Flag: Bahamas
Registered: September 6, 2022
Last post: November 20, 2022 at 4:50 PM
Posts: 18


posted about a year ago

C9 13-4
C9 13-2

posted about a year ago

Cue misogynists

posted about a year ago

kekw "Biggest Nolife Award"

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


ceNder time traveling george gedde clone from the past confirmed.

edit: jiut to say from ceNder twitter he looks very different now, but when that photo was taken ceNder could've been Leddes's stuntman

posted about a year ago

OP check

posted about a year ago

Valorantle #69 3/8

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⬛ ⬛⬛ 🟩🟩⬛ 🟩
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posted about a year ago

good joke

posted about a year ago

Switch to dark mode and reload your page. In Light Mode it is blue.

posted about a year ago

Dear users, Leviatan logo is all-white on the team page but in actual events the tiny icon is blue. Can you all identify if this is the only case of this occurrence, or many other teams have this issue?

Or is this not an issue? I am not sure.

edit: this issue seems to only occur in dark mode (chrome, windows)

posted about a year ago

I was banned on this site a long time ago (like a year), so I made a new account. not sure if mods are okay with this, but time will tell

posted about a year ago

200 sec :(

they've increased mine to 300 lol... mods lurking in the shadows? I should stop complaining .-.

posted about a year ago

well he was unranked, doesn't everyone place Asc1 max?

posted about a year ago

% of rounds where the player KILLED, ASSISTED, SURVIVED, or TRADED

hey guys, Im new here. why is there a 200 second cooldown between posts? does that reduce over time?

posted about a year ago

I can't seem to find it either

posted about a year ago

take a break and you'll feel better <3

posted about a year ago