Flag: Palestine
Registered: July 30, 2022
Last post: May 3, 2024 at 8:52 PM
Posts: 63
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what? sacy was always better than zellsis, the disrespect that the bald goat gets is insane

posted 9 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Lurk: nAts when Less exists is insane

posted 10 months ago

Cortezia on BR

posted about a year ago

i'm brazilian i know, and you also know that the social bubble that goes to those events are usually not that transphobic, i honestly think the average brazilian valorant viewer is not any more transphobic than the average NA/EU viewer, we're just a country of extremes

posted about a year ago

no one who watches valorant GC is killing trans women bro

posted about a year ago

yes it's her, pretty tragic story

posted about a year ago

last time a trans woman played an esports tournament with men (Remilia in LCS), she received so much hate and harassment from the community that she had to quit mid split, if you really cared about cis women spaces like you claim you do, you would worry less about denouncing trans players in GC and more about making sure the community ins't transphobic and that every kind of person is able to safely play in the mixed scenario.

posted about a year ago

1.28 on the best region > 1.37 against european farmers

posted about a year ago

it starts with "r"

posted about a year ago

he wasn't trolling, keznit is just too emotional, he talks shit in ranked all the time

posted about a year ago

there's plenty of black players in brazil, but since most of them are lightskinned people usually just remember dgzin

posted about a year ago

100T just lost to Mid Phase

posted about a year ago

apparently they would've also kicked pancc for dgzin, and askia would roleswap to sentinel, but dgzin had already promised to play this MEG tournament with some other players, so it didn't work out, but let's hope they do it before 2024 season.

posted about a year ago

if you're comparing it to HLTV then yeah i guess, still there's blatant transphobia on every post about GC

posted about a year ago

yeah as if we're not on vlr

posted about a year ago

thank you for demonstrating how the average transphobe can't read

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

the overwhelming majority of cis women in the gamechangers scene are pro inclusion of trans women and NBs, if you really followed the scenario you'd know that

posted about a year ago

heat >> dgzin has to be bait

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

no, it was lukzera, but he was furia's assistant coach basically during the whole year and seems to have great knowledge about the game, I trust him, he appears to fit the leader role better than mazin imo.

posted about a year ago

it's been reported loud didn't want him

posted about a year ago

rapaziada acha que o saadhak saiu do útero da mãe dele sendo capitão pô, a verdade é que o brasil tem uma carência de IGLs bons, e o único jeito de resolver isso é testando novos players que tenham um bom perfil na função. kon4n de igl é uma aposta mt boa na minha opinião

posted about a year ago

it's torrify, fer said it starts with a T, he's from NA(which he has been teasing), speaks spanish and also plays controller(they will probably get nzr to sentinel and mazino to initiator)

posted about a year ago

source on yay speaking portuguese? i think he just made the whole intz cs:go team speak english when he completed for them

posted about a year ago

if audio proof means shit then what the fuck do rape victims need to do to find justice?
realistically, what could she ever do in that situation(just assume she was really raped if you don't think so) to get her abuser to jail?
data says the the overwhelming majority of rapists are never convicted, if we all take your aproach to dealing with sexual assault, and an audio saying "no" and "no" repeatedly is not enough proof, then to you rape is virtually not a crime.

posted about a year ago

Alfajer (Duelist)
Ethan (Flex)
Leo (Initiator)
Mako (Controller)
Less (Sentinel and IGL)

Sato as a 6th man
Potter as the coach

posted about a year ago

i am not defending anything, it is factually not a crime in most of the world, though i agree it is morally wrong.
you just seemed surprised and singled out brazil for some reason, when the USA is actually in a pretty unique place when it comes to child protection laws(again, not saying it's bad, i wish brazil's laws for age of consent were drastically different)

posted about a year ago

you can't blame her for not wanting to be involved with the case anymore given the threats and harassment she was receiving from sinatraa fanboys, getting sexually abused is a very traumatic experience and saying the victim should have to release all evidence she had to the public is just braindead.
sinatraa also has a lot of money and would never be easily convicted, assuming he is innocent because the case was dropped is just being unreasonably naive.

posted about a year ago

it's not a crime in most of the world bro

posted about a year ago

but riot almost never takes action when it comes to banning someone like that, most of it is just community backlash, and there would be a lot of it if he signed for any big BR org, i can guarantee you

posted about a year ago

there is audio proof for the rapist sinaatra

posted about a year ago

what do you mean brazil is a region with less coverage? MIBR and Furia desperately need a sentinel player and would be in a huge buyout war for him if it wasn't for what he did. the rumours are that he is going to Leviatán

posted about a year ago

funny seeing you being downvoted, NA fans can excuse rape, but sexual harassment is too much (pancc is still a piece of shit btw, not denying that)

posted about a year ago

Figueirense Futebol Clube.

posted about a year ago

yes, Tuyz plays raze and DaviH plays jett

posted about a year ago

Tuyz to duelist and DaviH to smokes way better

posted about a year ago

this 100t roster would be the middest team valorant has ever seen

posted about a year ago

tomaszy is young and has potencial but is not franchise level yet, he struggled against much worse duelists in EMEA tier 2 than he's going to face at the americas franchise, DaviH tho is the real deal and furia should be going after him(khalil can play sentinel)

posted about a year ago

he's trolling bro it's portuguese

posted about a year ago

não, também foram eliminados sem ganhar um mapa nos playoffs

posted about a year ago

they haven't performed better than LOUD in any tournament since copenhagen

posted about a year ago

understandable, beckenbauer puskas di stefano are farmers and plumbers

posted about a year ago

they were almost certainly screaming in portuguese, it sadly wouldn't be anything new for an american to get offended by something they can't understand and try to shut down the LOUD crowd because of that

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Aim: Same
Brain: Less
Movement: Alfajer
Gamesense: Less
Baiter: Alfajer

posted about a year ago

anyone can support whoever they want, however saying LA is full of latinos to justify why they were cheering for fnatic over loud just made no sense to me

posted about a year ago
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