Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: April 12, 2022
Last post: December 12, 2024 at 2:28 PM
Posts: 457
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posted 11 months ago

ITS SAAADHAK not fkn sa'dark

posted 11 months ago

stop trying to call our chocolate 'vegelate' and vetoing nato leader applications bc you still mad about brexit

posted 11 months ago

FNS literally admitted at the time that EU were more advanced in defence protocols, and that's coming from the winner of the tournament and an NA loyalist lol. last year as a whole NA were probs more advanced, i noticed a difference when i watched them after/before EU. but it was MASSIVELY the inverse the year prior, and with the exception of optic (who even then weren't on EU level) NA really didn't look great, i remember genuinely feeling concerned for NA and if you look at what analysts (TMV etc) were saying at the time you'd agree. even optic lost to The Guard etc. all in all, while they won the tournament, it was not fair for reasons that we already know. really, had it been a fair tournament one of the teams you mentioned would've won (fnc or fpx) and indeed when they were back to normal they were able to win copenhagen, even though FPX were arguably already past their prime.

posted about a year ago

ah yes a-levels, the highest mark of education one can achieve (if you actually think it matters i got A*AA so by your own logic i'm smarter than you lol). paying £9k a year, 'sponging the system'? hm, sure, that sounds about right. you probs got them in Business and Sport rofl

posted about a year ago

LMAO you are actually trolling. unless you earn more than £150k/yr unlikely that you pay more than my entire family. uh, actually my degree is Arabic and Politics which yes does involve a lot of concrete, real world examples. "didnt want to sponge anymore" you're actually a joke lol. what does it have to do with whether your parents have put into the system lol? it shouldn't matter how much work your parents have done to enjoy benefits from the state. also it's just as conceivable for children of benefits parents to exist, so by your logic they should not be entitled to school as they have supposedly not put into the system? i'm sure you do bro, that's why you're on VLR arguing with people, it's clearly the mark of a multimillionaire. lying on the internet about your networth is considerably sadder than anything that i will ever do XD

posted about a year ago

lmao that's a great look for your argument, not listening to people trying to learn things - ad hominem and bad ad hominem at that. you're a great advertisement for Nigel farage fanboys: uneducated, unwilling to educate themselves and lazy to engage with arguments that don't fit their narrow, twisted version of the world.

posted about a year ago

i literally don't know you lol, i'm here to debate farage fanboys now, all g. i don't think you got heated and you have no need to apologise. and yes we are very far from perfect, as are most countries, but if you want to see the source of a lack of perfection you don't have to look much further than other people cough on this thread.

posted about a year ago

"get off google and actually leave your room" i'm literally a uni student, loser XD. and god forbid i should google facts instead of, well, using none like you have done.

and why should people who are born here not have to offer something? simply by virtue of them being born here? i find that ridiculous, i don't know what you think half of this country does but it isn't pretty. but, as i literally just told you, immigrants are forced to claim benefits for at least 12mo because the government doesn't let them work. "putting it back into our system" ??? so you've never bought anything from a foreign company or transferred money overseas? they've obviously bought things in the UK etc. if we weren't so strict on immigration then their families would be able to come over here and then they wouldn't need to send money back home lmao.

as for VAT, each year it raises £162bn, so actually yes i do think it is sizeable enough a contribution to permit them to have access to the NHS etc. also, if we use your logic, then why should people who were born here, who were not immigrants but have never paid income tax receive free housing? Nigel Farage does not have it right, he exists purely to distract and divide the bulk of the country from the dreadful economic policy that we have been used to for the last 10 years. the man literally said he didn't want Romanians living next door to him, so no, he does not 'have it right'.

posted about a year ago

even if you don't pay income tax monka, you pay regressive taxes regardless of what you earn, hence why they are called that.

posted about a year ago

but he has put into the system.....? at the very least he has paid a considerable amount of VAT (in addition to the exorbitant fees to simply apply for residency), at the most he has paid that and some level of capital gains and income tax. Furthermore, whilst immigrants residency/asylum claims/etc are accepted, and even after they are they are not allowed to work (for 12months) and receive just £37/week of the government. i disagree with what the man is saying but he has just as much right to have an opinion and to 'moan' as i do, regardless of where he was born. and how is this hypocritical? you need to get off the Nigel Farage youtube channel and understand that our country was built off immigration, and that to avoid the problems that the rest of Europe has it is vital to have a young and capable workforce. stop complaining about the 'boat's, you can't apply for asylum anywhere except in the UK, 'illegal' immigration is the only possible immigration for these people. instead, level your anger at those who mismanaged the economy for the last decade.

posted about a year ago

if you'd read what i wrote you'd see that i said that a lot of other cuisines are better then ours, but i'm just confused what you mean when you say we 'stole' food? as for the three replies i just kept seeing things in your comment that were... strange, so i posted more comments (and you replied with two anyway...?). also, if you've never tried traditional dishes "apart from a couple of times" can you really be 'certain' that there is better food than them? at least try food before you slander it, otherwise you're no better than those who you criticise for having 'no palate'.

posted about a year ago

as for other dishes, roast dinner is very much 'signature', and most people here enjoy that. i'm not saying our food is the best, by a long shot it is not, but this whole idea that everything good about our cuisine we 'stole' from other cultures is honestly rubbish. also, we literally invented the 'chip' (as in, fried potato, not crisp).

posted about a year ago

also, wdym 'take'...? chicken tikka masala is not an indian dish, it was invented by some scottish guy. masala sauce is something different in india as is chicken tikka (or really, murgh tikka). it's indian to the point of having a name taken from indian words and uses indian-style ingredients, hence why it is fusion. what do you mean by 'signature dish'? i mean, i don't like many of our signature dishes, doesn't mean we stole them lol. as i said, hotpot would be my county's signature dish, i dislike it but that's just me. what other foods have we 'stolen'?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

which city?

posted about a year ago

gypsy tart, flapjack, welsh cakes, shortbread, yorkshire puddings, specific kinds of cheese, like tons of types of biscuits and cakes, afternoon tea (including scones), hotpot, eccles cakes, thats not even including Scottish or Northern Irish. sure, we might not have the spice found in Asian cuisine (which i thoroughly enjoy) or al dajaaja almumtaaza alarabiya. my french (who probs have better 'dish' quality than us) friend tells me that British biscuits are the best. not to mention, we have like some of the best chefs in the world? (Tom Kerridge, Marco Pierre White, Gordon Ramsay, Heston Blumenthal, so many more)

posted about a year ago

true, but coaches don't have an immediate effect. when they leave their team it is not as if the team will instantly go to shit. most of sgares pre-planned rounds were still being played etc, his lasting impact on the players individual skill was still there, but by start of the new season this was dissipated due to antistratting, developments by other teams, and form decline.

posted about a year ago

john coochie

i love him

exactly what sen needed. good igl, strats and structure.

posted about a year ago

but 100T lost their coach, this is literally false equivalence. if you look at how 100T played at champions, and their trajectory, it makes sense that with their coach they peaked and then with sgares' leaving they went downhill again. a lot of what made them great were prepared entire rounds, devised by gares, none of which their new guy has implemented with success.

posted about a year ago

well it depends on the tournament, and what happens in between. teams go downhill for a variety of reasons, had 100T remained in the same form they played at homeground 2022 then they would've done very well at lock//in and the season. however, mainly due to sgares leaving the team, they were not in the same form and so did not win. sure, teams do not necessarily try AS hard, but anyone with an ounce of understanding on what makes pro-teams good can see that SEN dominated pretty difficult competition. it's nothing to do with antistratting, the conditions will be the same at the start of the season next year as they are now. most of what won SEN this tournament was not "surprises" rather good synergy, teamplay, everyone being in form (something that we should trust will continue, given the calibre of their players), few mistakes and literally pioneering the development of the new breach meta on sunset lol.

posted about a year ago

eu supporter and fnc fan

SEN are clearly in form, and will continue to be so, as long as they don't lose their coach like 100T, they'll stay at the top for a while. definitely not the best in the world yet. well it depends which tournaments they play, if you play some showmatches, sure, that has little correlation. but against teams who had clearly prepared and were clearly trying, such as TL, T1, and DRX (ig you can say PRX are in a reduced form because they're in the middle of adjusting their roster), SEN dominated.

posted about a year ago

that's hardly the sole, or the biggest, or even close to the most important reason they won rounds rofl

posted about a year ago

what does them being well known have to do with their performance? true about LAN experience but that's hardly a difference big enough to make LOUD in such a bad state to the extent that it was a "micky mouse tournament"

sen did not change their roster at all during their initial performance drop. that's just a bear faced falsehood. their loss of M3 berlin and champions of 2021, then proceeding to get knocked out of challengers was all with dapr, tenz, shahzam, zombs and sick. that's a SIGNIFICANT performance drop with the same roster.

??? are you saying 100T were still good after losing to MIBR? lmao. if you don't consider that a performance drop from losing Home Ground that year and beating FNC in champions, then i don't know what to tell you.

uh no that's not what you implied about LEV, lmao, you literally implied that they did not present competition enough for fnc in the top 8. so therefore you must admit that a team that owned the Americas for the first half of the season was worse than FNC. this has nothing to do with champs, this was at the start of the year. as i've already shown, LEV can and did go significantly downhill and were particularly good at the start of the year, definitely in the top 4 of NA.

my points are clowning? lmao monka you literally just changed what you said, told literal falsehoods, and are denying that teams can go downhill with the same players. you actually look braindead

posted about a year ago

i love john coochie

posted about a year ago
  1. teams can go downhill with the same roster, this is perfectly evident with Sentinels or 100T
  2. after LOCK/IN LEV would go on to dominate the first half of NA season, so i'm not rly sure how you can claim they were bad without admitting your entire region was bad
  3. TLN... sure, whatever. 1/8 of the top 8 were bad... so?
  4. if you cared to read what i said, FNC had two new players as well. and LOUD's players were certainly not 'rookies' lmao, they werent some rdm ranked pickups
  5. well if DRX was a top 3 cursed team surely they still would've presented a significant challenge to FNC until the GF?

using your own logic you are wrong.

posted about a year ago

transphobia so funny

posted about a year ago

i mean FNC had two new players as well lol

all regions do this; there were some EU fans who did the same at for example Reykjavik 2021, whilst yeah there were unfortunate reasons for FNC not winning they were flaming OPTIC who in reality had won the tournament fair and square.

as to why people do it, i think it's pretty obvious:

  1. its often true, if you lose a game it goes without saying that you have made at least one bad mistake
  2. people would rather admit their own team's flaws as a one off rather than accept that a team is better than them
posted about a year ago

im 18 and its british lol, its been used since like 2006 here, wouldn't expect a newgen like yourself to know tho

you're actually embarrassing XD

posted about a year ago

monka ur using our slang in your post :skull:

posted about a year ago

your elite class literally copy us lmao. your private school system, your military (who use our old decommissioned ships) and your governmental system are all based off ours. your country's economy, with one of the highest populations in the world somehow manages to be, up until recently, smaller than ours and STILL smaller than Germany's, Japan's, and the US and thats during a time of economic crisis for the west lol. if i was indian i'd definitely want to be British XD. if no one wants to be British then why do so many people, many of them Indians immigrate here? fully supportive of Indian immigration to Britain btw, you're v much welcome to be British any time you like (:

posted about a year ago

not dickriding, being attractive doesn't make him a better human, i'm just saying that by empirical, biological evidence he's probably the one that all the women want and hey respect to him

posted about a year ago

no i just know what makes a man attractive from listening to women - i'd try it, it helps you get a gf. saying someone is objectively attractive does not make you gay - when women say "oh shes so pretty", which they do a lot, does that make them all lesbians? no ofc it doesn't lmao

posted about a year ago

your country literally wants to be us lol

posted about a year ago

bro has like zero jawline and looks like a frog, nothing on pancada (no hate to Less personally sure hes an alright person). it is not hot to go round creating drama as well. i mean everyone knows boaster is undisputedly the most attractive Valorant player, blue eyes, fluffy hair, nice jawlin,e and good personality, good at leading. IF i was a woman he'd be the one i'd want

posted about a year ago

those A post plants were mistake-filled, why was sadhaak swinging a smoke in CT, wtf was that last post plant setup? admittedly i only got here for that time of the game, but if thats what the rest of the game was like then good lord

posted about a year ago

im not racist my friends r black :D

posted about a year ago

i'm not using this to flame sinatraa, more saying it definitely wasn't a fluke win (i'm from EU btw) as tenz was probs one of, if not the best player at the time. also i don't think they fluked out of t1, they didn't get any form of coaching staff and continued to play a ridiculously loose style, their failure to adapt to the new scene led to them being knocked out.

posted about a year ago

i'm not talking about pedophilia as in a legal concept, i'm talking about it as in a moral concept, which are independent of laws which i keep talking about.

Riot's rulebook prohibits swearing etc out of game, why can't it have a stance on pedophilia of players? arguably a much more signifant issue.

are you stupid? i literally said it's nothing to do with a crime - it's Riot's decision to blacklist someone. they can blacklist someone regardless of what they have done.

a law doesn't define what is right and wrong, a law defines what you can and can't do. brazilian law isn't the definition of right and wrong and doesn't intend to be. sure, he was within the law but as i literally just said in my last reply that doesn't mean he wasn't in the wrong.

i'm going to spell it out very clearly so you can understand: MORALLY Riot should do something (blacklist) irrelevant of any LEGAL (for law!) conditions because PEOPLE (not governments) agree that pedophilia is morally wrong.

posted about a year ago

well obviously not now but he was at the time...?

posted about a year ago

but a crime doesn't make something wrong lmao, a crime is BECAUSE something is wrong. cheating on someone is morally wrong, but it isn't a crime lol. you've ignored me again - stop conflating the two. everyone agrees pedophilia is wrong, so Riot CAN punish him for it because he has done something morally wrong...?

okay, and why can't pedophilia be against Riot's rulebook?

you keep saying 'sadly, in brazil etc.' but this has nothing to do with the law. this has to do with Riot's DECISION.

posted about a year ago

what precedents would this open...? this is literally the slippery slope fallacy lmao. how is not punishing people for non-morally wrong crimes not 'serious'? lmao what no they won't? Riot isn't a brazilian company. cheating isn't against Brazilian law but riot would have no problem banning him for that lmao. if they followed this relative to country's laws we'd be here all day.

you're conflating a crime with something with negative moral worth, otherwise known as a sin. why should brazilian law being faulty affect Riot's decision on this?

posted about a year ago

well Riot can punish anything they find morally wrong

im referring to pancc not NTK

okay but what does brazil's domestic laws have to do with a company's stance on paedopilia?

well block him from pro-play lol, idk, have a stance on it, condemn it, i'm not here to weigh up his actions however if something THIS morally wrong has been done then i think its importance riot take a no-nonsense stance.

posted about a year ago

whats it got to do with brazilian laws? Riot isnt a Brazilian company rofl and Brazilian laws don't have any moral worth in the same way that any other countries laws have no intrinsic moral worth. your argument is circular, laws are morally good because....? they are laws? why are they laws? if you think something is wrong and you can argue it is, and I would say paedophilia is definitely wrong, by definition tbqh.

posted about a year ago

what does riot being a private company have to do with this? the OP is saying that something should be done, not something must be done. i wouldn't call the crime 'heinous' but its very bad if not worse than any hate (i think you mean) crime.

posted about a year ago

well there's no definitive list of VPN IPs so its unlikely for that to work rly well and for anyone with dynamic IP it doesn't make any diff anyway

posted about a year ago

monka doesn't even know the difference between wifi and internet but we're the uneducated ones

posted about a year ago

wesh ma gueule

posted about a year ago

both comps were meta...? and what does their map pick have to do with it... you can have any comp you like on any map doesn't matter whether it's your pick or not lmao. Liquid just really failed to read the fast rotates of EDG even when they had skye ulti to show them.

posted about a year ago

i enjoy this game

posted about a year ago
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