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Registered: April 16, 2021
Last post: July 3, 2023 at 8:12 AM
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b01 tournement and the top 4 teams were the best in the world before lock in

posted about a year ago

Yawn NRG didnt even make play offs.

posted about a year ago

you're too reactionary

posted about a year ago

its the 2nd game into the group stage....

posted about a year ago

if Rhyme could age like a fine wine in a month. this team could easily make tokyo

posted about a year ago

That change from Kay/0 to sage had a huge impact for them.

posted about a year ago

If Rhyme can slowly improve across these groups matches (calling and fraggin), Giants could easily make tokyo

posted about a year ago

its not bad to win it?

Giants went up 3-0, navi lost their first gun round an had to eco. its a terrible start for them

posted about a year ago

giants won both pistols and a bonus its still 12-11 to navi

posted about a year ago

AHHH fair, giants aren't bad but Vitaly are definitely better then giants.

giants are definitely the worst on the 5 team list

im sorry ricegum

posted about a year ago

Working out hard helps me get to sleep

posted about a year ago

Ricecum? i dont remember that ?

posted about a year ago

you only resorted to calling you dumbness to bait bc you got shut down.

posted about a year ago

Thats the definition of causal, you only watch international tournements and make dumb comments about players you dont know....

posted about a year ago

Been on giants since forever. was always their best player, this is the first time Giants put together a solid team with him involve.

posted about a year ago

He is comment mid match 1...
Navi agent comp is kinda troll but there is some magic to the maddness. Cypher on icebox is strange.

If Navi ran meta comps, it would be different.

posted about a year ago

Ex-gambit roster are not for sale...

posted about a year ago

no namers??

just bc you're a causal, Giant have some insane players on the team. Fit1nho, Nukkye and cloud are world class players

posted about a year ago

did you watch APAC games this week ? 💀💀

posted about a year ago

Mini scouts better players then yay for a past time.

posted about a year ago

no one is paying yay salary + transfer window is closed

posted about a year ago

Liquid never said they're building a superteam ?

posted about a year ago

You can't even read or understand the main comment.

Crazy how everyone jumps on him (even though he playing ass)
The whole dynamic and structure of liquid looks dogshite.
Has Emil and regar cooked anything up since lock in? nope.

re-read it you illiterate donkey

posted about a year ago

Koi andd Ibai didn't play today. Smartest gamr moment

posted about a year ago

Luckily you're known for being a toxic loser so ill discard your opinion instantly

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

is that the navi team - Ange1? twitter quality is shite

posted about a year ago

Look at the goat picture in his prime form


posted about a year ago

all NA viewers are bc toast and tarik??

posted about a year ago

You're embarassing yourself with how uneducated you are about the matter. just stop

you're not smart enough to comment on anything it seems

posted about a year ago

he was kicked for Jady due to personal issue. Purp0 subbed for 1 map..

shows how much you undertand.

posted about a year ago

Don't act smart when you're not smart


posted about a year ago

You're braindead if you think that was the stratergy.

You only look at scoreboard and don't actually understand what happening during the game. got it

thanks for all the scoreboard links further proving my point. CAUSAL. stick to watching

posted about a year ago

RIP Ballsax

posted about a year ago

I still think their fundamentals and coaching/igl is questionable.

this map has had insane individual rounds

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

biasedd towards him being the scape goat?

you're clearly clueless. no point talking to someone so dumb about stratergy

posted about a year ago

Bro was entry jett. But when you have Chronicle nAts and Slaydos on the team, ofc he would look the worst

posted about a year ago

W. own that socially rejected fraud

posted about a year ago

D3ff0 was always the scapegoat.

Plus the war didnt help any of them

posted about a year ago

them 4 teams are making it with ez

posted about a year ago

Okayyyy kiddo, nice bait. you'll fit right in here

posted about a year ago

Yet their gameplan and individual player decisions looks shite.

T0NK0 you're diamond or lower, no way you played with him or immortal lobbies

posted about a year ago

Not the fact they had no dedicated IGL????

your delusion is incredible

posted about a year ago

this isn't about nationality bro....

This is about pointing out 1 person in a disfunctional team base enviroment.

Coaching and igl need to be questioned more then a single player.

posted about a year ago

Coached a top 5 eu GC team is the only thing notable.
it still looks like Liquid has 0 fundamentals, which is alot of the coaches fault

posted about a year ago

Crazy how everyone jumps on him (even though he playing ass)

The whole dynamic and structure of liquid looks dogshite.

Has Emil and regar cooked anything up since lock in? nope.

posted about a year ago

Spelt Emil wrong brother

posted about a year ago

Engh is on TSM ?

posted about a year ago
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