Flag: Saudi Arabia
Registered: February 22, 2023
Last post: March 21, 2024 at 4:27 PM
Posts: 6

2-0 SEN

Hopium Overload

posted 11 months ago

I root for Sentinels but I doubt they'll be able to compete much against Loud giving their performance the past couple matches, anyhow, I think its going to be 2-1 in favor of Loud... unless SEN turn up big time.

posted about a year ago

I can see this going 2 and 0 in favor of Sentinels if and only if the players turn up... seems like we always have one or two players having off games during matches. I just hope they build up more chemistry with time and a bit more consistency between all players in the team.

posted about a year ago

I think its gonna be a 2-0 to 100T, but by now I doubt we can expect anything from NA teams, I guess it just depends on who turns up during the day.

posted about a year ago

I feel like the score is going to be 2-1 in favor of NRG.... buttt hoping SEN steps it up and gives us an interesting match and hopefully a win #SENCity

posted about a year ago