Flag: United States
Registered: February 12, 2023
Last post: November 28, 2024 at 1:33 AM
Posts: 9

Will Anybody Ever Love Me? - Sufjan Stevens

posted 3 months ago

Definitely bumping your take. "Aspas go kill" isn't going to work against Sentinels, LOUD, or NRG, and now it's shown to not even be able to beat C9. I feel like Aspas is taking the team in a direction where it's just "kill them all, win your ones" and expecting the rest of his team to do the same, but without duelist abilities and that fragging skillset. They aren't Paper Rex. Sure, Aspas can do that but higher tier supports like mazino and c0m are never going to thrive on that playstyle, and if Aspas and the rest of the team continues with this they're going to fall more and more behind.

posted 10 months ago

I have such fond memories watching this team, I remember their first broadcasted VCT match against Faze, where net got an ace clutch that first round. Guy's been so historically consistent. Don't know why he was let go but it better be a pretty good reason...

posted 10 months ago

Yep, Clove was played. Mimi and Mixwell played them.
They played solid, considering everything was so improvised

posted 11 months ago

you're so real for this take mate

posted about a year ago

They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth

posted about a year ago

This will be interesting. However the last prospect mCe scouted out of nowhere was Trent; I hope people hold judgment at least for the next week. Even if both these guys are Trent level, I don't have much faith Cloud9 have the time or team chemistry to beat EG, MIBR, or KRU level tems

posted about a year ago