ggs although i dont think t1 was ever really going to win this
Flag: | United Kingdom |
Registered: | February 17, 2023 |
Last post: | February 27, 2025 at 1:43 PM |
Posts: | 77 |
ggs although i dont think t1 was ever really going to win this
this x100, when men criticise female artists online its almost never anything to do with their voices and mostly weird personal attacks to do with parts of their lives or their appearances
most of the men ive seen commenting on this ordeal are still sexualising her
no i mean its one thing to just repeat a meme that already exists its another to actually createe one, let alone one oriented around poking fun at beabadoobee
its not js the death threats shes been dealing with harrassment/being sexualised online since she was 17
heck even just defending her i was told 'she wont let you hit' by like 3 guys, lets be so fr shes an asian woman on the internet she's 100% been getting harassed by the no lifes
idk about a huge gap between zekken, jing and something
male race?? thats a new term
and lets be fr how many people who create memes actually have active love lives bc to actually make a good meme u gotta have spent too much time online away from any possible partner to know what u know
icl bro not all of earth has been on the fire ring explosion and laser eyes shitposting side of tiktok, employed people usually cant scroll for that long 💔
a big trend of 'artists who can sing vs artists who cant sing' memes came back from the dead, most of which labelling the artist who 'cant sing' as an indie artist names beabadoobee
the trolling has gotten to death threats in her dms so she came out complaining about the trend and now people are poking more fun at her and her boyfriend
again only terminally online people will have a top 5 list of corniest things
something she isn't
lowkey valid crashout for someone who isnt actually terminally online and took those memes at face value
so this isnt 'post sen vs drx thoughts' this is just 'post kickoff sen thoughts'
well yeah but every single drx that people thought looked poised to win something internationally couldnt even manage a domestic trophy, which is the biggest difference between the past versions of drx and the current one
haha yeah guys nobody even watched that second game lol how did liquid fumble
the difference being this drx iteration just won the first vct trophy for the org ever
brilliant scouting by drx to pick up those two
i hope so i think we've got a seriously good chance of at least top 3 this tournament assuming we don't choke
drx just pulled out some intergalactic valorant gameplay but the entire recent discussions list is talking about sen put some respect on their names
actually valid there are too many special needs individuals who seem to think trace clears all of pacific and emea
VIT 3-1 TL
i like tl but i think they need a bit more time given that VIT is like mostly comprised of major trophy holders atp
i will be reading and enjoying but u dont have to put the key phrase of every sentence in bold lol in highlighting everything you highlight nothing
i love my team raze diff on map 5
theres no point talking about liquid vs koi if the liquid on your screen right now is kinda clearly not the same one you saw then
looked in the mirror sharp as a bullet got damn i love my mullet
you dont think its slightly disingenuous to call the current drx the same as 2021 vision strikers when they only have 1 player in common??
why are people downfragging when its lowkey true drx has never been grouped in any tournament bracket
when a regular team plays its either you stand still or your bullets dont connect, in sen games you get crouch walking 1 bullet spray headshots, falling headshots off of ropes and even more crouch walking 1 bullets that otherwise dont hit the enemy until it finds their head out of the blue
is this like the craziest strat saving conspiracy or something what are they up to
?? im so confused flashbacks performance was stronger than makos 23/24
ohhh so much goom its all over me ohhhhh i love goom
wow, thanks for the heads up.. will keep a look out for goomlings in my area.. crisis averted
Goomana is being tested on exposed human brains, turning them into goomlings.
whats the issue with termi tho like i dont properly get it he was kinda innovating in 2023
idk for starters argentina and venezuela having the 2 highest inflation rates on the planet
idk bro im just taking this at face value, if a team somehow has zero sponsors besides being ran by a steam key store that nobody knows about outside brazil then im not exactly crazy for thinking tier 1 might be a bit more than they can afford
oh yeah youre right altho ive never heard of them before this so i imagine theyre just big in like south america
idrk i imagine they would have the name of the steam key store on their shirts if that was the case
bro tbh im not sure even you believe that because even you are brazilian but cant bring yourself to put a brazilian team on ur profile
their shirts didnt even have their logo and are made out of like dollar tree cotton i doubt it
these guys have no sponsors or any real funding. this is different from the gaurd situation, 2g literally just cant afford franchising, and i dont want na having another empty spot.
this isnt riot 'financially helping' the worse orgs, this is riot basically having to own and run 2g because these guys have no money if they want to be franchised
I don't think there's any debate on it anymore DRX should have the strongest abyss internationally