Flag: Canada
Registered: November 13, 2022
Last post: August 11, 2024 at 5:02 PM
Posts: 18

React frontend with a node.js backend

posted 6 months ago

its essentially free to run at the moment, worst case scenario is that I just place ads on the side of the page to fund the server costs. For now, with the user base being pretty low, it doesn't cost me anything to run!

posted 6 months ago

I don't make any effort to track user data, the only data collected would be from services such as Google AdSense and Google Analytics, and probably the server middleware.

posted 6 months ago

thanks brother, I appreciate it lots!

posted 6 months ago

I was unaware that was something you could do! Seems interesting, that will be something that will look into once I feel good with the amount of lineups on the site.

posted 6 months ago

I can submit those ones for you, no worries. That error must be the daily upload limit that I set, ill have to increase it haha. Thanks for taking the time to submit those! Ill have them on the site in a few hours

posted 6 months ago

I was checking out some of the YouTube links you submitted and I like yours more than mine. On Ascent I think the way you throw the Tree Wall from A Main is way simpler then the way I currently do it, so ill still make some changes regardless!

Also, you are the first person to ever submit lineups to my site! Thank you very much! Are there any changes you would suggest to streamline the submission process?

posted 6 months ago

I try to star lineups that I think are really good. My criteria for a "good" lineup pretty much comes down to 2 things, its easy to remember/perform, and the actual usage of the ability is strong. For example, on the attack side of Haven, if you are playing Sova or Fade, its really important to know a Dart/Haunt for A Long to scan players holding lobby.

Lots of lineups are very situational, but I try to star the ones I think are really easy to remember/preform, and are super strong usages of the ability.

I really thought I had fixed that "This video is unavailable" error, damn. The YouTube player had been giving me lots of different issues, thanks for letting me know! Ill continue to look into it.

posted 6 months ago

Some pretty sick walls, That Icebox 410 wall on defense is pretty cool! I've never seen that one before, I'm gonna have to try it out. Glad you like the site!

posted 6 months ago

Any specific Agents or Maps that you would like more lineups on? I am constantly updating it, so be sure to check from time to time.

posted 6 months ago

I'm glad its working for you! I appreciate your feedback as well, I will add some sort of back button or make it more obvious that you can close the video after viewing it. Thank you for the feedback!

posted 6 months ago

What region are you from? I am guessing the server for the database is far away, ill have to look into a solution for this

posted 6 months ago

I made a completely free, no sign up required website for viewing and learning all types of lineups, you can find it on Google by searching LineupWizard gg

Here is a direct link to it: https://lineupwizard.gg/valorant

I hope it helps you win some ranked games, and that you enjoy it. lmk if you have any feedback. I plan to continue supporting it for the foreseeable future with new agent and map releases

Also, if you have TikTok or Twitter, I have been posting what I find to be the best lineups daily, so if that interests you check them out at:

https://www.tiktok.com/@lineupwizard or https://x.com/LineupWizardgg


posted 6 months ago

took the whole fuckin series

posted about 2 years ago

that boy cain's aim is 2 wet on pearl someone give him a towel he needa dry off

posted about 2 years ago

nabil saving activation for day 2, will be scary to see.......

posted about 2 years ago

see you in playoffs :salute:

posted about 2 years ago