Flag: Mexico
Registered: August 7, 2021
Last post: November 4, 2023 at 2:38 AM
Posts: 10


posted about a year ago

I trusted in Zeta :(

posted about a year ago

FPX just better

posted about 2 years ago

Players agree to follow certain set of rules and they are legally attached to follow them, It is the same as "Agree with terms and conditions".
The rule about exploits in stage 3:
"7.2.6. Exploiting. Intentionally using any in-game bug to seek an advantage is exploiting and is prohibited. Exploiting includes acts such as making use of any game function that, in the Tournament Operator’s sole judgement, is not functioning as intended and violates the design purpose of VALORANT. Team members may confidentially check with the referee at the beginning of a Competition to determine if a specific act would be considered Exploiting. Riot reserves the right to make an ex-post-facto determination of whether an exploit has occurred. "
Crearly says that the team must check with the referee if something is considered and exploit or not.
The decision of consider it an exploit or not is upon Riot as well as the punishment. But taking into account that was punished before there is no reason to not pushing right now.
I agree with you that the camera should have been fixed by now.

posted about 2 years ago

But I got your point they should pause the match right away.

posted about 2 years ago

Ignorantia juris non excusat

posted about 2 years ago

According to a guy in the comments they said that cam would result in harsher penalties in the future, i.e. now

posted about 2 years ago

It means that you are connectet throgh Internent: Your Computer-router-Internet-Valorant Servers. Plus the servers could be owned by a third party company and they rent them. Anyway the servers are physically located where Riot or the other company operates. So the packets have to travel from your location to your internet provider servers to the Valorant Servers, they all been located in different places.
When we talk about LAN, the servers are local and you don need to connect to Internet.

posted about 2 years ago

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posted about 2 years ago