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Registered: November 5, 2022
Last post: August 18, 2024 at 1:59 PM
Posts: 31

shits more scripted than keeping up with the kardashians.

posted 7 months ago

its not even the elimination stage of the major yet haha. its like challenger series right now. i can asure u the finals of the csgo major will go up to 1 million again

posted 11 months ago

watching esport as of late, feels like watching WWE. seems so scripted for extra entertainment.

posted 11 months ago

its mostly evolution of nutrition. since protein became hyped by society and everything has to be high protein, most kids be balancing their hormones and therefor look good also mixed genes help alot which is pretty much 90% of the world nowadays.

posted about a year ago

na they just took it cuz it was in LA and scripted ^^

posted about a year ago

the more i watch this, the more i think of WWE, every action seems pre planned, pre scripted looks fkin odd. when 3 ppl stand in line without checking a silver spot.

posted about a year ago

who cares im sipping on my caipirinha.

posted about a year ago

na he probably just signed a blood deal with the illuminati to have this skillz.

posted about a year ago

drama just sells better nowadays. and ppl know this. fakee drama everywhere. i used to work for a pr agency, they would actually have a drama class for crisis/drama actors that were used to promote some one goin influencers.

posted about a year ago

hes got the kanye treatment, mk ultra. probably saw something he was not supposed to see and now, they got to him.

posted about a year ago

think the majority of streamers are forced to be streaming the game. and just wanna have a good time, dont take it serious and even when he doesnt take it as serious hes still pretty darn good.

posted about a year ago

100g oats
40g whey protein
10g peanut butter, sometimes coconut oil
some 80% dark chocolate drops on top

posted about a year ago

mk ultra program, google it ^^

posted about a year ago

scripted for entertainment and betting odds. welcome to franchise leagues.

posted about a year ago

valorant is way too much of a random game to ever have a team completely dominate the scene for a long period of a time.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

why the guy behind him looks like the crackhead around my corner is the biggest question.

posted about 2 years ago

ppl writing in twitch chat are either mentally retarded kids or ppl who lack the money to get a good therapist.

posted about 2 years ago

basically brazil crowd at any event haha.

posted about 2 years ago

Portions are way to big in america. when i was 14 i was there and the portion size is like 2-3 times as much as i get here in italy.
also everything is so freaking greasy there and the people also hardly walk anything per foot, u even have driving things for the supermarket ...
the least fat people i noticed in new york but mayb thats cuz alot of people in new york walk alot.

posted about 2 years ago

its summer in brazil. u think people will go inside an arena watch some video games? 30 degree outside. and u have many booties on the beach and good cocaine. leggo

posted about 2 years ago

pink hair dude, clearly would win that one. if he didn't had pink hair.

posted about 2 years ago

with the power of allah, everything possible but buddha >

posted about 2 years ago

not a single top private cheat has a wallhack or esp, its mostly trigger for information or awping and aimbot. logitech scripts for RCS are also pretty easy to make and would never really be detected cuz techincally they are not a cheat.

posted about 2 years ago

im a coder part of several private markets. ppl literally sell private cheats for 500 to 5000€ a month.
hard to detect cheating is happening way more than u think probably also in pro. at the end of the day the game is a code, if u have the knowledge or the money. u get away easy.

posted about 2 years ago

jjonak >

posted about 2 years ago

the last time we saw prod in pro games, im sure about that.

posted about 2 years ago

sad, but i think we're at times where we should just see suicide like a sideeffect of the disease called depression. this world is rotting in front of our eyes, and if one cannot feel happiness no more at all, its best for him to just end it. mayb im little sadistic but i always feel happy and joyful when ppl with really bad depression or old people who suffered for a long peroid of time just die.

posted about 2 years ago

baught award. wow many wow

posted about 2 years ago