Flag: China
Registered: May 4, 2024
Last post: May 5, 2024 at 2:06 PM
Posts: 40

Wrong idea bro, I ain't into all that. Just curious if it was true.

posted 3 weeks ago

They wanted free league slot for SR btw

Is this true? Ain't no way people are hyping GC up this much.

What Riot is doing with GC is great but it also isn't supposed to be a free pass into VCT. GC players are being given an opportunity to compete at a high level and then ideally advance into the main league if a team picks them up.

And I don't want to hear the excuse that teams are rejecting female players based on gender (what people say happened to Mel) because Riot would swiftly remove those teams from the franchise the same way they forced the previous G2 CEO to step down for partying with Andrew Tate.

posted 3 weeks ago

True tbf, if I was a girl I would think simps are weird.

posted 3 weeks ago

born just in time to witness the collapse of society :')

posted 3 weeks ago

I know that Japan already has a lonely weeb problem with guys. Just weird to think that women would have the same problem with all the simps in the world.

posted 3 weeks ago

Saw a documentary about lonely women in Japan renting boyfriends. Made me think of how the west has the opposite problem of lonely guys renting girlfriends.

Is this true? Or just media making a big story out of nothing.

posted 3 weeks ago

so basically what non-controller mains have always done whenever they lock in smokes.

posted 3 weeks ago

ah i see. thx for info

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

there's pretty competitive people out there aiming for your spot

facts, there are 100s of tier 2 players who will happily take the spot xd.

posted 3 weeks ago

you ain't wrong.

there's a fine line between being "burned out" and just being lazy. if you're tired and drained after playing a lot of games and training, that is literally just normal. anybody who goes to school or works a job experiences this.

being burned out is when you physically/mentally can not do anymore because your body is completely done. you become cynical, isolated, confused all the time etc. it's a serious thing and we can't just be using it as an excuse whenever we can't perform. riot would be under a lot of heat if the league was giving players mental health issues.

posted 3 weeks ago

valorant CN literally has a twitch stream going rn.

in any case there is youtube

posted 3 weeks ago

Riot wants Chamber to be easier to kill, they'll never give back the 2nd TP. I miss it.

posted 3 weeks ago

I feel you. I do think this is the year.

posted 3 weeks ago

Fair, makes sense.

posted 3 weeks ago

PRX is literally one of the most popular teams in the scene and a huge part of that is their consistent international representation.

True that winning a trophy will give you clout but what good is that clout if you can't even be consistent. Gambit and Optic both disbanded after trophy wins, FNC and Loud have not been able to maintain form since their best splits, EG is literally exiting e-sports despite winning champs.

posted 3 weeks ago

But I don't get the value (to an investor) in a team winning a trophy for a split and then doing nothing else for a long time. SEN situation is a good example, if you invested in SEN stocks at Reykjavik you've been down bad for two years. If you invested in FNC stocks at Tokyo you've been down bad for almost a year. If you invested in PRX you're feeling pretty good.

posted 3 weeks ago

People under-estimate the value in PRX being able to finish top 3/4 consistently even if they have no trophies yet.

PRX as a valo org has earned more money than FNC, SEN and LOUD (trophy teams) simply due to consistency. They are only beaten by EG due to the champs prize pool. As an org, not having a trophy would suck but at least my team is consistently top place.

Edit: International recognition from being consistent is important too.

posted 3 weeks ago

Deadlock 'bout to go crazy

posted 3 weeks ago

...what PRX just did to T1?

That's what SEN needs to qualify.

posted 3 weeks ago

Top 3 teams qualify. Worst PRX can do is be in lower bracket final (top 3).

posted 3 weeks ago

Mods delete this degeneracy please. This site has under 18s who don't need to see this brain rot.

posted 3 weeks ago

You say that like these teams would do better in a different format though. Chances are the playoffs teams would be the same 6 teams and the bad teams would still be free wins like last year.

posted 3 weeks ago

Been thinking about all the hate this format has been getting but I think it only seems bad because teams have been unpredictable or underperforming.

-It's not the format's fault that in EMEA one group has all of the teams that decided to be good.
-It's not the format's fault that SEN won't make it if Loud can't stomp G2. SEN screwed themselves losing to EG.
-The fact teams are having to rely on other results to go through is their own fault for not playing better in their own games.

Only thing I don't like is the instant knock out game for the first round of playoffs.

posted 3 weeks ago

people were high on demon1 and ethan. they forgot potter and boostio were core to demon1 and ethan's success.

posted 4 weeks ago

im guessing 50/50. they will root for cn teams first of course but will show respect if cn goes out.

posted 4 weeks ago

blud has not been watching cn games xd. blg are hanging on by a thread.

posted 4 weeks ago

ngl even though i enjoy watching val esports i barely play the game. when i first found out about val it was my main game all day every day now i barely log in for a deathmatch.

posted 4 weeks ago

trying to get intelligent discussions out of a tiktok brained generation. good luck xd

posted 4 weeks ago

don't know why some ppl are so confident fnc will beat liquid. fnc hasn't looked great and a good performing liquid is an equal match to a good performing fnc. it comes down to whoever shows up on the day.

posted 4 weeks ago

it's not enough to make up for everything else imo. if you want a single controller you're not picking clove and if you want more than one controller then how much value is in that ability vs what other controllers offer?

posted 4 weeks ago

i'm sure they'll try like their iso experiment (which we've never seen again rip).

posted 4 weeks ago
  • used a lot in ranked because of self-supporting util (like omen)
  • won't be used a lot in pro play due to lack of supporting util + other agents do clove's job better

fpx clove game was muddy tbh but it showed what i suspected which is clove being underwhelming as a main or even second controller

edit: wait people were saying this weeks ago lmao. im out of the loop.

posted 4 weeks ago

you were saying?

posted 4 weeks ago