I don’t think Marteen has been performing badly. Against VIT, he had a 50/50/16 K/D,he was second on KC, and had a 10/11 FK/FD. He was only -3 against Derke, who is the greatest duelist in EMEA and a top 2 player in the world or top 1.
Against NAVI, he went 41/42 (you could argue his deaths were a little high), but he still had the second-most kills on KC. And versus GX, he was the single reason the game was so close—he dropped 53 kills, the most on KC. They lost that fluke match only because Tomaszy and Purp0 had a generational game, and even then, Marteen was still +4 against Purp0.
So if Miniboo is so bad, where is Kajaak and FNC now? All I see is TH playing in the upper final. It’s clear you don’t understand the concept of space. Miniboo’s job is to go in, make space, and let Reins, Woot, and Benjy get into good positions to secure kills without wasting utility like FNC does. Of course, in Tier 1, it’s hard to get kills, but he still delivers—just look at his 42 kills vs G8, the most in the lobby.