Country: United States
Registered: July 7, 2021
Last post: April 27, 2024 at 4:37 AM
Posts: 3

He's trying to get his bag. No shade to FNS, but he most likely does not have a special contract like consistently larger streamers (Tarik, HasanAbi, etc.) requiring him to stream a set number of hours + ad running. He would just have an ad incentive offer for being a partner that is giving him forecasted ad revenue based on running a set number of ad minutes per hour. Naturally, Twitch will try to encourage him to steadily increase the number of ads per hour/increase the frequency because they earn better when he runs shorter more frequent ad breaks than longer less frequent ones.

posted 3 weeks ago

For learning the fundamentals, a good source might be geeksforgeeks ( or to look at at a computer science textbook (or even wikipedia). GeeksForGeeks also has a guide on multithreading in Java if that is that language in which you are interviewing.

Leetcode has a few practice questions on concurrency:

My other suggestion is to go on reddit and search the subreddit of the programming language you use for multithreading tutorials, there will likely be many posts on the subject.

posted 2 months ago

Valorantle #35 4/8

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posted about a year ago