Flag: Australia
Registered: July 30, 2022
Last post: February 14, 2023 at 7:55 PM
Posts: 6

i feel like its loud or nothing tbh

posted about a year ago

If they can Make Dapr a good kayo player, you wouldnt have to worry about flashes

posted about a year ago

If the Guard announce what the rumour is for their 5th (tex) they'll be looking very dangerous

posted about a year ago

they nerfed the wrong things

posted about a year ago

Following on from the thread a few days ago asking which pro player will fall from the chamber nerf, which pro will go back to another character and get better???

Honestly in terms of NA, Tex used to be an absolute machine on Kayo but then chamber came out (warranted that the NRG comp changed due to ethan joining)

Within in the last 90 days every game hes played as a pro has been on chamber.

Who do ya'll think

posted about a year ago

With the last 2 challengers winners in NA bombing out in straight sets, do you think NA should start implementing a system for challengers to be LAN instead of online???

seeing how its done in Asia and the atmosphere that japan gets it would be so fun, i also think that the round robin system would need some tweaking, for example condensing the schedule.
what does everyone think??

posted about a year ago