idk maybe because he thinks that you say EU>NA or something idk
Flag: | India |
Registered: | July 30, 2021 |
Last post: | March 18, 2025 at 10:03 PM |
Posts: | 10828 |
idk maybe because he thinks that you say EU>NA or something idk
you're* get your grammar checked TSM stan
you are going to stay mad when TSM gets slapped by actual T1 teams.
please dont talk to us about attention. TSM fans have to spam every match with TSM WIN 2-0 EZ all the time for attention
thats like saying you wont support any team that will go up against TSM. Let him be if hes a TSM fan, i see other delusional TSM fans act like him about TSM, so why cant he?
it checks out that hes supporting TSM is what he might be trying to say
FOOD may be better than roza, but not victor. Food>Victor
probably because SEN dont look as skilled on paper? dont get me wrong, they all are insane.
no offence to TSM fans, but i prefer the bandwagon envy fans than the TSM fans who would shove TSM WIN TSM WIN down my throat and call every other team in NA terrible
i mean NV just got one of the best jetts in NA, of course people going to change their pickems now.
tenz is on a team with solid players while yay was playing on a team that would be tier 2 without him.
its not like ACEND has won every game they've ever played either is it?
they have only lost twice in the VCT so far and F4Q is a solid team. And VS have a new roster now, so why bring up a game that happened 2+ months ago?
Don't get me wrong Victor is insane, but food was better in masters 1
ik but buzz hasnt been looking great so im worried for VS. Also we dont know if Rb or Lakia will play either. But i do expect F4Q to beat NUTURN; NU lost their best player. DK are definitely worse now, before they used to run over F4Q but they are looking pretty weak now tbh, so you're probably right about DK.
I wasn't saying that they CAN beat them, I was asking the TSM fan above whether he was 100% convinced that TSM can stand at the top 3 of NA or not.
I hope TSM wins 3-0 and Bang outfrags babybay every map just because of what babybay said about him.
After their performance in these qualifiers, i can 100% agree that TSM is top 5. At first i didnt like TSM and wanted them to lose, but they have proven to be good enough. If they can beat any of the 4 teams that qualified in the first qualifier, then they are for sure top three in NA
true but if TSM wins this, they have to play envy who got 4th place. And LG losing means that they play XSET. Rise plays SEN and if FaZe loses, then they play 100T
F4Q have been doing quite well recently so I expect them to upset NUTURN since NUTURN don't have lakia anymore, but I still expect it to be 2-1 and could go either way. But VS really need to step up their game if they want to beat TNL and go to berlin, they have been throwing too many rounds against worse teams like unknown. I hope VS wins but I'm worried for them honestly. They could even lose to GoNGo Prince if they don't play well enough.
NUTURN vs DWG KIA could go either way as well, Damwon Gaming are still really good even if they lost to F4Q 2-0
neither of them will be seeded against SEN in the first match lol, rise are playing SEN as they got lowest seed. And none of the matchups are good, 100T and NV are really good teams so losing wont help them.
wow you're so stupid, you guessed the wrong team making it and you guessed the wrong score completely, cant believe you had no faith in liquid smh
true but soulcas has amazing pop flashes and link has good lurks, kryptix doesnt really have much that makes him essential and unique for TL.
this aged well didnt it?
twitter isnt a casual platform, only toxic
do you believe that TSM is good enough now to beat the likes of SEN and 100T right now?
don't worry the most important major, the valorant champions, will happen in LA so NA spectators get to watch it at normal time :)
I AM THE ONE WITH THE BEST TIMING. The EU matches start at 3pm and the NA matches start at 10pm for me so on weekends i can watch EU, NA and sometimes KR because they are awesome and start at 7am here
its because the SENTINELS players hate TSM. They probably hate them because wardell insulted SEN a while ago so they have a bitter rivalry
i'm gonna come back to this after the game because I truly believe that fnatic win. they pushed giants to ot while liquid got a total of 9 rounds in 2 maps against VGIA.
i think when he say play music its so that you rely solely on gunplay instead of audio so that you dont camp corners, and it is commonly used to warmup by many people as it warms up your aim, which you need since valorant is a shooting game in the end.
i wish i could watch games like you
i wish your unborn brother was here instead of you, what a waste of life
you were so confident too...
this aged very badly. i almost feel bad for you
Giants 3-0 Fnatic
are you matchfixing or somthing? how did you know?
correction: still looking good, wiping the floor with liquid
stop making EMEA predictions now for doubting the kings VGIA