falling for USCK bait is crazy
Flag: | Bahrain |
Registered: | April 23, 2023 |
Last post: | March 1, 2025 at 3:51 PM |
Posts: | 6079 |
heretics > loud > EG > optic
rest are filler, PRX is probably near the bottom though
apparently putting up stats in tier 4 makes you "deserve t1", meanwhile mid tier 2 players who get picked are called nepo picks
s0m was better than bang and valyn both internationally and regionally when he played, literally 0 reason to have them above him aside from bias. and z0nder just came up from tier 2 where his stats weren't even that amazing
verno has played more sova than all his other agents combined (and a bit of fade), whereas ethan only plays flash initiators and can flex to duelist/smokes. who is more suited to being called an initiator player, a person who plays recon and flash initiators or a person who only plays flash? you're right in that they have a lot of overlap but generally speaking, people who only play flash initiators then flex to other roles were called flex players while people who played recon initiators (and flash) were called initiator players (because during chamber meta a lot of comps were double initiator so one player was always on initiator while the other occasionally played it)
"top tier 1 material" that gets diffed by tier 3 duelists, yeah right 😹. and if she's that good she'd at least be on a tier 2 team, but maybe she wants to stay in gc where she gets to stomp tier 5 players and a good salary
idk about that but heretics is the greatest team of all time
the disrespect s0m gets after being the best controller of 2023 (and top 10 in americas split 2 stats despite losing the majority of the games) is crazy. and putting ethan under initiator and verno under flex shows how clueless you guys are 🥱
plat00n gotta be the biggest yapper in the scene, the attack side/defense side stats he used here could have 50 different reasons behind them and mean nothing (same for the other stats), then the clips are purely anecdotal. I don't necessarily disagree with his point on FNS being better individually on attack than defense but I know it's off an eye test, I won't come up with meaningless stats to back it up. the only real good point he makes is that FNS sprays because he's used to CS (and he's just bad)
I stopped watching for a few mins after those throws on icebox, actually lost hope they'd win that
anyway W content team, very nice comms video unlike the ones that are basically nothing and only show the good parts
lol what? did you watch KC at all? n4rrate was good but he definitely wasn't "carrying" them
you don't need to know about CN to know they're garbage
same number of international grand finals in a year as your whole region (SEA) in 4 🥱
"the evil european mind trying to convince the American that the fabled EG Demon1 on Jett isn’t the main engage for his team is unmoving" 🤓
return of the mount hwa sect (not very serious) and legend of the northern blade
lost to a team of rookies when it mattered 🥱
why don't you also remind us who sent sen home at champs?
it means that him sharing duelist doesn't impact his fkpr if you filter by jett only, hope this helps little one! 👍
those were his stats on jett only, entirely unaffected by another person playing duelist. maybe you should use your brain meanie!
"engage player" that was below average in fkpr compared to other duelists in the events he peaked kkkkkkkk, good joke meanie!
bot1 was the main engage? in what team? in your dreams?
I didn't know he was toxic but I do think he's very talented mechanically
he's not bad but look at the other duelists in the league, do you think he's on the same level? also just from that list of tryouts I rate qw1 and fit1nho higher (qw1 higher than both)
I agree with everything except what you said about buzz, he's a great player
what is the point of this thread? the question itself is meaningless
that song is fire
you really got zero social awareness 😭
maybe decades ago they did, this is too normal to hate nowadays
that's not what bandwagon is, smartest fan indeed
cope is free 🥱heretics same international final appearances in one year as PRX in 4, embarrassing really
"regional trophies" 😹😹😹good one
that gotta be the only song you've heard from him cause no way you have this opinion otherwise
loud was just garbage in tokyo, using the maps they lost is meaningless
he wasn't "leaving for CS", it was just another option. this is like saying "weren't you looking for a new job? why are you mad that you got fired?"
you got me, I have cp on my pc 😔
hate on pancc
stop hating on good people
kinda contradictory no? which one should we do
the NRG editor, how is someone getting paid to come up with the most awful edits possible? let us see the gameplay
pipe down when I'm trying to spin a narrative 🥱
wait nvm for some reason I confused shanghai with champs, I agree meteor was better in shanghai but t3xture was better in champs (though it was only 3 games)