they were never able to qualify anyway
why do u guys care? they are not a top team since the beginning of the game
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | March 18, 2021 |
Last post: | October 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM |
Posts: | 7724 |
they were never able to qualify anyway
why do u guys care? they are not a top team since the beginning of the game
hahahaha salty spanish fanboy
he is trash as jett u just have to accept it
should never ever touch jett again
he is too passive to play duelists
ive been saying this for the past year
almost bottomfragging with the most op agent in the game is just unnaceptable
less first kills than hoody who played breach..thats unreal
Very very very unlikely
VK not beat them once but two times
Imagine the team with 6 months+ pracc
have you ever heard about mwzera? :>
wish you could him play duelist
back at it testing new res 1440x1080
SA = south america
Please do not use it in any other way
very good for him given the fact that his jett is mediocre
You are clearly wrong
BR ranked > EU ranked (as said by many many pros who bootcamped in EU)
one was playing duelist, other not :>
mwzera destroyed ACE 2 times
ScreaM got decimated
You see the difference? :>
have you seen mwzera stats?
I GUARANTEE he has the best stats in the world with 500+ games.
triste demais...
tão começando a trazer player LATAM e agora até PT
"a grama do vizinho sempre eh mais verde"
players daqui são muito melhores...
this is so fckng sad
first they bring players from arg/chile and now even players from portugal
"grass is greener on the other side"
"mongrel complex"
our players are like 100x better than these people...
não sei como o aspas tem coragem de jogar profissionalmente com o sacy...
o careca quase acabou com a carreira do cara. todo jogo na ranked chamava o mlk de xitado, isso com 5, 6, 7k de players assistindo a stream, jogou um hate fodido pra cima dele. isso quando o aspas pegava 50 viewers, tinha mais gente xingando ele no chat do que viewer propriamente dito
espero que o sacy tenha aprendido a lição e pedido desculpa
PQP pdr na ingaming? isso q da ter amigos no cenário
o mlk eh imortal mano, pqp
tela grossa só abrir a live dele...
5k pistol round t side haven
please god no overrated jett players on top1~3....
he is online guys!
enjoy the content
i dont consider him a player at all. more like a streamer
zombs (we all know he is trash but people keep saying he has good utility usage and shouldnt be kicked because of it lmao. please just STOP)
he is not a pro tho?
more like a streamer
I literally carry this site alone.
Most replied user to date
Most upvoted/downvoted user to date.
isso eh bom pq vão tirar a imagem de superestimado do rik
ele n sabe porra nenhuma de tática mas ganha os méritos quando a HL vence
e justo nas séries mais difíceis ano passado, a HL pecou pra caralho no psicológico (nos únicos momentos que o rik seria útil, além de ficar marcando treino e compra passagem de avião)
na verdade a loud sabia O TEMPO INTEIRO da postura dele em relação a vacina.
pior que eh fato
maioria dos coachs br sabem porra nenhuma de tática
é mais um 'manager' que fica ali marcando treino, agendando voo, dando apoio psicológico do que coach propriamente dito
se o mw tivesse jogando 100% de jett igual Heat, tb mataria 30 por jogo
pessoal n consegue entender isso
12 kills in a row in dm
ofc I have to do this
you europeans and especially NA kids have no clue how good our players are
if you see a 'top5 sova players in the world' thread, what are the odds of seeing sacy there? probably something close to zero. people will even say something like hiko lmao
and sacy is probably the best sova player in the world...
we HAVE to do this. someday you will understand
ofc he is
heat não era ninguem ate esse ano
mwzera destruiu todos
e só não apareceu mais pq n jogou o segundo semestre, e depois enfiaram ele de sova
trust me you will hear a lot of mwzera in the near future ;)
eu apoio o onur 100%
pelo menos o cara eh homem de seguir seus ideais. não eh vendido
he is online!!!!!!!!!!!
KRU's run was a fluke
Like I said many many times
KRU's run was a 100% fluke :)
coldzera is above and beyond the most consistent CSGO player we've ever had and probably the only one well ever have. It's fair to say he's one of the best CS (all versions) players we've ever had
He's the most consistent pro by far, and unlike some player like Device he isn't just an eco fragger who saves 50% of rounds to keep his rating up
When his team struggles he's still on top. He performs better than anyone when it matters most: big events, majors, finals, clutch rounds
He's also versatile. He can awp, rifle, pistol, smg, and his movement is among the best we have ever seen
Dude tops every event, subjectively and statistically
s1mple may be the new f0rest in terms of absolute peak potential, but then coldzera is the NEO, who always gets the job done when it matters
and mwzera ofc will follow his path as the best valorant player ever
Don’t ever trust noyn when he says the words “dgzin” and “teddy”. Extremely biased opinions
jett (66% win rate)
sage (56% winrate)