Flag: Australia
Registered: May 12, 2022
Last post: January 24, 2024 at 8:26 AM
Posts: 51

If we're talking abt bind specifically i dont think Breach would work cause Skye was mainly used as a free early info gatherer where teams could just send a bird at the beginning of the round and still have 2 flashes to be used int he middle of the round.

If breach were to be used then theyd have no reliable info gatherer which makes it significantly harder. So I personally think Sacy's gonna be playing either Sova, Fade or Gekko (sleeper pick tbh low key think itd be strong) on bind

posted about a year ago

from what i remember kyedae called crashies something along the lines of "scrawny fuck" or something similar after a sen vs envy match which she got a lot of hate for.

Idk what the faze marved thing is, could be referring to when marved said kyedae is the type of person to cheat and that he would fuck her on LAN

posted about a year ago

vlr page changed zekken to zellsis for the match so not bait?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

no way that guys not a baiter

posted about a year ago

Note: I have absolutely no insider source so its all gonna be speculation and guesswork but anyways here we go

First off the South American teams are highly unlikely so thats half the teams gone, leaving us with SEN, C9, EG, 100T, NRG and G2. Its probably not SEN cause their teams pretty much fixed already and its probably not EG considering they're broke rn.

Leaving us with C9, 100T, NRG and G2. Now the whole reason the leaker community is giggling away and refusing to give the community any news is cause its "gonna give everyone a surprise" So either the move will be REALLY hype or it would be something no one would ever expect. It's probably not 100T considering they're going budget team (I think?) If we're going by hype then yay to NRG will be the most logical. If we're going by unexpectedness then...well all 3 of the remaining teams are sorta expected, but I reckon C9 would be the most likely considering the "role issues" are solved and also itd be pretty funny but then again C9 is also going budget. It could also be G2 but that would be way too underwhelming honestly.

In conclusion, for AMERICAS, the 2 most likely teams are NRG and C9, personally if I had to chose it would be NRG. However given all the "hype" around yay's move I would be surprised if he actually joined an NA team cause that wouldn't really warrant the "Haha you'll never guess where he's going" reactions of the reporters
Same as before we get rid off non-english speaking teams first so FUT, BBL and Gentle Mates are gone. FNC is also unlikely since their roster is pretty much confirmed. I don't really know much about the current situations surrounding the teams in EMEA so I can't really analyse that deeply but if I had to choose from the remaining teams I would say its either TL or KC. Team Liquid cause looking at Flynn's spreadsheet they're still missing a duelist on their team. It could be KC cause that would be a VERY unexpected move and would definitely warrant a "No one would've guessed" reaction.

In conclusion, from the EMEA side I think its gonna be TL or KC
Pacific is a tough one cause theres like no info on half the teams but I reckon it isnt gonna be ZETA, DFM, GENG and DRX UNLESS they decide to build a roster outside of only JP/KR. I dont think its TALON but the only way I ever see yay goin there is cause him and b0i were on andbox???? yeah it just seems unlikely. It could be T1 considering Sayaplayer hasn't been re-signed yet but that would just be a weird move if you think about it. Probs not PRX as well since Something is alr a top level duelist and their core is pretty strong so i dont see them getting replaced this year. It could honestly be TS cause it seems like everyone's forgot abt them and they're missing a duelist but I highly doubt yay would go there. In all honesty its probs between GE and BLEED. But if I had to guess itd be GE but BLEED apparently does have the 💰🤑💰soooooooooo

TLDR for those who cant read allat: GE, KC, BLEED, NRG, C9
Honestly id put my money on GE and KC. KC especially cause I would understand why "itd be funny seeing everyone's reactions" from the leaker's POV

posted about a year ago

im calling it rn its actually so obvious

posted about a year ago

The 1.7% statistic is technically wrong since it includes conditions like Klinefelter syndrome and such. The actual statistic is much much lower unless the definition of intersex has changed and is now an umbrella term for those conditions lol

posted about a year ago

The journalism elitists are actually going to give me a brain aneurism. I do not give a flying fuck if they have a journalism degree and can write long ass articles about things that can be summed up in 1 or 2 sentences. Your job is to report information, thats it. That's all your job is. Theres nothing so grandiose about it. It doesn't matter whether people like james_ff are "real journalists" or not, but what does matter is the fact that he's spending time reporting and providing new information to the masses.

All I've seen the "real journalists" do is trying to gatekeep and bring down someone providing information other people are interested in and it's actually annoying. I understand theres skill and study required to become a journalists that is taught in a journalism degree like interview skills, content curation and investigation skills. But we're talking about valorant journalists (TMosura and ds_santos) and i see none of that in them. The only journnalism "skill" I've seen them showcase is write stretched out articles and regurgitating information. I'm not saying the work they do is entirely useless, but it's not really that amazing is it?

Credit where credit is due tho, george geddes on the other hand is not a bad reporter, he has connections and information other people might not have access to. However he acts like a dick ass sodomite online and is honestly really hard to like. People like james_ff are trying to gather information through the best means they can but geddes is sitting on his high horse giggling at "the basement dwelling gremlins" cause he thinks hes allat.

"But hes just looking at stream vods anybody can do that 🤓"
Well at least hes taken his time to do something no other person has bothered to do.

He's keeping the community interested in the valorant offseason while the "real" journalists are banding together to mock him cause his popularity hurt their ego and "damaged the journalism integrity" or smething.

TLDR: Val journalists are not allat and people like james_ff's efforts to at least try get information to the community should not be mocked by people having a superiority complex

posted about a year ago

reincarnation of suicidal battle god is good

posted about a year ago

I mean they did say Oda was part of the production

It probably wont be as bad as other anime live actions, but no hopes for it to be a masterpiece

posted about a year ago

read allat

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

SEA and Australians finally have a good timezone for watch


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Im gonna have to watch as the new KRU roster changes somehow makes them 10x better than before and destroys SEN. Not even a fantasy at this point the SEN curse is too strong

posted about a year ago

Noyn says Sacy's gonna retire at the end of this season, can't find any other evidence that suggests this tho
Is man just guessing?

Source: https://twitter.com/Noynvlr/status/1656044688799875107

posted about a year ago

Rob Moore lurks on vlr.gg confirmed!!!!

posted about a year ago

wasn't there a whole episode about how she wanted a "half open relationship" and got mad when Sick also found someone else, and then refused to move out or something?

I dont really remember what happened after that someone fill me in i stopped following the situation.

posted about a year ago

perfect time to match fix 😈

wait what

posted about a year ago

no way

posted about a year ago

i mean yeah????

posted about a year ago

yeah and hes probs contract locked so he cant play anymore this year

posted about a year ago

RRQ is literally cosplaying EG rn

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

DSG unnerved pretty cold ngl

posted about a year ago

yeah only way out is if his contract had a clause where if he's benched then he's allowed to leave...

But ain't no way rob moore allowing that to happen so hes probs not gonna play for the rest of the year until his contract expires

posted about a year ago

honestly would be pretty sick if tenz joined the team and they won ascension

posted about a year ago

oh wow looks like he really got benched... pulled an all nighter with ranked = no scrims?

posted about a year ago

he left cause they kept him as a sub and wasnt getting playtime probably

posted about a year ago

I wake up happi😀 i take a shit💩i go to vlr☹️ i see 20 tenz 🔟threads and few sacy traitor sacy snake 🐍🐍threads🤯😅‼️i am now depression😞tenz my beloved please stunt on these hoes🥹🙏ill wait forever for you, you’re the best‼️🔥💯💯

posted about a year ago

dapr got beef with SEN players or he just likes Less cause thats smething he would do?

posted about a year ago

as an OCE fan

Im just happy to be here 😭

posted about a year ago

not related to the recent situation at all but istg its always been "Sykko" and not "Syyko" wtf

was i just tripping balls or what?

posted about a year ago

fuck man what have u done

this threads about to take a massive shit on tenz

posted about a year ago

Sykko drops 80+ kills and 26-0 Lev

posted about a year ago

KC 🗿

posted about a year ago

yes pls

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

makes me question what i've been doing with my life when i recognise every single one 💀

posted about 2 years ago

honestly i recommend just going on scanlation sites like asurascans, reaperscans, flamescans, voidscans, realmscans (for manhua), zeroscans etc. Theres a lot to choose from and most of them are fairly good quality.
If you want some good power fantasy hype action type shit then i'd recommend:
SSS class suicide hunter
levelling with the gods
nano machine
mercenary enrollment
world after the fall

posted about 2 years ago

What do i do now?
An Outsider's Way In
Is There No Goddess in my College
Is There an Empty Room
Elf Who Likes to Be Humiliated

posted about 2 years ago

Huge W

posted about 2 years ago