Flag: United States
Registered: September 23, 2020
Last post: October 8, 2024 at 3:31 PM
Posts: 39

and with the shield you don’t take any instance of fall damage

which just goes to show you didn’t know 🤷‍♂️

weird people

posted 5 months ago


posted about a year ago

wait we scrimmed giants/eg today?

posted about a year ago

i don’t want money i just want to play good valorant

posted about a year ago

youre trying to force movement/strafing too much to where youre shooting even though youre not on target

you should prioritize hitting the first shot/few bullets and i think youll see better results

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

np dont worry about it

I got a gift card code for you and sent it in a dm. enjoy your skins my brother

posted about 2 years ago

how much u need

drop the paypal

posted about 2 years ago

the unseen ratio

posted about 2 years ago

interesting times ahead boys

posted about 2 years ago

thank you for the kind words everyone

posted about 2 years ago

why u lying tho

posted about 2 years ago

hey boys, thought I'd add a bit of additional context as a friend linked me this thread.

there's no copium on why we lost. we lost because our teamwork was abysmal this tournament and we were disconnected on a lot of key rounds. we lost some inexcusable 4v2's/3v2's and major man advantage situations, in which if you're wanting to win a tournament you need to close out every time. there's a lot of things we need to work on for champs coming up if we want to have a chance at taking it.

when I was referencing some NA teams copying our stuff, there a few teams in particular that map for map/side for side/agent for agent copied legitimately everything. which is fine, don't get me wrong as I guess it's a form of flattery. but from a personal motivation perspective it makes me a bit bored sometimes as I'm not learning much from playing against our own strats. it'd be one thing to take a comp and expand upon it but that's rarely the case. there's even been instances of us scrimming teams for the sake of taking our new shit LMAO. don't get me wrong either, every team takes from one another and we've taken a lot of stuff as well.

my main reasoning behind this was behind my experiences playing in the EMEA region. we played against top teams for their respective countries and they had completely unique styles/comps/strats that I had not even seen top EMEA teams do. even for me personally, I saw some really creative util (trips/tp's) that I've never seen before. and for me that's exciting because it allows me to continue to improve as a player and gives me fresh ideas. it does make a bit sad though as I felt NA in the past was more diverse at the start- as people were more open to trying things and we saw some really unique styles (everyone was figuring out the game). now it feels much more stagnant and more follow what the top teams do. although this could just be a perspective/biased pov, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

hope that clears everything up or at least makes more sense

posted about 2 years ago

I was shitty to some people in the past. ngl to this day its probably one of my biggest regrets as a person.

before valorant/csgo, I used to watch COD where it was a constant norm and thought success equated to shit talk. in csgo, I put other people down to try and bring up my own confidence. in reality, I did this because I was unhappy as a person. I had a lot of problems both related to a toxic environment at home, and just in my life.

near the start of beta for VALORANT. I had a period of 3-4 months in which I was severely depressed (legitimately bed ridden for that duration). it's a feeling I wish no one has to experience ever. during that period, I had family members essentially even making it worse. won't go into too much detail, but essentially it was daily pressure of "this is God's way of punishing you as you're not following his plan".

all in all, to get out of that hole my perspective changed a ton. I didn't want to be constantly unhappy nor did I want to contribute to ruining another person's day. plus I started to question why I felt the way I did about X. fast forward a month and I started to grind VALORANT and eventually got my shot on a team. this lead to me eventually getting evicted out of my household as I wanted to pursue VALORANT over a traditional job (plus I took the COVID vaccine/ + other religion stuff).

I really do appreciate though the comments here. I'm glad I'm able to have a positive even if small for people who I don't know. not perfect by any means, but hey I'm trying my best.

posted about 2 years ago

trembolona coming for my job

posted about 2 years ago

chet with his cringe ass comps

posted about 2 years ago

all good

posted about 2 years ago

say less

posted about 2 years ago

ty for being loyal

posted about 3 years ago

its similar although I would disallow it during the offline portion.

the reason for not allowing it is to prevent coaches from being able to IGL and having 5 man superstar teams.

the only reason I'd allow it during the online portion is because as I said it's unenforcable. and i don't think it's a good idea to rely on the good nature of teams to follow the rules. you look at any sport, if there's an advantage people will take it.

so the only fair option imo is allow coaches to give any input they want in the online tournaments. if a team relies on that input, they will hurt come the offline event. plus it's fair for teams who do follow the rules as they'll be on the same playing field as ones who do not.

i don't see any other solution to be honest.

posted about 3 years ago

love u more

posted about 3 years ago

theres no way to really enforce the rule.

if its not in all chat, you can be on discord. if its not on your computer, you can do it via phone/another PC.

if players/teams really wanted to, the coach could provide input in the game.

imo the only way to address it is to allow coaches to give input to their players in online events. but disallow it during the actual offline tournaments where you can actually enforce it.

I think this will naturally force people to respect the rule and make it as fair as possible for everyone.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

brimstone/yoru main now

posted about 3 years ago

ye they're pretty good.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

? I was saying I was excited to play heat and I've been learning Portuguese as a second language for the last year.

what are you saying lol

posted about 3 years ago

estou animado para jogar


eu joguei com alguns times brasileiros em CSGO

perdoar o meu portugues eu nao muito fluente

posted about 3 years ago

I don't usually comment on these things but there's just so many assumptions being thrown around lately. You can call my perspective bias or whatever.

To me it's just weird of all this stigma associated with where a player came from. Like frankly, who cares about their players and their backgrounds. Who cares if they were ex CS/Overwatch/Apex/Fortnite players ultimately? This is VALORANT and it's a different game favoring different skillsets. Some backgrounds translate better into this game in terms of what skillsets you need, but it's not a determiner by any means of what makes a good player in this game. Often you'll find that, the "best" players of another game aren't the best in this game. You'll find this in sports too where people try multiple sports before beginning to specialize in one.

Secondly in terms of the NA scene being washed, sure you can argue that the scene is a lot of former of professionals because it is. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that. For me, it was never a matter of not being able to compete in the CSGO scene. I had the talent and ability to do so, although I lacked at the time both the character and discipline to capitalize on that ability. I had a lot of issues in regards of how I acted towards others. Not to mention, I struggled outside the game with a lot of abuse/burden from both family and ex's. I ultimately have a lot of regrets of how I treated others and how I squandered opportunities till I had very/little to none left in the scene. Obviously everyone's story is different, but for me I'm ultimately a VALORANT player at the end of the day. I want to be remembered for what I do in VALORANT. I don't care about what happened in my CSGO period, I took what I can and made a conscious effort to not repeat similar mistakes and improve in different areas.

Finally, I think people care way too much about which region is stronger. Who knows what the future holds. It's fun to speculate- don't get me wrong. But this whole certainty of what's gonna happen in the future is just dumb. Who's to say that in a year VALORANT is released in China and a Chinese team takes the #1 spot. The meta shifts in this game every single patch/agent/map and that will favor different teams/regions as time progresses.

My excitement stems from wanting to play the best teams from around the world and to push myself to be better. I don't care if a region is superior, I just wanna play because it's fun.

posted about 3 years ago

honestly thats a great question

posted about 3 years ago

no i didnt

posted about 3 years ago

nt c0m

posted about 3 years ago

these are some of the dumbest accusation clips ive ever seen LOL

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

andbox cuz i like them

posted about 4 years ago

idk who this is, but real yayster here. i love you LOL

posted about 4 years ago