexico
Registered: October 6, 2021
Last post: March 19, 2024 at 10:11 PM
Posts: 15

he had some serious mental health issues going on but Sentinels decided to help him as much as possible last update they were able to get him help and he seems to be doing a lot better than before

posted 11 months ago

thank the heavens !! but why is always so hard to find ;-;

posted 11 months ago

is vlr gonna add a page to show a table of all the championship points accumulated for all teams across the regions ??

posted 11 months ago

their bind is so shit and im so sure its gonna get through cus they've been banning icebox every game

posted about a year ago

dude LEV played so well in that series the only way we win is if we get Sunset as last pick. Sen has been banning icebox every match meaning LEV is gonna get their bind pick and we know how well SEN play Bind but hoping we get split and sunset

posted about a year ago

i hate this format riot came uo with they should make it a bo3 and reset the bracket if losers win its really fucking stupid considering the fact that its double elim

posted about a year ago

what happened to all the soulcas hate??? its quiet......

posted about a year ago

close actually LMAOOOO

posted about a year ago

i mean yea the entire C9 crew has been doing great LMAO but there's def other players doing better than them individually for their respective teams

posted about a year ago

in terms of impact (not results) and their solo gameplay
these guys have been absolutely great to say the least

posted about a year ago

y’all heard toast now

posted about a year ago

OR 2-1 Gold 2 they choke but take the last map 2 EZZZZZZZZ for OR

posted about a year ago

i dont think he's trying to bench him forever. its a completely new roster so there is bound to be hiccups and they got a win over 100T who i thought were gonna win. also tenz is the face of the brand idt he want to get rid of him anytime soon.

posted about a year ago

im glad TenZ is finally getting a bit of a break he's been the face of the team for a while now and considering all the personal things going on with him he deserves sum peace rn. he's played with an infection in his joint, caught covid shortly after and in some way has to care for his fiance kyedae because of their situation. i just hope he can come back stronger (if he does). but as of now hope he get a bit of piece of mind. and as for the sub im sure marved will do the team justice and step up to the plate and more.

posted about a year ago

i’m a big sentinels fan but it tragic to see them out in qualifiers and i lm not gonna make excuses for their bad performance but hopefully they can rebuild their team chemistry and participate in mickey mouse tourneys. because i believe they’re a solid team but as the meta changed they never really had the chance to adapt properly and try their comp changes in actual matches, since vct was terribly spaced out and they had to focus most of their time into international lans last year.

posted about 2 years ago