prolly just another smurf i mean 24% hs rate and playing neon bucky doesnt seem like cheating to me
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Registered: | November 26, 2023 |
Last post: | March 1, 2025 at 1:08 PM |
Posts: | 28 |
prolly just another smurf i mean 24% hs rate and playing neon bucky doesnt seem like cheating to me
bro that talon geng game was horrible, if this is the top of apac vit and fut/th will fucking crush these guys (reasonably competetive region tho so fun to watch)
lost anyways so kinda couldve tried it tho
kinda still cheering for sen but trent kinda cute and lowkey bodyspraying entertaining
Everytime i watch kk and life i feel live somone put 2021 Sentinels into our time
facts, nrg fans are the worst
Like rax and FUT but dont know xand (please dont blame me) all in all good moves for the content side
Ascent: Loud 2022 (agree)
Haven: Loud 2022 / Optic 2023 (I think they were even in this map)
Bind: Acend 2021 / PRX 2023 (i dont know both Teams just invented how to play this map completly new)
Split: SEN 2024 (I know they got destroyed two Times, but you have to understand that this was two days in a row because geng antistratted them hard and prx Just copied it [because they had no time to fix], after that they cooked GenG in Split again. I think its the same reason FNC are the Champs on Lotus)
Fracture: EG 2023 (undesputed)
Breeze: GEN 2024 (they Just destroyed every Team they played
Icebox: GMB 2021 (agree)
Pearl: PRX 2023 (agree but could understand other opinions since some Teams cooked in this map)
Lotus: FNC 2023 (they were 12:0 at one point)
Sunset: Sen 2024 (i liked FUTs way to Play the map, but i could not defend to put them here and since SEN were frying on this map it hast to be SEN i guess)
Bro WE both have hard Times behind us, or do you saw sentinels playing acctual valorant for the Last over 2 years (before Madrid)
You Guys won both pistols ON this map and still lost Bro your Team Had 4 rouds Advantage and sucked anyways
Please Bring lil bro Tarik in and let him IGL
Could be the Case cause the Most of the Player Played in DACH for years, thanks you
Can anyone answer ðŸ«
Just wait until this PEE_CONSUMER Dude sees this comment 💀
I thought that you need 3 of more DACH (Germany,Austria,Switzerland) Players to compete in the VLR, but CGN hast only 2 DACH Players and MOUZ have only 1. How ist that allowed, that they Play with one German Player (Who acctually seems Like one of their worse Players) and win the regional circut without even playing with regional Players?
agree partly, the sen boys werent playing their peak yesterday but i think even if they play like they have done the last games it will be prett hard caus geng can shoot straight and havent bad strats eigther
they dont, but its obvious that they fell off at least a little bit, if you look at louds comp you see that they heavyly relied on aspas shitting on everyone (they knew they couldnt replace him so they brought in qck [who isnt even a real duelist] and are playing completely different now)
i think you watched a different kc than "the melons" last year bro
I think they mixed geT_rights spray with screams taps
yeah i think thats the only time I remember him having a mom
bro Furia has so much talent beside mwzera (who is very good too)