Flag: Australia
Registered: July 15, 2023
Last post: February 26, 2025 at 1:38 PM
Posts: 35

I generally dont understand why he is in platchat when he doesnt even know who is on EMEA rosters and havent seen any of the games?

posted 2 days ago

What a shit list. you just list 1-12 with all the regions.

posted 2 weeks ago

I went to masters tokyo, It's not impossible but i would recruit a few freinds to all buy tickets for you at the same time I had

  • Me doing Grand final tickets
  • Friend doing Lower Grand final
    -Friend doing other day

then once we done wetry others.

posted 2 weeks ago

viper, astra/omen , KJ , jett & skye

posted 4 weeks ago

imo they are both good and the difference is how their team supports them, derke frags out from skill alot but mostly from team utility.

posted 4 weeks ago

if they are asssociated with a team or organization the better still has potential conflicts of interest. While co-streamers may not directly affect the game, the potential for bias, insider knowledge, idea of unfairness is still an issue.

posted 4 weeks ago

In most sports, if you are affilated to the organsiation, even related to a player you cannot bet and will be banned. One Australian afl player was banned for 10 matches for winning 36$

posted 4 weeks ago

I'm not talking about that, i'm talking about offical riot costreamers and org signed costreamers betting

posted 4 weeks ago

There are multiple other costreamers who have in the past and still do bet on valorant esports, why have they not been banned? (some talk about it on stream)

Is this not illegal in a bunch of countries and break the rules of riot?

posted 4 weeks ago

chance to ever go pro

posted 4 weeks ago

It's not usually banned/detected until a few games in. It's said they dont do it straight away so Devs dont know what went wrong.

posted 4 weeks ago

Last 10 games two confirmed DMA cheats (game canceled) are we fucked chat?

posted 1 month ago

babyfishy joining is a good pickup, i only hate the brother pickup, it worked out but i hope it doesnt lead to nepo rosters

posted 1 month ago

Fnatic is blessed with a easy pathway,

Navi, KC and Vit together is very spicy!

I feel bad for florescent to fight TH straight away...

TL vs Koi Lots of ex TL players and Gambit players should be fuN!


posted 2 months ago

yeah but orgs peak and fall, gx just sits in the middle permantly.

posted 3 months ago

what useless fucking comment

posted 3 months ago

Why is giants always mid in every game? I want them to do well but in VCT,LCS,GC they always are the middest team

posted 3 months ago

I only enjoy drinking when paired with an event, (VLR fourm, so i'll give watching VCT as an example), Board games, movies, fun time with girlfriend etc. When i first turned 18 the first few alcohol sessions was just because we could and it was so fucking boring.

I'm a light weight with booze which is so nice as i feel buzzy after one drink

posted 4 months ago

After rewatching alot of vct games with fnatic, i've noticed derke has a habbit of overpeaking and loosing rounds and while he clutches up a lot of rounds as well, they wont win like it.

I do think derke leaving is not the best choice but fnatic needed a change with someone who is more disiplined.

Alfa has the same issues and if they can reel him in, we win

posted 5 months ago

It's very clear than fnatic needed a change, but derke also wanted to leave.

posted 5 months ago

I do think it matters alot. I do also think so many coaches are under/over valued.

eg teams that are constantly top 10 probably better coaches than teams that make one final run. eg (potter, chet generally mid and mini,termi, autum erik generally under rated)

posted 10 months ago

TS could make it.

posted about a year ago

Hey love how the matches are in my time zone on matches but in things such as forum post is there a way for instead of doing
1:00 AM EST | 8:00 AM CEST | 3:00 PM KST it shows our personalized time zone?

easier to add to calender

posted about a year ago

Reyna is terrible for the game

Ranked - just smurfs/selfish gameplay provides little use
Other duliests have smokes/can peak for you/take space/clear angles/flash

Pro play - Never picked as why pick her when you can have a cypher/sova/second smoker?

She's in need of a rework even if its not popular it will help the game be fixed.

posted about a year ago

Honestly i just shower everytime i leave the house/feel stinky.
The aircon is on 24/7 so i never really sweat at home.

But you dont want to be that guy who stinks.

posted about a year ago

oce fan here... i watch pacific/emea more than na as its more exciting and more risks. na needs to just grow a pair of balls and take risks

posted about a year ago

chronicle is fucking insane

posted about a year ago

I love chronicle and I think he should stay as fnatic is a top 3 team at the moment.

The weakest link is 40% chronicle in games should be be replaced to make fnatic win the next whole circuit?

I want chronicle to stay however I want to see people’s opinion

posted about a year ago

i always see people say fns is best igl... why is this true when he looses alot and isnt winning more? wouldn't boaster be the best due to winning last two events or even ange1, boostio or other high performing igls.

would it be

  1. boaster
  2. fns
  3. saddak
posted about a year ago

2-1 GIANTS. Giants is very under rated.

posted about a year ago

PRX 2-0

Na fraud region just one team :((

posted about a year ago