Flag: Argentina
Registered: August 24, 2024
Last post: March 26, 2025 at 2:57 PM
Posts: 88
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PROFEK and Elite 2 sides of the same coin

posted 4 hours ago

that could work ig but having more uses of abilities that supress isn't very fun to play IMO.

Also I think it would kinda overshadow kayo's knife (better ability cuz the drone actually shows people) and skye's dog (because the drone would recharge and also supress)

posted 7 hours ago

what about making the ability buyable with 1 missile being free and remove the recharge, so you could either use the two of them or each one separately while also maybe buffing the speed of the missiles so you can't spam them at the start of the round and then have some for post-plant or smth

posted 7 hours ago

w take

posted 1 week ago

a, a, a... j*b? what is he gonna do next? touch gr*ss? you've gone too far bro

posted 1 week ago

A visitor... Mmmm... Indeed. I have slept long enough. The kingdom of Heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit, I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities, and crush the armies of Heaven... you, shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, child of man, and DIE.

posted 1 week ago

I just try to help whenever I can, english isn't my main language and people helped me so much correcting me when I was learning so I try to help other ppl too lol

posted 1 month ago

not to be that person, but it's themselves not theyselfs, when using the -self or -selves suffix you should use the object pronoun (them in they/them) instead of the subject pronoun (they in they/them).

Don't want to be annoying but I just noticed that you use the suffix incorrectly in this and some other posts too 😊

EDIT: Also, for plural pronouns (they/them) you use -selves suffix (themselves). and for singular pronouns (she/her, he/him) you use -self suffix (herself)

posted 1 month ago

IMO both teams were good and both made big mistakes, like EDG losing all g2's ecos and g2 losing againste EDG clutching like 3 times. overall both teams played good and deserved first map

posted 1 month ago

TL's split wasn't good bro, this pearl OT is fun to watch.

also TH playing bad on kickoff doesn't have anything to do with my post lmao

posted 1 month ago

not like liquid's dumb OT

posted 1 month ago

atp G2 just needs to buy stingers all rounds and it's E-GG

posted 1 month ago

only thing I remember about them is TH losing against them in grand finals 😭

posted 1 month ago

this game is so good, I hope it goes 2-1. only thing that pisses me off is that EDG loses all g2's eco rounds

posted 1 month ago

asia vs eco round who wins

posted 1 month ago

TH losing that badly was horrible, their kickoff start was ROUGH and then getting 2-0'd then 3-0'd pmo so bad also watching m8, apeks and koi play was really boring ngl

posted 1 month ago

they went from grand finals EDG to E-GG

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

fax, flashback had some rounds on def and that's it

posted 1 month ago

so far kickoff was better, it was more fun watching my team get destroyed against liquid and vit than these 4 past matches

posted 1 month ago

I think I have a new model, I bought the mouse like a month ago maybe but IDK when did the resellers buy it so I maybe have a older model lol

posted 1 month ago

also check out the vxe r1 pro max (pro max model only) it is like the attack shark but with more battery and better software, I couldn't buy it because of bad argentina product importations from aliexpress.

I recommend you to go to eloshapes website, there you can compare mouse sizes and find one with a similar size to yours. the attack shark x3 is a bit thinner on like the right side, where the pinky rests but you eventually adjust

posted 1 month ago

I have the Attack Shark x3 pro, it's a good budget mouse (I live in Argentina and getting the g pro superlight is like 160-170 usd which is A LOT), the clicks will be heavier than the g305 though and you may need to adjust (I come from a g203 since like 2019 lol).

Overall I like the mouse, so far I had some micro stutters with it wirelessly but I live in area that the 2.4ghz band is really used up so it isn't a mouse problem. try getting a new version of it, older models have some connection issues I think

for you, coming from a g305 will need you to get used to this one, it is like 3 times lighter, the mouse clicks will be heavier (you won't notice it in valorant but maybe in something like minecraft for example) and the scroll wheel is a little bit worse but it's fine

posted 1 month ago

oh yeah, the thing is the 7900xt has 4gb more VRAM which is really useful at ultra settings, but the 16GB vram should be enough in the 7800xt

posted 1 month ago

I don't really know about prices in your country, but I don't think a r5 5600 with a 6700xt will be enough for 1400p at 360hz in valorant, and don't even think about AAA games at that high of a refresh rate (although 1440p 60hz-144hz at medium settings may work enough).

The 7900xt is not a 20% performance improve, it's much more than that (the 6700xt is a mid range card while the 7900xt is high end). if you plan on using a 6700xt with your cpu I don't really know if it is gonna reach 360hz at 1440p in valorant and you may need to improve your CPU or get a 240hz monitor

TLDR: you have a mid - low high end pc, you can play at 1440p but don't expect to get really high fps on AAA games at really high settings, valorant will work but you may need to upgrade your r5 5600 to get 360hz at 1440p. If you really want to play AAA games at high refresh rate with a 1440p monitor the 7900xt r7 9800x3d is a really good combo

posted 1 month ago

my humble plat 1 opinion:
Neon is unpunishable, her dash and movement velocity makes it super hard to kill her or for her kill me and her wall is just annoying. Overall dumb agent to play with and against (IMO), the only good thing about her is that she has a good stun

Tejo is an initiator that requires low skill and low elo people don't know how to use his mollies to initiate the duelist, the stun is never used and the drone is good I guess. My biggest issue with him is that most of my comp games have him as the only initiator and no one plays a second initiator with flashes like breach or gekko, making my jett entries 10x as hard as I have to clear a lot of angles and win a 50/50 duel

posted 1 month ago

what is G2 doing???!? how did jawgemo not die too like wtf???

posted 1 month ago

tbf it's probably the sensor that's bad not the low polling rate, polling rate only really matters if the mouse sensor is good

posted 1 month ago

the sensor on the office mouse is probably just worse too

posted 1 month ago

it should be a good pair the 7800xt with the r7 9800x3d, really overkill for valorant at 1440p 240hz though but pretty good if you want to play AAA games at high res with decent enough framerates.

If you plan on buying the 7800xt for heavier games, try finding the one with 16gb of vram

posted 1 month ago

a r5 5600 is a little weak for the 6700 xt but should be fine for valorant

posted 1 month ago

I mean, it's good for valorant. Idk if it's good enough for 1440p gaming on AAA games at high refresh rates (60+ fps) though

posted 1 month ago

it's 22 bit RSA though, nowadays 2048 bits minimum is used (I use 4096 bits RSA for my SSH keys for example) but it's still dangerous af

posted 1 month ago

I hope the chips are heavily restricted though, encryption is at risk with this much computing power. We're safe with RSA and sha256 for now, but give it a couple more years and we'll see it being decrypted through bruteforce

posted 1 month ago

JJK has to be more popular, a lot of non-anime fans know gojo and itadori

posted 1 month ago

thank you superross

posted 1 month ago


it has 4 layers and is made of light green concrete with black concrete for the face, it does like 1k per hour enough it's little but serves enough. 2 power rockets are better than 3 power rockets anyway

posted 1 month ago

I'd like to post a vod of how I play, I don't bait and entry with her. My defense could be definitely improved tho

posted 1 month ago


10+ loss streak across several days (no tilt-queue), look at my last season tracker to get an idea of how I play: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Ticua%23PRIME/overview

UPDATE: just won a 13-6!!!!!!!! +30rr in deadlock 15/10 (230 ACS) with almost no impact whole game, my mmr just sucks

posted 1 month ago

nah it's more like: plat is okay-ish mechanically but with little game knowledge, gold is chaotic with players that should be diamond and others that should be bronze and silver is just for casual players who don't play much and have some mechanical skill from other games.

People who say plat is like silver haven't experienced low elo

posted 1 month ago

jett, super easy to make entries and ppl in low elo don't know how to fight against her

posted 1 month ago

I hate reynas so much, selfish kit that doesn't provide anything for the team if they aren't good (which is the case most of the times)

posted 1 month ago

"can we talk about the geopolitical and economic state of the world right now" ahh vlr thread

posted 1 month ago

ts ts ts ts ts ts ts πŸ’”

posted 1 month ago

Hi Prasinos - It’s me, your only reader. For Months I have created the illusion that you are posting to a large audience. But here’s the truth: all these people in vlr are me. And now, for you to be convinced of this, I will send this message from all my accounts.

posted 1 month ago

are you a vlr user?

posted 1 month ago

damn πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

posted 1 month ago

I have them downloaded

posted 1 month ago
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