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Registered: February 7, 2024
Last post: September 27, 2024 at 1:09 PM
Posts: 15

W Rage Bait, I said this 3 months ago. she aint going to t1 or t2 unless its a bag and it makes sense, would you give up a job making like 100-250k a year when eg will only pay the minimum and they stink lets be real or SaD esports paying 800 a month. some player farming gc isnt going to change anything. SR's gameplan is flor go kill. when that doesnt go well, you can see THEY STINK. go farm t2 for a year and if u are good after that year then we talk. if not to me she aint t1 ready.

She doesnt do media. Find me a t1/t2 player that doesnt do media. Go through SR's social media there is no pics of flor. Why does she get special treatment? She can do so much more for the trans community yet does nothing. If i was a trans player and you had this 'messiah' who is breaking barriers but yet doesnt show their face why should they? bs player. fraud imo

Since 3 months i can confirm she is on 6 figs a year.


posted 5 months ago

W Rage Bait, I said this 3 months ago. she aint going to t1 or t2 unless its a bag and it makes sense, would you give up a job making like 100-250k a year when eg will only pay the minimum and they stink lets be real or SaD esports paying 800 a month. some player farming gc isnt going to change anything. SR's gameplan is flor go kill. when that doesnt go well, you can see THEY STINK. go farm t2 for a year and if u are good after that year then we talk. if not to me she aint t1 ready.

She doesnt do media. Find me a t1/t2 player that doesnt do media. Go through SR's social media there is no pics of flor. Why does she get special treatment? She can do so much more for the trans community yet does nothing. If i was a trans player and you had this 'messiah' who is breaking barriers but yet doesnt show their face why should they? bs player. fraud imo

Since 3 months i can confirm she is on 6 figs a year.


posted 5 months ago

Where have u seen this? a tweet?

posted 8 months ago

flor is reason number 1, she is old enough to be in t2 but isnt, i wonder why look at verno and reduxx this year, miniboo and woot last year. ifispeak

posted 8 months ago

Well let me dumb it down for you, if u are earing 20k a month, you live in a nice swanky apartment/house and are the best at a lower level of work, you do your work quickly, you are the best in ur field and you can step up to the next level where the level of work is tougher and you may not be as good and also at the same time you earn less then 6k a month living in a dusty studio apartment, would you do it?

she doesn’t have to leave GC, just play off-season tournaments against other t2 teams

You do know how these teams and off-season stuff goes right? you need to actively be with a team and prac with them and also put time into it. but at the same time theres a chance that maybe all the time you put into the team just goes away for some reason, could be someone got exposed for being a shit cunt, someone got a paid offer, someone just doesnt feel the drive for valorant, what do you do then? start again? again you live in a nice big apartment with a big fat paycheck, why get out of ur comfort zone?

posted 8 months ago

and i am telling you personally from the interactions i have had with her in games, bts and with people there is an ego, a thinking that she deserves to be there, ask anyone in the scene or who have played with her, these whispers are small but if i keep saying them and people have in the scene repeat them, is what im saying baseless?

any radiant top 50 could get into a t2 team on aim alone, that doesnt mean they DESERVE or have the ability to be on said t2 team.

you can take what i say with a grain of salt but interacting with her and people around her, i have no reason to lie, just saying it how i see it

posted 8 months ago

I said this in my post about flor, she is babyj of valorant, earning too much to give a shit, mentality of, oh i dont need to grind it out, it will come to me naturally, fall on my lap and bam im in t1. i dont need to work hard like the others that have come before me, i just need to say oh, i was good at this level hence i will be good at another level. this ego and im better then everyone else mentality is why i personally know she will never join a t1 or 2 team

posted 8 months ago

Okay mr stutterstep can you tell me if flor is a good t1/2/3 player? right now in the context of other players in the leagues can u tell me if she is a good player without making a guess? no right?

While i can say she is a good gc player because we have all seen her play in gc. she is not bad she is not good. thats how you should read into it. Mid is the word I would use but mid would still be a tier too high

posted 8 months ago

yeah right i totally have not heard that she is toxic from dozens of people in the GC scene and behind the scenes and playing with her. It was all in my dreams and I am wrong and this whole thread is all lies

posted 8 months ago

Where did I mention that she is bad?

posted 8 months ago

This is not hate, this is the TRUTH

She is a good gc player and thats the end of it. No if buts or maybes, if my grandmother had wheels should would have been a bike but she doesnt. She is not a good t1/2/3 player, all she is a toxic gc player who can shoot heads well. That has already caused cracked in that SR team, this whole idea of her and mel being mother and daughter is such a BS storyline.

She has so much ego and thinks she can get away with anything be fine, she wants to be a top tier player but yet does not do media, or show her face. People in the gc scene know this and it is because the orgs like sr and v1 pander to her which has just fed her big head even more and more. I do not know any org in the valorant space who gives her this much leeway when it comes to things like media or activities for team socials. This privilege has only caused her to think she is one of one when she is not causing cracks in that sr team already.

'oh she will be so great in t1/2/3'. yeah maybe she will but she is taking the easy path, sitting on her arse to get that nice big fat paycheck from SR. she is the babyj of valorant.
why babyj? oh, i am too good for t2/3 so i will not be in VCL but instead just sit on my arse for a t1 offer. that is a bullshit reason, if i was getting a nice fat paycheck from SR to farm gc while also having people on social media defending me and calling people out for being sexist or transphobic i would do the same thing she is as well.

oh but she is too young. so? verno was 17 in vcl, reduxx is 16 in vcl, miniboo and wo0t were 17 while in VCL so whats her excuse? oh no team wants to pick me up? i do not buy that, she just does not want to move from a mansion to a dusty studio apartment and grind out daily where theres a chance you might be exposed. in the big 2024 i refuse to believe orgs did not want to try to pick her up, any publicity is still publicity.

'oh she wants to stay with her team' look at bob and kat, bob was in t2 till recently and kat got so close to reaching challengers, so whats her excuse, you are the great Florescent, i am sure people are at her feet trying to play coed teams with her if she ever left that SR palace.

But flor dropped 90 in a bo3. So? Malachi Flynn dropped 50 but you dont see the NBA saying he needs a max contract or be on a better team he is a fucking bum in the context of the NBA. We have seen many times in sports when a lower tier player steps up into the big leagues and shits the bed. I am not saying it will happen to Flor but thats the story im running with until i see proof of her in t2.

44 duelist in the franchise leagues and i wouldnt take her over 40 of them because she is unproven and has been known to cause cracks in teams that she has been on. all that privilege and ego has got her this far, i wonder where it will bring her. All this hype and she has never done well against decent opposition, overhyped, the Jayson Tatum of gc.

posted 8 months ago

what would your dream roster have been for this team then

posted about a year ago

theia played senti in 2021. why should she be on senti when starbound is there, also there are better smokes then her out there, names that spring to mind when i think of better smokers are, rise, mle, cbui

posted about a year ago

yeah but that eg team was carried so hard by keenc

posted about a year ago

do you guys think that this team can make GC champs? do we believe in this team? could fly have picked up better players, there are no other orgs in NA so they could have had whoever they wanted.

personally i question the theia and starbound pick ups, and to a degree the l4ce pick up, what do you guys think

posted about a year ago