Flag: United States
Registered: October 10, 2022
Last post: December 17, 2023 at 6:51 PM
Posts: 31

keenc is "non-binary" but is really just a guy that couldnt hack it in non-GC and decided to move to GC for less competition. guy was never marginalized out of non-GC, doesn't present as anything other than just some guy, wears masks at events to hide his face cause he has a beard, and on top of all that does the classic degenerate guy thing of creeping on teenagers

posted about a year ago

the .001% of gc would be so far behind in a game with regular males it would be immediately obvious

whats this mean

posted about a year ago

shopify died for this

posted about a year ago

not going to assume this was an isolated incident in the team, but also someone else pings spawn

posted about a year ago

you're not going to find any proof but this is what cheaters do. believe me many moons ago i was a young cheater that would also turn at just the right time to notice someone flanking me and get the frag

posted about a year ago

imagine if AC wouldnt have gotten them they would have gotten away with all their other bullshit. i remember someone on here saying how hard it was to fool anykey just a couple days ago. lmfaooo

posted about a year ago

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1942692581 4:45:38 very suspicious timing

posted about a year ago

never been a more obvious group of losers throughout this whole tournament. just sad it took this long. cya l8r

posted about a year ago

when you make up your name you can be whatever you want

posted about a year ago

misfits cleared with other unfair advantage. unfortch

maybe now people will stop overrating how taxing it is to play a video game all day. this shit is not hard

posted about a year ago

smurfette has one of the dumbest playstyles ive seen in my life

posted about 2 years ago

to add to the screenshots we have the following:

keenc was playing in non-gc teams up to january this year and it sure didnt seem like not succeeding was due to gendered reasons but rather that they just werent good enough
keenc has deleted all social media prior to around march
keenc sure seems to present as just like, a guy. not sure how they are disadvantaged by prejudice that legitimate trans-women and non-binary people face

unfortunately the vagueness of non-binary is such that you cant really prove anything unless keenc explicitly tells someone that they are faking, but cmon we all know whats going on here lol. it was obvious someone was going to try this shit at some point

posted about 2 years ago

well they arent taking advantage so theyre cool

posted about 2 years ago

because its just some t3 washout guy pretending to be non-binary to compete in GC

posted about 2 years ago

col 2-0 SR due to 'non-binary' tier 3 washout keenc

posted about 2 years ago

facts. person plays on non-gc teams up to january this year and can't hack it and deletes all tweets prior to march this year when they decide to go the GC route? okay 👍👍

posted about 2 years ago