Flag: United States
Registered: April 9, 2023
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 10:17 PM
Posts: 70
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Least obvious bait

posted 11 months ago


posted about a year ago

Zombs on Jett solos t0c0lill0 and skbotssi

posted about a year ago

Delete every agent to make the game perfectly balanced. No changes needed after that

posted about a year ago

There's multiple factors outside of a coaches control. To me, that's luck. Not saying that a coach doesn't need skill and experience to succeed, but there's definitely some amount of luck needed to be the absolute best in the world. If you genuinely think that Sentinels somehow have a higher budget than Evil Geniuses or Cloud9, I'd consider you delusional.

posted about a year ago

Knowing Sentinels he's definitely getting dropped regardless of him being a good coach lol, this org can do nothing except drop their coaches/players immediately after results don't go their way. Maybe if they stuck with the people they signed this org would have some success. Can't wait for them to change this roster again for 2024 and see a thread like this made by people just like you on VLR after they inevitably fail again. Of course results matter, but time does too, and I find it hard to put ALL the blame on a coach who had to deal with players in and out of the roster, losing the XSET core, needing to make multiple role swaps throughout the season, and then not even having a seasoned IGL on top of that. Oh well, let's just keep replacing and praying. Next time Sentinels lose a match, they should just buy an entirely new roster, since there's definitely no way they can win after losing a couple matches. I'm huffing that KRUpium hard, since that org knows how to stick with their roster and look at where they are at because of it.

posted about a year ago

No sentinel comp, Scream IGL masterclass incoming

posted about a year ago

Surely not worse than Marved IGL

posted about a year ago

Scream IGL masterclass incoming

posted about a year ago

Again VLR fails to consider the KC masterclass...

posted about a year ago

last name + graduation year

posted about a year ago

i really like that a lot more than the over the top streamers like tarik tbh
not saying tarik is bad i just prefer sliggy's style more

posted about a year ago

Anybody that has ever spoke to or worked with Kaplan can attest to how good of a coach he is, you're too results focused and fail to realize that in this game, teams are competing and aren't just going to roll over on their side, anybody can win. This is just classic VLR all over again, when a team wins, their coach/players are suddenly gifts from God, yet when the same team loses, we call them shit/washed and immediately push for changes. Again, you continue to list teams some of which carry player/coach cores dating back to 2021, Sentinels lost that at the beginning of their season, those teams have had time to develop and flourish, Sentinels were never given a chance.

posted about a year ago

Coaches need to consider:

-Org budget
-Potential team chemistry (personality/character of each player and how well they will mesh)
-Do the players they are considering even want to be on their org
-Riots rules (i.e. 1 interregional import) + 6th man
-Rostermania (other teams poaching players before they can)

I'd say that given these factors, coming out with a proven core from XSET + 2 world champions + TenZ, their initial roster looked pretty damn good on paper. Unfortunately, there were issues related to them not anticipating certain aspects of the meta and some of their comps were pretty troll at the beginning of the year. Adaptations were made, one of those being Sacy on controller, but given all the changes being made tot he roster throughout the season, it made it very hard for Sentinels.

EGs 10 man roster could have flopped just as hard as it succeeded. C9s T2 poaching could have completely failed.Teams can make all the adaptations and changes they want but when it comes to results that shits a gamble at the end of the day.

posted about a year ago

Because coaches can't just magically pick up what players they want when they want lol... how can you be this slow

posted about a year ago

I won't fall into the VLR special of pinning the blame on one person on the team, it happened with dephh, it happened with TenZ, it happened with Syyko. Now, it's happening with everyone else on the roster. At what point do we learn that one person joining/leaving the team will not magically solve all of the problems. I'm absolutely sick of seeing changes to this roster every 2-3 weeks, time and time again we see the same failure yet here we are, "When do people start considering that this guy might be the problem"

This thread resembles the issue that has been at the heart of Sentinels since the beginning of 2023. Constantly pushing for changes, they never had adequate time to develop their roster. Between visa issues, having to start practice later than other teams, W3 head coach is gone, then W4 your star player is gone, then W7 your IGL is gone and now your 6th man has to step in two months before LCQ.

These guys never had a chance.

Also Kaplan not leading Ghost to NA LCQ last year doesn't mean shit lol, such a ridiculous results focused take when C9 are out here getting players from T2 and turning them into superteam players. Last year FNATIC got grouped in Reykjavik, 4th in Copenhagen, 5th-6th in Champs and now they're currently the best team in the world, and the first team to win back to back international trophies. Last year you would have said that FNATIC needed to replace Boaster and Mini as coach, this year you'd never consider saying such a thing. DRX/VS has stuck with their same core of players since 2021 even after bombing out of Masters Berlin and Champs and have had consistently good results at international LANs ever since.

posted about a year ago

sentinels could have had their original 2021 roster and had success if they gave the structure needed (minus SicK mental decline) but noooo just change players every week and pray to god

posted about a year ago

Part of NRG trying to fix their role issues was having ardiis play KJ and swapping init/lurk role for FNS/Victor because their playstyle fit the other role better. Part of SEN trying to fix their role issues while Dephh + Tenz was still a thing was having Sacy play Viper so that Dephh could play initiator and call with the pack. The only difference being that NRG had success with these changes and SEN didn't. Between TenZ, Dephh, Pancada, Sacy, and zekken who do you expect to play controller on any map? Put pancada on controller and either Sacy/Dephh are forced to be uncomfortable with the sentinel role. I don't disagree that there needs to be flexibility within a roster but unfortunately forcing players on less comfortable roles doesn't always pan out. Other rosters are insanely lucky to have players that have a large amount of flexibility, like FNATIC or NRG, unfortunately other rosters like SEN don't always have that option

EDIT: Not to mention that SEN had the most unstable roster of the season, TenZ in and out, Dephh stepping down to bring in Marved who has minimal IGL experience (also forcing another role swap), Sykko leaving mid season, like how can we expect these players to change something week by week and have good results?

posted about a year ago

Would love to see how you'd assign roles for double controller + sentinel maps on this team

posted about a year ago

Times like this we appreciate the IGLing experience of ShahZaM

posted about a year ago

they definitely did not do the same attack strat vs c9 don't know what you're on about did you even watch the game?

posted about a year ago

Does nobody remember the things TenZ and Tarik said back in the CS days, everyones favourite pro/streamer and the faces of Valorant today? So fuckin hypocritical lmfao

posted about a year ago

SEN is a shit org. They shit all over your team last night.

posted about a year ago

igling wasn't the issue it's sentinels 5v5 postplant A site when CT has full util + no other map control but a vlr user wouldn't comprehend that

posted about a year ago

12-14 this is golden

posted about a year ago

you can see the observers floating around bruh

posted about a year ago

Jesus Christ thought France couldn't get any worse but then Congo1 was born...

posted about a year ago

True, he can keep attackers away from site but can't keep himself away from minors

posted about a year ago

what are you waffling about

posted about a year ago

VCT 2021 - Stage 2: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Reykjavik - SEN win 3-0 over FNATIC
VCT 2022 - Stage 1: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Reykjavik - EMEA teams don't make it past lower round 2

I rest my case.

posted about a year ago

Don't get on in this, your shithole region should stick to abusing women

posted about a year ago

union got the harassment buff jeeezzus

posted about a year ago

I don't really understand how that's wrong wouldn't that be the same thing as a naturally high skilled player coming from another FPS doing their placements?

posted about a year ago

Answered it yourself big bro

posted about a year ago

Clearly though she was never designed to compete with Killjoy/Cypher, even though that''s what is really needed atm. She competes more with Sage, it's an utter disappointment that she has no rechargeable util and all of her util is much weaker than Sage

posted about a year ago

Masters 2 2021 - Not legit. Envy didn't win.
Masters 3 2021 - Not legit. Envy didn't win.
Champions 2021 - Not legit. Envy didn't win.
Masters 1 2022 - Legit. OpTic won.
Masters 2 2022 - Not legit. OpTic didn't win.
Champions 2022 - Not legit. OpTic didn't win.
LOCK//IN - Not legit. NRG didn't win.
Masters 1 2023 - Not legit. NRG didn't win.

BR - 0 legit titles
NA - 1 legit titles
EMEA - 0 legit titles

posted about a year ago

Bro snuck in shaz

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bro peeking and shooting people is a core mechanic of the game, it's not like the most tactical teams aren't shooting players lol

posted about a year ago

No Woostio = L strat

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bro what were you saying about TLs split???

posted about a year ago

hey bro what were you saying about TLs split winrate??

posted about a year ago

TL split wr 63%
NRG split wr 60%


posted about a year ago

TL split wr against shitmea teams
NRG split wr against worlds best region
think again

posted about a year ago

don't ever disrespect crashies and victor again you dog

posted about a year ago

holy fuck you are actually cooking

posted about a year ago

Hiya there :3 :D

I just happened to notice that you asked a question. First, I want to let you know that this is a safe space to ask as you please, there are no stupid questions. Our community is very helpful and will help lead you to your conclusion.

In this list, NRG is #4 and TL is #3. So in this instance, no NRG is not over TL.

Let me know if you have any further questions! :3

posted about a year ago

too accurate

posted about a year ago
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