Flag: India
Registered: July 15, 2023
Last post: September 20, 2024 at 6:30 AM
Posts: 21

This game is dying. you guys fighting over regions!

posted 5 months ago

To be fair, FUT also played really well at one point. I thought they would be top 3. I expected TH to be EMEA #1 which never happened. But after Shanghai I knew TH would definitely be in Champs finals. I thought it would be SEN v TH. Obviously SEN fumbled here.

posted 6 months ago

There are too many HOT TAKES in this pickem.

  1. Sentinels losing to Trace after they beat GenG 2-0 is batshit.
  2. G2 winning against Heretics and losing against EDG is just insane. G2 will definitely be in Lower or Grand finals. they play near perfect valo.
  3. Trace winning the entire thing is absolute bonkers!
  4. Trace beating EDG is a hot take but still understandable
  5. Boaster clears trace. no doubts.

Top 4 will be and they will not be in this exact order: SEN, TH, FNC and G2
G2 plays patient game and anyone can carry
TH plays a calculated aggro game. They are like PRX but better
SEN has a balanced game unless a health issue hits one of them

posted 7 months ago

Brother, Sentinels just beat the best team of the year in a 2-0. Do you think they cannot even beat Trace esports? You must be smoking something strong!

posted 7 months ago

TH beat them with a sub! Clean 3-0. GenG beat them 2-0 clean! Lev beat them 3-1.
They are playing perfect valorant but still beatable.

posted 7 months ago

Every team now is util heavy. They counter PRX playstyle well. Although they have golden aim, they rush more than necessary. They have to find a balance. They need an assistant coach not from the same region. They need someone from AMER or EMEA region to balance out the lack of util. If you look closely, heretics also has similar playstyle, but they have Boo and Benjy only holding, not rushing. Miniboo and Woot make the rush gameplay. Riens supports them. Boo and Benjy never rush. They make it work well because they have good setups for entry. They play in EMEA, they must have good setups for entry.

In PRX, Davai and Mindfreak dont rush, Forsaken needs a fair bit of warmup. Something is overpeaking all the time for info. Jingg is doing more of same.

They just have to expand their agent pool to form a structure in their chaotic game style.

Something - Needs to add neon
Jingg - Has to learn an initiator like kayo, sova, fade
Davai - Just make him IGL
Mindfreak - Make him second caller
Forsaken - king of all agents. no change. the goat. Make him second caller

Forsaken and Jingg should be able to switch between duelist and initiators on the fly.

on top of it all, they have to play with info and not peek for info. Use flashes and mollies better. They are cracked, they only need simple changes. Anyone in this team can pop-off, they only need to stay alive.

posted 7 months ago

I have a successful career in my real life. I am only able to spare barely 6-8 hours a week on Valorant.

I was Diamond before reset. Currently in Plat 1. While I encounter many smurfs in the game, I do not feel they are really OP. The aim is more or less the same beyond Diamond. The only change between a radiant and diamond in my opinion are they have more time to spend on the game and game sense is way better. They adapt faster based on the previous rounds.

It takes until Diamond to be able to predict proper crosshair placement and find the correct mouse sensitivity.

I use 160epi with Artisan Fx Zero. Players have to understand what is best for their style. There is no perfect sensitivity. I like low sens and my setup is low sens. I play Jett. Raze seems impossible. Neon is manageable.

Second point is calm aim is very important. you should not panic if someone is peeking you. Use AD even while holding so it makes it harder for your enemy to hit. (if budget permits, buy a wooting keyboard which helps in fast movements).

Having a good mental is important. If you cheer everyone or someone on the team cheers after a round loss, it keeps morale high for the following round. Comms are important aspect. When i solo queue and there are no comms, it is a guaranteed loss. Unless there is smurf on our team or someone in the team pops off that match.

posted 7 months ago

Bro is flexing! i am out!

posted 7 months ago

Define lower rank?

posted 7 months ago

Too much hope on PRX not losing a match! G2 in current form are very good

posted 7 months ago

Did not account for that. you are right!

posted 8 months ago

I still think Aspas is the best duelist in Valorant until now. Most consistant entry fragger. Texture could be close 2nd in few years (if he continues to do what he is doing).

posted 9 months ago

Bro, G2 > SEN is insane. SEN right now is the gold. They had the break they needed.

Also with FNS in NRG, they will be better against some teams for sure. May not win the whole thing.

Also EG is better than they seem. They can beat Loud.

Here is mine.

posted 9 months ago

point is that. flair is there to change. you dont have to be stuck

posted 9 months ago

That is enough Indian for me (CEO and Co-founder being Indian). Of course it is a Singaporean org with one singaporean player. GE the Indian org has one Indian. Trusting GE is like dragging your balls on road full of shattered glass.

posted 10 months ago

Yes the judge lol. That should only bring down his ego not to underestimate any team. I dont want him to play. at least coach the team.

posted 10 months ago

In my opinion, following are the problems:

  1. Don't tame Demon1. Let him use his imagination and create space. He was a beast on EG as they told him just to go kill on Jett.
  2. Don't make Demon1 play raze. His sens is too low and he does not have much experience on raze. No matter what agent, his aim is good enough for 1v3 in most situations.
  3. Victor plays worldclass raze. Let him play raze, while Demon1 plays astra or brim - which we know he is already good. in EG he did not play raze as they had a better raze (jawgemo)
  4. Only on Lev match - COM was a problem as he knows Ethan's calling too well. COM is really good in reading the play. The ascent flank against PRX was insane. I can never forget that.
  5. FNS was the core of NRG/Optic. Not Chet. Do not put the NRG/Optic playstyle for the new set of players. Find your own
  6. Try the PRX method of not having an IGL for a while during scrims. Find out who calls better and who can be the best IGL for the team
  7. If possible, get FNS as the coach or assitant coach
posted 10 months ago

In a way PRX is the Indian team as the org owner is Indian. That is why I have moved base to PRX since the beginning.

posted 10 months ago

FNS has shit aim but true understanding of the game. He makes others frag. Since he is out of the game, the best IGLs right now are JohnQT and Saadhak.

posted 10 months ago

EG had set him free. NRG has tamed him and he does not work well in this setup. He just does not like to be forced to play raze with the sens he plays on (160 edpi).

Aspas is undisputed king for years now. Demon1 is a rookie still.

posted 10 months ago

FNS is the mastermind. He is the game reader. You can watch his streams and know how well he understands the game.

posted 10 months ago