Country: United States
Registered: February 16, 2022
Last post: May 1, 2023 at 1:45 PM
Posts: 138
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omen still seems to be the most picked on ascent , more pros r going for astra on haven
i think on lotus they r pretty even , split and pearl astra is better , fracture is an omen map , tho brim is better

what r ur thoughts ?

posted 11 months ago
  1. jakee
  2. bang
  3. marved
  4. s0m

Jawgemo ( idk why this guy is playing smokes it should be bcj smfh )

posted 11 months ago

raze , skye , viper , brim/astra , sage

posted 11 months ago

u sure ?

posted 11 months ago

can u play the premier mode without verifying ur sms ? Also if ur account is NA , do u have to use an NA mobile number or any number across the world works as long as u have it

posted 11 months ago

SR flowerful vs g2 mary vs c9 meL ?

posted 11 months ago

got rid of their 2 best players from last season dicey and rossy , idk why babybay is still on this team , and posied is the most mid IGL ever

posted about a year ago

I agree we should stop skrossi hate , BUT HE IS STILL AN ABSOLUTE BOT bruh theres no way he deserves to play in franchise league , tier 2 indian valorant suits him

posted about a year ago

apparently faze benched him which is kinda shitty considering hes better than babybay , even on duelist ( dont take diceys time as duelist on 100t into consideration , mans improved so much since then )

Now he's exclusively playing duelist in ranked , im guessing either a team in franchise picks him up as duelist / a NA vcl team does .... Hes a top player for sure theres no doubt abt it

posted about a year ago

i checked diceys tracker and he's been playing exclusively a lot of jett , some sage and raze . ( u guys might think it doesnt matter what they play in ranked but dicey only plays the agent he plays in pro games , when he played senti for faze this split , he only played senti in ranked as well )

Apprently rossy is benched , and babybay might move to flex role , second duelist / kayo

whod u guys think faze's 5th will be ?

posted about a year ago

im looking to go pro ,whats the minimum rank in india for the main tourneys

posted about a year ago

what has to happen in todays games for faze to qualify ?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

hes still the player he was back in chamber meta but hes playing the wrong role , Faze should do what g2 are doing , put dicey on jett or sage op and put babybay on neon raze kayo ( double duelist would be so much better for faze cause of how agro their play style is )

posted about a year ago

controller without a question

posted about a year ago

all this to get 26-0d by fnatic KEKW

posted about a year ago

mee lets go

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

their scrim scores got leaked , but they have switched up roles pretty massively

s0m - flex
ardiis - seninel
crashies - smokes
victor - primary initator
FNS - jett duelist

FNS going duelist is not much of a surprise since he is definitely one of the best mechanically insane players , intresting to see crashies on smokes tho

posted about a year ago

title ? would it be 3550 ?

posted about a year ago

yes , its dicey babybay poised supamen and rossy

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

lets go babaybay

posted about a year ago

,lets go quan ! time to take over ascension

posted about a year ago

sheeesh Big D followed by icey

posted about a year ago

this is soo good for faze

posted about a year ago

this is a big W for faze

posted about a year ago

lets goooooooooo

posted about a year ago

lets goo FaZe is winning

posted about a year ago

yoo pog

posted about a year ago

Quan "dicey" Tran

Your "mom" nice

get "rick" rolled

baby "babybay" bay

Supa "balls" men

Roster announcement video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbgzYK4m1vw

posted about a year ago

title . I basically think hes gonna be picked less now , astra might see more play , same with brim

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Whats gonna be the meta team comp ?

For duelist seems like jett and raze r really good
Fade for initator probably , maybe kayo as second initiator
Astra for smokes cause map is so big u need global range
Kj for sentinel
maybe harbour too ?

posted about a year ago

Babybay - jett op / duelist

Dicey - sentinel role ( cypher kj etc ) - hes been playing only cypher and kj in ranked so its safe to say he is switching to that role

Supamen - Controller

Poised - flex initiator

Unknown 5th - primary initiator

posted about a year ago

common dexter L

posted about a year ago

yeah but then astra has much more team util and can do anything with her 4 stars . U can have 4 smokes , 3 smokes and a succ . id say she is slightly better in the right hands

posted about a year ago

I think these 2 controllers are the only ones who can replace each other in a team comp , with brim being a must pick on fracture and viper on icebox ( bye bind and breeze )

Lots of pros r also picking more astra now than omen , she is better on split and pearl imo but omen is also very good
what do u guys think ?

posted about a year ago

its not that , he feels so underwhelming as compared to his only competetion - viper

posted about a year ago

S Tier - Jett ( no question , with chamber nerfs shes the only agent who can op well so yeah ) , Viper

A+ Tier - Kayo ( hard counter to cypher and kj ) , Omen , fade

A Tier - Astra(really good on pearl ascent and haven) , sova , Killjoy , cypher , raze , phoenix

B+ tier - Breach , Reyna , Sage , Brimstone

B tier - Neon , Chamber , Yoru , Skye

C tier - Harbor (rito pls buff)

u guys agree ?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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