Flag: Singapore
Registered: February 9, 2023
Last post: February 22, 2024 at 3:52 AM
Posts: 26

TS and ZETA plays 2 straight games???

posted about a year ago

Very strong start but once the opponent team adapted, they can't fight back or adapt back anymore.

posted about a year ago

giants and nrg revenge incoming

posted about a year ago

you talk like dumbass

posted about a year ago

so hating every foreign in the world is racist? ok

posted about a year ago

SG is just racist mad cause other countries are more capable and be stealing their jobs 💀
but koreans legit think they are the main character on a manhwa

posted about a year ago
  1. KR
  2. SG
  3. VN
  4. INDO
  5. PH
  6. TH
  7. JP

Wait for AU to be asian

"Cannot be racist": India

posted about a year ago

so insecure, youre probably poor af

posted about a year ago

name a team on your region that was good during online qualifier tournaments but is dogsht on international lan events (e.g. masters, locking etc)

ill start..

APAC = Boom esports and Dewa Kipas esports

posted about a year ago

I know it is too late but.. Why is TLN, PRX & DRX on same bracket? Is this what riot means "for the fans"?

posted about 2 years ago

Pacific brothers supports their representatives. Good luck TS!

posted about 2 years ago

it actually works both ways

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

maybe hes really upset, gave his team an attitude and c9 find it easier to remove him rather than building team around him? costs less money, +hes contract jailed(stonkz by jack) and his team probably hates him back

posted about 2 years ago

Imo, igls that cant do calls and fragging at the same time is overrated. tilt is a big factor

posted about 2 years ago

hes smart and igl who shoots wins the team (most strong teams have insane igl, gun fight wise).

posted about 2 years ago

core roster just wanna participate and have fun; gave up on winning

posted about 2 years ago

imagine declining a contract that gives 3x or more money. its like working for a 1year and be earning like 3years(or more) of life. people who called them traitors are probably freeloaders

posted about 2 years ago

contract jailed for sure like c9 tenz was. easy money for jack!

posted about 2 years ago

someone did? wanna see

posted about 2 years ago

His teammate passion is not as good as his. i dont believe that hes irrelevant in this meta but it is more of a team "environment" thing.


his team is just laughing losing to drx and he was not having it; he probably misses his old team XD
i wont be surprised if he punched vanity on the face LOL or atleast hes blaming his team for losing

posted about 2 years ago

They should've went for full ID roster if that's what they really want to 💀 why did they even trying to make it slow. Old full PH roster wouldve won that and maybe if they full commit ID, throws wont happen.

posted about 2 years ago

yes, youre from europe who knows indo teams and hes from india, surely. and, youre pinning profile as if it is a résumé !! XD

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago