Flag: Brazil
Registered: March 18, 2021
Last post: October 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM
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Recently, a female brazilian pro was kind of forcing male pro teams to pracc with them, otherwise the team would get exposed on twitter and lose reputation and get attacked by fans
Here is the tweet

This same female team got demolished yesterday in the VCT qualifier by a group of 5 radiant friends as you can see here

Let's go back to the past a little bit. Its the same female team that 'exposed' KRU's coach because he didnt want to pracc with them. He said he would only pracc against tier1 teams. And guess what? Brazilian community immediately turned against him like what he was doing was wrong and they got immensely attacked on social media

And guess what? KRU finished top4 in Champions...

What do you guys think?

Maybe thats why we are a tier 3 region right now?
Our praccs are getting worse and worse by time to time because of this
I dont think it happens in any other region

posted about 3 years ago

a b4 nao

acabaram de ser espancadas por um fake de 5 amigos

posted about 3 years ago

keloqz versus good teams xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

if your jett gets less than 20 kills a match he should be fired immediately

posted about 3 years ago

they always try but never made to closed

posted about 3 years ago

look at the amount of spanish fanboys lmao

you digged them out of the cave xD loved it

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

mwzera(when he used to play it) > cNed > heat > yay

rest is not impactful enough

posted about 3 years ago

you are not from europe

99% of your posts are about brazil

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

3-4 FUR, HL
5-8 NiP, GL, SHK, mibr

posted about 3 years ago

i dont think so
too many mistakes as a team

they won icebox which is the worst map from loud by far
they won both pistols on ascent (which are decided just by pure luck and it was clearly anti strat because LOUD played like 10 games in a span of 2 days), thats why it was close

posted about 3 years ago

good but we need to see him against tier 1 teams (HL, FUR,VK) from brazil yet

posted about 3 years ago

se o trembolona fala, vcs abaixam a cabeça e respeitam!


posted about 3 years ago

caralho botafogo buscou

gatti god

posted about 3 years ago

eu avisei.

LOUD eh MUITO mas MUITO superior. no primeiro mapa ficou bem claro

é que a icebox deles é fraquíssima mas deu pra ver que a mibr jogou toda descoordenada, overpeek, abrindo sozinhos, sem teamplay. um mapa dá pra ganhar na sorte, dois não.

posted about 3 years ago

eu aposto que a mibr nao faz mais de 15 rounds somando os 2 próximos mapas

podem anotar.

posted about 3 years ago

não sei como mibr ta ganhando

decisões totalmente erradas, overpeek, abrindo pixel sozinho, time sem muito templay
essa icebox da LOUD precisa ser vetada com urgência

posted about 3 years ago


da até dó do cara
nem respondi por isso
deve ser sub do xand

posted about 3 years ago


extremely biased

posted about 3 years ago

just look at the stats and impact he have

not biased, just check the stats

posted about 3 years ago


ING era DISPARADO o pior time do qualify cara kkkkkkkk
time tem pdr na line e como duelista ainda kkkk

posted about 3 years ago

mwzera > both

best duelist in brazil by far

posted about 3 years ago

LOUD amassando mas o teste real vai ser apenas contra VK, HL e FUR. Tem uma diferença bem grande esses 3 times + LOUD pro resto

posted about 3 years ago

MIBR looked good but they played the worst team

posted about 3 years ago

how do you know that?

you are 100% right but br fanboys would never tell u that

posted about 3 years ago

mwzera or sacy, I already explained about it

posted about 3 years ago

sim amigo, o grande xand com 0 títulos somando csgo e valorant kkkkkkkkk

posted about 3 years ago

tão hateando nosso menino no twitter

posted about 3 years ago

mibr entra bem pressionada pra esse jogo

se perder, o hate vai aumentar...

posted about 3 years ago

será que o dimas vai encaixar de jett? (embora ele já tenha jogado com o agente na VKS)

não acho ele tão explosivo como os outros duelistas br

posted about 3 years ago

bld ta forte mas acho que tbk ganha

vai ser um jogo bom

posted about 3 years ago

Obviamente torcendo pra NIP perder. Um time que tem xand merece a derrota, sempre.
E olha que o Jonn é uma das pessoas mais fodas do cenário, tanto in-game quanto fora, mas xand não dá.

Esse cara NUNCA vai ser bem sucedido, é a cara da derrota. Pesquisem a line da dexterity de CSGO em 2014. cold, felps, taco, xand...

Adivinhem quem dessa lista toda nunca ganhou porra nenhuma? sim, ele, xand. Até o TACO que tomava apavoro pros random lvl 20 da gc aqui no br ganhou dezenas de títulos e milhões de reais.

e o xand, cadê? com 30 anos e morando na casa dos pais ainda, sem UM mísero título.

Enquanto não mudar a postura prepotente e arrogante nunca vai ter minha torcida.

posted about 3 years ago

Well well well

Jonn, you are probably one one the nicest and skilled players in the BR scene. I'm really really sorry but I can't keep supporting you. I will never ever cheer for a team that has xand in the lineup.

This guy will NEVER be successful. He has "loss" printed in his face. Do some research and look for the DeXterity CSGO lineup in 2014, it consisted in: xand, coldzera, felps, taco...

Guess who in this entire lineup never won shit and by the way has the biggest ego? Yes, it's him, XAND. Even TACO who was a bad player even for brazilian standards won million of dollars and multiple world championships.

And guess where xand is? With 30 still living with his parents, without a SINGLE title
Unless he stops being arrogant and toxic towards people that play against/with him, I will NEVER support him. Bet you guys havent seen him in an off-stream ranked game :>

posted about 3 years ago

top 1-2 VK,LOUD
top 3-7 FUR, NiP, HL, GL, SHK

so top7-10

posted about 3 years ago

bnj eh forte mas se foi kikado da KRU eh pq tem algo aí...
bezn eh 'ok'. ponto positivo eh que tem exp de lan
jonn nao tava indo mt bem quando não jogava de duelista na GL. vão jogar com 2 duelistas?
xand não vou me pronunciar.

posted about 3 years ago


not like liquid who just clicked on retweet

posted about 3 years ago

thats not an announcement tho?

posted about 3 years ago

Why they didnt announce it in the official and global twitter?
Same for Liquid....

posted about 3 years ago

1) stage 3 had the worst teams
2) two best players left the team (axeddy + less)

posted about 3 years ago

duhT bem fraco de jett

incrível como tá escasso bons duelistas no cenário, n vejo nenhuma revelação de qualidade

posted about 3 years ago

tbh these matches were a waste of time
they basically played versus 5-man stack from ranked

I would rather pracc against real teams all these days

posted about 3 years ago

same player plays jett + astra and also jett+cypher

wtf is big doing

posted about 3 years ago
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