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Registered: April 16, 2021
Last post: July 3, 2023 at 8:12 AM
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i doubt it. he is a solid support player

posted about a year ago

redgar calling looked questionable.

Do people think they shouldnt ever question the igl ?

posted about a year ago

why do people think he plays astra when he is the sentinel of the team?#

this is not m3c

posted about a year ago

Fut isn't a weak team on Lotus based off previous results.

But yes good analyst. They need to win to go tokyo.

posted about a year ago


Played in the worse region JP.

posted about a year ago

So you're underrating FUT? the team who beat 100T on lotus 13-9...

posted about a year ago

theres a thing called transfer window. Its currently closed.

dimasick is the sub and the only person that could replace soulcas rn

posted about a year ago

you analyse a team based off a scoreboard.

posted about a year ago

yes TL with no igl again. Good choice

posted about a year ago

people rather hate then talk about positives.

posted about a year ago

you wish he gets replaced.

Liquid practiced far more with soulcas them dimasick in the roster. no chance he gets swapped our until after tokyo if it does happen

posted about a year ago

he won't though. nt

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ofc. it would be unfair if i included him.

posted about a year ago

First and probably only time i say this Babysasuke. W take

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


What is VLR opinion on these two and who is more liked within the community.

Upvote the comment on which one you support more.

posted about a year ago

I didn't know im living rent free in someone head who i don't even know

posted about a year ago

why feel bad if he fell off personally?

posted about a year ago

only idiots thought they were classed as a super team.

emil and soulcas are not super

posted about a year ago

why play neon when jett is better for their team.

posted about a year ago

Goat mentality. Keep it up King.

posted about a year ago

Solid team.

posted about a year ago

Trying new agent comps and getting the early nerves out the way.

posted about a year ago

EGG was just giving them free consulting. KC should thank him

posted about a year ago

Navi has already played 138 rounds across 5 maps.....

They are just getting the early reps in. 5Head by ange1

posted about a year ago

Thats a foul right there.

posted about a year ago


where is faze clan again?

posted about a year ago

he has been consistent on giants for well over a year.

just admit you're a casual

posted about a year ago

yikes, you're getting worst at these baits babysucka

posted about a year ago

He is Asian so there is common griund with Toast

really dude....

posted about a year ago

basically its so tough there no point eating it

posted about a year ago

the gandhi flip flop special?

posted about a year ago

HUHUH, mini didn't want sayf. too much ego

posted about a year ago

ding ding ding CORRECT ANSWER

posted about a year ago

Moist> G2

posted about a year ago

How well cooked do you enjoy your steak?

posted about a year ago

o7 i see you stopped with the terrible baiting now. cool.

Moist is going to win agaainst g2

posted about a year ago

no teams have a sentinel, still anyones game

posted about a year ago

shut up ya donkey

posted about a year ago

he is definitely a bottom irl

posted about a year ago

Why does this kid make a new post every second ?
is he really that bad at baits and craves attention ?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

thats why sentinels did nothing in 2022

posted about a year ago

Iceland 2021 where only aim mattered.

You're living in the past lil bro

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

2022 Tenz Aware...

posted about a year ago

Fnatic ain't CIS lil bro

posted about a year ago
1 •• 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 •• 70