Flag: International
Registered: April 11, 2024
Last post: April 20, 2024 at 12:49 PM
Posts: 62
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How does it feel to know that Clove is about to be meta before Astra could barely crawl back into the picture 💀

posted 10 months ago

DFM vs BLD on Split, date was 20/04/24

posted 10 months ago

some players have become so legendary with their main agent that you cant talk about the agent without talking about the player. ive got four so far, who are the rest?

nAts = cypher
Jinggg = raze
qRaxs = kayo
maKo = omen

posted 10 months ago

Just wondering this...Yay has good history on Jett and Deryeon has good history on Raze but they switched agents. WHY

posted 10 months ago

lol did someone link it? it was just a random comment but guess im famous now

edit: just saw, this is an old af post but it got bumped up because someone commented on it. original post was a reaction to when mods muted the whole chat cause 5 people called yay "El Disabled" and "El Diabetes" instead of just banning those people. ruined the whole chat for a good 15 minutes. not that it matters anymore, shit was 4 days ago i forgot about it.

posted 10 months ago

For what it's worth, most twitch mods are not good. Basically in any chat I've been in I've seen users get perma-banned for no real reason (or things other users have done without a ban) and they're just gone from the chat forever because obviously the mods aren't going to check unban requests. This is what you get when you have regular people in a power position without anybody to regulate them.

For ads, if you're on PC download "ublock origin" and "stream cleaner". They will remove all ads from Twitch. For other devices there is really no solution other than watch someone else, frequent ads are the worst thing ever on TVs or phones.

posted 10 months ago

I know nAts isn't the IGL but he often talks during the timeouts. Sounds like he is involved in calling strats but not sure what his role is.

posted 10 months ago

personally i dont care whose casting, they're all good enough imo (except mimi and ender duo, that one is just bad). but a lot of vlr users are picky with who casts

posted 10 months ago

bro literally everybody hates every caster except bren and sideshow lol.

just watch the game or join a watch party

posted 10 months ago

mf hates seeing people succeed fr.

posted 10 months ago

Tbh I feel like it's due to a few players being inconsistent and not the whole team. nAts and Jamppi play the same game all of the time, but last year it was soulcas and Redgar being inconsistent which cost TL games. This year it's Enzo and Mistic.

posted 10 months ago

DFM has a better split than Bleed so far, and beat T1. Bookies are high on the Yay train still.

posted 10 months ago

Anyone who literally hates any player is a psychopath. Yay is getting clowned on the most for sure but hate? Nah, you'd have to be a weirdo to hate him like that, he's a good guy outside of his performance.

posted 10 months ago

they freed us now

posted 10 months ago

bruh 5 people were being weird and instead of banning them they mute everyone, now the whole chat is weird.

disaster class

posted 10 months ago

I'll be there.

posted 10 months ago

Wtf happened to the term "gender neutral". Why are things gender fluid instead now.

posted 10 months ago

That's true but it was also the fact they did it well. It wasn't a fluke win against a bad team. It was obvious that their coordination was insane.

posted 10 months ago

Bro...Do you guys now see why DFM has been getting glazed recently? The teamplay of C9 and EG compared to DFM isn't even close. DFM would stomp both teams just on teamwork alone.

posted 10 months ago

Yeah the new interviewer is so awkward, you can tell he's not really a natural at talking on the camera. I don't know where they got him.

posted 10 months ago

mimi is new to casting, dont know about Ender though.

posted 10 months ago

I hecking love this guy!

posted 10 months ago

Don't forget the EMEA, CN and APAC teams have lots of clout from their regions too, viewership was bound to be crazy. If we get the same teams + more clouted teams at champs it's so over for CS.

posted 10 months ago

Imagine using a tracer weapon as the vision block agent. If I see one more viper spam their vandal tracers in their pit I'll lose my damn mind.

posted 10 months ago

Let's be real, a lot of Valorant pro games are filled with fundamental mistakes which cost games. Players know these are things they shouldn't do but we see them again and again. The first team to get these things in order will probably be the best team for a long time.

  • unnecessary peeks/fights (PRX loses important games due to this)
  • executing without taking space anywhere else
  • trying to take space without support or a distraction (ange1)
  • not giving the plant to the agent who needs ult (FNC lost the last round of lotus vs TH because of this)
  • bad comms or lack of comms (100t)
  • using a vandal as a controller or cypher (gets on my damn nerves)

Probably more to add to the list but you get the idea.

posted 10 months ago

Millions of players using the exact same anti-cheat with no reports of data stolen or data leaked yet they think Riot cares about their nsfw folders. This is the one thing I never get about the privacy community, we are NOT that important to these companies.

posted 10 months ago

Facts bro, both Google and Microsoft have over 1000 partners combined who they share data with. Best you can do is just not be dumb by doing shady stuff.

posted 10 months ago

People will hate on Vanguard anti-cheat and then cry about their inferior anti-cheat systems (CS, Apex, League). League announced Vanguard and the League community lost their minds.

I get that privacy is important but, bro, the amount of shit Riot would be under if they were found to be accessing your files and uploading them to the dark web would delete their company. I can take my chances when they say Vanguard is only there to detect cheats.

posted 10 months ago

Nah, I watched his co-stream that game. He thought DFM would win that game when they were down like 2-6 on first map just because of how they played. Plus other pros/analysts agree that DFM has good stuff.

Could he be milking it a little for extra clout? Maybe. But does he truly think DFM is a good team? I think so.

posted 10 months ago

FNS can see that DFM is a good team even if they get stomped by GenG (best in APAC). That's the difference between the average viewer and the goat.

posted 10 months ago

Yeah I realised after lol

posted 10 months ago

DFM only lost rounds to minor mistakes. GenG is just tough + better aim. DFM will diff most other teams on calling.

posted 10 months ago

if dfm are at the top of their group he'll blow up his house

posted 10 months ago

Their form is so much better than most of the other teams RN. I predict Top 5.

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

If they maintain their performance from the T1 game it's so on.

posted 10 months ago

All these appetisers just to get us warmed up for the DFM vs GENG banger.

posted 10 months ago

I'm mad I'm the only one who gets what show you referenced this from xD.

posted 10 months ago

Don't know if people watch high rank games but players tell each other all of the time about their ults. I watch nAts and every now and then his teammates tell him he has ult. He's a pro player and he doesn't take it like an insult. It's just a reminder.

posted 10 months ago

lmao, 40% female player base and half the male player base still can't interact with women.

posted 10 months ago

Mfs are too horny. Will find an engineer girlfriend and ask her to make sex toys. Ain't no way.

posted 10 months ago

Ah okay, he made it based on Better Call Saul still. I barely recognised it. original speech if anyone wants to know. Makes it even funnier.

posted 10 months ago
Ain't no way I got baited by this...It is literally Chuck's speech from Better Caul Saul when he takes Jimmy to court. If you've watched the show, you'll know. I was like "who tf says 'chicanery' in 2024...WAIT"

Well played alecksdesk, well played.

posted 10 months ago

Aint no way this is real. Who says "This chicanery!?" in a Twitter rant lmao.

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

He plays for impact kills only. He did not need to impact this game.

posted 10 months ago

Man I remember playing it for the first time in 2016. Such a banger game. The skill ceiling is through the roof now though, can't keep up.

posted 10 months ago

But I'm good at Forza bro, I can definitely go pro in Rocket League. /s

posted 10 months ago

Some people act like any CS pro could drop into Val today and win champs tomorrow. I have no issue admitting you can't just throw a Val player into CS and expect them to be a top player but why do people act like any CS player can do that in Val? Maybe this was true a few years ago but today? Nah, don't see it.

posted 10 months ago
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