Flag: United States
Registered: January 28, 2022
Last post: October 13, 2024 at 10:38 PM
Posts: 9

Because Ludwig doesn't want this go to midnight and because they've crammed 5 games + a show match into two days

posted 4 months ago

The issues with this team was roles and igling, Rory had the read this entire game so its clear they fixed that and the roles were so much better for everyone. If they can get Zack to be a universal flex, bringing Tenz back should be fine.

posted about a year ago

This thread aged well

posted about 2 years ago

Rossy can pretty much play all the Sentinel agents, GMD stays on smokes and Subroza plays the main initiator role with Fade and Breach

posted about 2 years ago

The issue is that when Rossy was playing Flex, he was actually pretty impactful but being relegated to essentially second intiator and support has really boomed his potential and is sorta a failing on their team play that he A doesn't get kills, b dies alot and c is left in unwinnable clutch situations.

posted about 2 years ago

TSM forgot that this was a ranked game for map 1 ggs

posted about 3 years ago