Flag: United States
Registered: November 21, 2021
Last post: April 23, 2024 at 8:33 PM
Posts: 6

it's 2021 all over again
win first masters
fumble domestically
lose internationally (champs)
rinse and repeat

posted 10 months ago

agreed valorant is too mickey mouse
put a CS pro in a game where their screen is full of shit and they will fold

posted 10 months ago

good pickup, he was solid on mxs

posted 11 months ago

I don't think copium is needed yet; both Gambit and SEN haven't played tournaments in a while, and when you go into a game against an LCQ team that has nothing to lose by losing and you have everything to lose by losing, there were probably just nerves and dumb mistakes for both GMB and SEN

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah 20 minutes is kind of dumb; legitimate bugs in pro League games don't even take that long to resolve. I doubt Riot did it to favor SEN like some Furia fans are saying tho; the length of the pause is quite consistent with previous rulings

posted about 3 years ago

Problem is it was listed in a list of known bugs given to all the teams; Furia knew it was not allowed and still did it, so it's kinda on them.
That being said, Furia did lose a lot of momentum to the pause

posted about 3 years ago